J1BA - Localization Brazil

The development package J1BA contains objects for "Localization Brazil".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-LO-BR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package J1BA

A322Country/Tax Jur./Key 1/Key 2/Key 3/Tax Group
A374Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl3Cust/TaxCl.3Mat
FIAPBRD_ISPBBrazil: Febraban Bank Identification at SPB (ISPB code)
FIWTBRC_TDS_THRStore daily threshold amount for Brazil withholding tax
IDSDTXNUMVISSD Document Screen Control for CPD Partner Tax Numbers
J1B_ERROR_DDAMaster Table for DDA_Brazil (Segment G)
J_1BAANota Fiscal type
J_1BAATNota Fiscal type text
J_1BABReference type
J_1BABTReference type text
J_1BACPartner type
J_1BADPartner function ID
J_1BADTPartner function description
J_1BAEField groups
J_1BAEHField group (Header)
J_1BAEHTField groups header description
J_1BAEITField group (Item)
J_1BAEITTField groups item description
J_1BAETField groups description
J_1BAGNCFOP with Version Number
J_1BAGNTCFOP with Versions: Description
J_1BAGTCFOP description
J_1BAITNCM Code Description
J_1BAJTax types
J_1BAJTTax types - Description
J_1BAKField assignment
J_1BAKHAssignment of Field to Field Group (Header)
J_1BAKITAssignment of Field to Field Group (Item)
J_1BALScreen control group assignment
J_1BAMScreen control groups
J_1BAMDATASELField Selection at Master Data
J_1BAMHScreen Control for Fields (Header)
J_1BAMHTScreen control groups header description
J_1BAMH_CScreen Control for Fields (Header)
J_1BAMH_CTScreen control groups header description
J_1BAMITScreen Control for Fields (Item)
J_1BAMITTScreen control groups item description
J_1BAMIT_CScreen Control for Fields (Item)
J_1BAMIT_CTScreen control groups item description
J_1BAMTScreen control groups description
J_1BANStatus control
J_1BAOCFOP determination for incoming movements and their return
J_1BAONCFOP Determination Incoming and their Returns (versioned)
J_1BAOXCFOP det. for incoming mov. and their return (exceptions)
J_1BAPCFOP determination for outgoing movements and their return
J_1BAPNCFOP Determination Outgoing and their Returns (versioned)
J_1BAPXCFOP det. for outgoing mov. and their return (exceptions)
J_1BAQTForm description
J_1BARSub-object for number Nota Fiscal
J_1BARTSub-object for number Nota Fiscal Description
J_1BASTax situation IPI
J_1BASTTax situation IPI - Description
J_1BATL1TTax Law ICMS - Texts
J_1BATL2TTax Law IPI - Texts
J_1BATL3Tax Laws ISS
J_1BATL3TTax Laws ISS - Texts
J_1BATL4TTax Laws COFINS - Texts
J_1BATL5TTax Laws PIS - Texts
J_1BB2Nota Fiscal print configuration
J_1BB2DYNAMICNota Fiscal Print Configuration dependent on dynamic key
J_1BBANDCredit/Debit Card Company
J_1BBANDTCredit/Debit Card Company Description
J_1BCBTAXPROCCalculation Procedures for Condition Based Tax Calculation
J_1BCFOPVERCFOP Version Numbers
J_1BCFOPVERTCFOP Version Text Table
J_1BCFOP_XREGRegions with CFOP extension
