IWP_CUSTOMIZING - ILM Workpackage: Customizing

The development package IWP_CUSTOMIZING contains objects for "ILM Workpackage: Customizing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IWP. It belongs to software component BC-ILM-RW.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package IWP_CUSTOMIZING

IWP_AUTH_IOBJDefinition of Infoobjects to be used for authorization
IWP_DB_AREAAudit Areas
IWP_DB_AREATDescription of audit areas
IWP_DB_AREA_NDHierachy of the audit area
IWP_DB_AREA_NDTDescription of a folder in the hierachy
IWP_DB_REPOSRetention Warehouse: Repository
IWP_DB_REPOSTRetention Warehouse: Repository Description
IWP_DB_REPOS_FRetention Warehouse: Repository Fields
IWP_DB_REPOS_FTRetention Warehouse: Repository field description
IWP_DB_REPOS_SRetention Warehouse: Repository structures
IWP_DB_REPOS_STRetention Warehouse: Repository structure description
IWP_DB_SETSet of tables
IWP_DB_SETTSet description
IWP_DB_SET_FFields of the set
IWP_DB_SET_SStructures of a set
IWP_GEN_CONFIGConfiguration of BI extraction
IWP_GEN_SETTINGSDefine Settings for Parallelization
IWP_HIER_PROPProperties of a hierarchy
IWP_IOBJASSDefinition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJASS_CPDefinition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_IOBJA_APTDefinition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJA_APT_CPDefinition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobj. (copies)
IWP_IOBJA_PTDefinition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJA_PT_CPDefinition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_IOBJ_CUSTDefinition of Customer specific Infoobjects
IWP_IOBJ_CUST_CPDefinition of Customer specific Infoobjects (copies)
IWP_KEYMODAdoption of the key field order
IWP_NAV_ATTRDefinition of Navigational Attributes for Master Data
IWP_NAV_ATTR_VPDefinition of Navigational Attributes for Virtual Providers
IWP_PARAApplication Parameters
IWP_REPOS_BWAvailable Tables for BW
IWP_REPOS_BW_CAvailable Tables for BW - Customer adoptions
IWP_REPOS_BW_VAvailable Views for BW
IWP_REPOS_BW_V_CAvailable Views for BW - Customer adoption
IWP_TABTYPTable attributes
IWP_TEXTTABAssignment of Texttables to Definitiontables
IWP_TRANS_ATTRIBTransferattributes of a table
IWP_VP_CUSTField mapping for Virtual Providers
IWP_WPPAudit Package Template
IWP_WPPTAudit Package Template
IWP_WPP_FFields of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_RRelations of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_SStructures of an Audit Package Template
IWP_WPP_VViews of an Audit Package Template
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