J1AI - Extended Inflation (FI)

The development package J1AI contains objects for "Extended Inflation (FI)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-LOC.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package J1AI

J_1A030IFAccount Determination for Inflation Revaluation Postings
J_1AIFSKVZInflation Revaluation G/L Account - Transaction Figures
J_1AINFINVInflation: Invoices for Replacement Value Determination
J_1AINFMBWMaterial Master - Inflation
J_1AINFMETInflation Methods
J_1AINFMTXInflation Methods: Description
J_1AINFMTYInflation: Relevant Movement Types
J_1AINFPCLFI Inflation adjustment: Process control
J_1AINFSKSInflation Keys - G/L Account
J_1AINFSKTText Table: Inflation Keys - G/L Account
J_1AINFT01Inflation: Index Definition
J_1AINFT02Text for table J_1INFT01
J_1AINFT03Inflation: definitive index ( values )
J_1AINFT04Time base definition
J_1AINFT05Name table for table J_1AINFT04
J_1AINFT06Time base and exposure to inflation values
J_1AINFT08Composed index
J_1AINFT09Date lock table for inflation indexes
J_1AINFT12Posting variant definition
J_1AINFT13Name table for table j_1ainft12
J_1AINFT14Valid posting dates
J_1AINFT15Inflation: index version ( reference table )
J_1AINFT16Warehouse report ( data of previous fiscal years )
J_1AINFT20Inflation: Index Definition
J_1AINFT21Text for Table J_1INFT01
J_1AINFT22Index Versions
J_1AINFT23Inflation: Index Versions (Reference Table)
J_1AINFT24Index Values
J_1AINFT25Composite Indexes
J_1AINFT26Date Lock Table for Inflation Indexes
J_1AINFW_FILESForeign Currency Inflation Adjustment: File Management
J_1AMINFCLMaterial Inflation Class
J_1AMINFCTMaterial inflation class texts
J_1AOIFWVLOpen item foreign currency valuation: temp. storage
J_1ASKCLSAccount class
J_1ASKCLSTAccount class text table
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