J_1BCFOP_XREGNRegions with differing CFOP version and extension
J_1BCONDMAPInternal Codes for Tax Conditions
J_1BCONDMAPTDescription of Internal Codes for Tax Conditions
J_1BCONDTAXACTActivate Condition-Based Tax Calculation
J_1BCTE_CFOP_DETCT-e CFOP Determination Law
J_1BCTE_D_DOCREFReference to the NF-e being transported
J_1BCTE_D_RESInformation about resource
J_1BCTE_PAR_MAPCT-e: Mapping to NF-e Partner Function
J_1BCUST_SCFSELField Selection for Customer Master Data
J_1BDF_STAT_TAXSet Tax Type as Statistical for Specific Scenarios
J_1BDOCTYPESNota Fiscal Document Types
J_1BDOCTYPESTDescription of Nota Fiscal Document Types
J_1BECD_CUST01ECD: Government Entity Codes
J_1BECD_CUST02ECD: Qualification Codes of Person Responsible
J_1BECD_CUST02TTexts for Qualification Codes of Person Responsible
J_1BECD_CUST03ECD Person Responsible
J_1BECD_CUST05ECD Register Category
J_1BECD_CUST06ECD Intercompany Data
J_1BECD_CUST07Inter-Company Relationship Codes
J_1BECD_CUST07TTexts for Inter-Company Relationship Codes
J_1BECD_CUST08TTexts for Purpose of Subledger
J_1BECD_CUST09Accounts for Summary Postings from Subledgers
J_1BEFD_BADIBAdIs available for Ato Cotepe 82
J_1BEFD_COUNTRYBCB Country Code for Brazil
J_1BEFD_INDXJ_1BEFD_INDX - Serialization of the obj. in Ato Cotepe 82
J_1BEFD_LOGElectronic fiscal file log
J_1BEFD_MAT_TYPEEquivalence of custom material types to standard types
J_1BFIFOINIncoming FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)
J_1BFIFOOUTOutgoing FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)
J_1BFORMULA_MAPBrazil: Formula Determination
J_1BIM01MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management
J_1BIMFIMovement Types for Vendor Invoices (Brazil)
J_1BIMPCONDASAssign Tax Types to Tax Groups for Import Data Upload
J_1BIMPLAYOUTRecord MS Excel Layouts for Import Data
J_1BIMPLAYOUTTText Table for Layout Descriptions
J_1BIMPXLSMAPMap MS Excel Columns to Data Structure Fields
J_1BINCOInstruction codes
J_1BINCO2Instruction code 2
J_1BINCO2TInstruction code 2 description
J_1BINCOTInstruction code description
J_1BITEMTYPESNota Fiscal Record Types
J_1BITEMTYPESTDescription of Nota Fiscal Record Types
J_1BIV04Goods Receipts Passed to Notas Fiscais via Inv. Verification
J_1BIV05BUZID with special handling for NF
J_1BKON1Brazilian Tax Groups Included in Price Conditions
J_1BLFA1_MATNRMapping table for material numbers (for brasil. Sintegra)
J_1BLFA1_REC55Information for generating record type 55 referred to GNRE
J_1BLPPAverage Tax Rates for Reimbursement
J_1BMMKON0MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal
J_1BMMNFARelatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BMMNFATSymbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BMMNFTTMM: Allowed automatic texts
J_1BMMNFTUMM: Allowed automatic text key description
J_1BMMNFXMM: Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts
J_1BMMNFXTMM:Text used in automatic creation of NF header texts?
J_1BMODFRETE_DETFreight Mode Determination
J_1BMODTEXTTexts for Modelo 1 and 2
J_1BMWSKZKALSMAssign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax Code
J_1BNFADD_INFOFree Usage Fields for Additional Information
J_1BNFCPDNota Fiscal one-time accounts
J_1BNFDANG_GOODSControl derivation of automatic NF texts for dangerous goods
J_1BNFDOCNota Fiscal Header
J_1BNFENUMCHECKNF-e Number Range - Last checked Number
J_1BNFENUMGAPNF-e Numbering Gaps
J_1BNFEPARKDOCNota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BNFEPARKLINNota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BNFEPARKTAXNota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failed
J_1BNFEPAYMENTPayment Information table
J_1BNFEPHARMAMedicines and Pharmaceutical Raw Material
J_1BNFERFCBATCHNF-e documents to be send via Report J_1BRFCBATCH
J_1BNFETRACEProduct Traceability
J_1BNFE_ACTIVEElectronic Nota Fiscal: Actual Status
J_1BNFE_CANCELRNF-e: Reason for Cancel / Skip
J_1BNFE_CANCELRTNF-e: Reason for Cancel / Skip - Description
J_1BNFE_CB_ICMSBenefit Code for ICMS Tax
J_1BNFE_CB_ICMSTBenefit Code for ICMS Tax Description
J_1BNFE_CONTINNF-e: Contingency Control
J_1BNFE_CONTINRNFe: Reason for Contingency
J_1BNFE_CONTINRTNFe: Reason for Contingency # Description
J_1BNFE_C_CCECFGCC-e Event Correction Letter Fields Configuration
J_1BNFE_C_CCECFTDescriptions CC-e Event Correc. Letter Fields Configuration
J_1BNFE_D_CCEFLDCC-e Event Corr Letter Fields
J_1BNFE_EVEGROUPGrouping Table for allowed internal Events
J_1BNFE_EVEGRPEntity Table for Event Group
J_1BNFE_EVEGRPTText Table for Event Group
J_1BNFE_EVEMAPLink Table for Internal & external Events
J_1BNFE_EVENTNF-e Events Table
J_1BNFE_EXPORTExportation Control
J_1BNFE_EXTEVEntity Table for External Events
J_1BNFE_EXTEVTText For External Events
J_1BNFE_HISTORYElectronic Nota Fiscal - History
J_1BNFE_INTEVEntity Table for Internal Events
J_1BNFE_INVALIDElectronic Nota Fiscal: Invalid Status Actions
J_1BNFE_JOBLOCKTable for locking jobs (Deprecated)
J_1BNFE_MAP_TYPENF-e: Mapping of Inbound Msg Types to Internal Status Codes
J_1BNFE_MATORGMapping of material origin out/in
J_1BNFE_PAR_MAPMapping to NF-e Partner Function
J_1BNFE_PROCSettings for NF-e Business Processes
J_1BNFE_PROC_CTProcess Attributes Display Control
J_1BNFE_TEC_RESPTechnical Responsible Data
J_1BNFE_UOM_MAPUnits of Measurement
J_1BNFFTXNota Fiscal header message
J_1BNFFUELNota Fiscal: Fuel Details
J_1BNFIMPORT_ADINota Fiscal Data for Additions/Items of Import Documents
J_1BNFIMPORT_DINota Fiscal Data for Import Documents
J_1BNFITMRULERules for Nota Fiscal Item Type
J_1BNFLINNota Fiscal line items
J_1BNFLWCONDTax Law Conditions Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BNFNADNota Fiscal partners
J_1BNFPHARMACEUT[OBSOLETE] Medicines and Pharmaceutical Raw Material
J_1BNFREFNota Fiscal reference to header message
J_1BNFREFPROCAdditional Information: Referenced Processes
J_1BNFSTXNota Fiscal tax per item
J_1BNFSUGARDEDUCTaxes and Contributions on Sugarcane
J_1BNFSUGARSUPPLDaily Supply of Sugarcane
J_1BNFTRAILERTrailer Information
J_1BNFTRANSVOLTransported Volumes
J_1BNFTXCONDTax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BNFTYPEREDLFNota Fiscal type determination for NFe by Vendor
J_1BNFTYPEREDMMNota Fiscal type determination for NFe
J_1BNFVEHICLENota Fiscal: Vehicle Details
J_1BNFW_SCCScreen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCCITScreen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCCITTDescription of Screen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCCIT_CScreen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCCIT_CTDescription of Screen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCCTScreen Control Description
J_1BNFW_SCC_CScreen Control for Tabs and Subscreens (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCC_CTScreen Control Description
J_1BNFW_SCGGroup for Tabs and Subscreens (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCGAAssignment of Tabs/Subscreens to Group (Header)
J_1BNFW_SCGAITAssignment of Tabs/Subscreens to Group (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCGITGroup for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCGITTDescription of Group for Tabs and Subscreens (Item)
J_1BNFW_SCGTScreen Group Description
J_1BNF_PLANTSPlants of same Bus. Place for which Nota Fiscal is created
J_1BPAGPayment Method
J_1BPAGTPayment Method Description
J_1BPISCOF_BASEDefinition of a configurable base for PIS / COFINS
J_1BPIS_C_CFOPIndicate if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situation
J_1BPIS_C_CFOP2Indicates if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situation
J_1BPOSCOUPONSPOS-Database Coupons (Brazilian)
J_1BPOSREDUCTIONPOS-Database Reduction (Brazilian)
J_1BPRODCODProduct Code
J_1BPRODCODTProduct Code Text
J_1BSDICNF relevant Item Categories
J_1BSDICASales Document Item Category table
J_1BSDKON0SD: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal
J_1BSDNFARelatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BSDNFATSymbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts)
J_1BSDNFXArgument used in automatic creation of NF header texts
J_1BSDNFXTText used in automatic creation of NF header texts
J_1BSDTXCSD Tax code determination
J_1BSERVASSIGN1Assignment of Official to Generic Service Types
J_1BSERVASSIGN2Assign Service Type to Material Number
J_1BSERVASSIGN3Assignment of Official Service Types to Service Numbers
J_1BSERVTYPES1Official Brazilian Service Types - Incoming
J_1BSERVTYPES1TTexts For Official Brazilian Service Types - Incoming
J_1BSERVTYPES2Official Brazilian Service Types - Outgoing
J_1BSERVTYPES2TTexts For Official Brazilian Service Types - Outgoing
J_1BSTASTReg. Tax code for Sub.Trib.
J_1BSTSCODENFe Status code
J_1BSTSCODETNFe Status Code Description
J_1BSWITCHTable for Brazilian switches
J_1BT007Tax Codes (Brazil)
J_1BTANPTANP Description
J_1BTAXGRPCDAssign Tax Group to SD Internal Codes
J_1BTAXSITCOFTTax situation COFINS - Description
J_1BTAXSITISSTax situation ISS
J_1BTAXSITISSTTax situation ISS - Description
J_1BTAXSITPISTax situation PIS
J_1BTAXSITPISTTax situation PIS - Description
J_1BTCENQIPI Legal Classification Code
J_1BTCENQTCENQ Description
J_1BTCESTICMS ST Legal Classification Code
J_1BTCESTDETICMS ST Legal Classification Code Determination
J_1BTCESTTICMS ST Legal Classification Code Description
J_1BTCNAETCNAE Description
J_1BTCOMSIZECompany Size
J_1BTCOMSIZETCompany Size Description
J_1BTDECREGPCDeclaration Regimen for PIS/COFINS
J_1BTDECREGPCTDeclaration Regimen for PIS/COFINS Description
J_1BTFISC_IDTax Incentive ID (Incentive ID) table
J_1BTFISC_ID_SDTax Incentive ID (Incentive ID) for SD table
J_1BTFISC_INCTTax Incentive Type table
J_1BTICMSTAXPAYTICMS Taxpayer Description
J_1BTINDTYPIndustry Main Type
J_1BTINDTYPTIndustry Main Type Description
J_1BTLEGALNATTLegal Nature Description
J_1BTMAN_TC_RSNManual Tax Code Reason table
J_1BTMAN_TC_RSNTManual Tax Code Reason table - Texts
J_1BTNBSNomenclature services table
J_1BTREGCTax regions for foreign countries
J_1BTREGXTax region
J_1BTREGXTTax region description
J_1BTREG_CITYTax Jurisdiction Codes by Range of Postal Codes
J_1BTSPEC_CFOPNota Fiscal Special Case for CFOP Determination table
J_1BTSPEC_CFOPTNota Fiscal Special Case for CFOP Determination Texts Table
J_1BTTAXDETTax Determination - Validity
J_1BTTDTTTDT Description
J_1BTXCI1Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rules
J_1BTXCODESEQSequence for Tax Code Determination
J_1BTXCOFTax Calculation: COFINS
J_1BTXCONDMap Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condition Types
J_1BTXDEFTax calc.: Default rates
J_1BTXGRUOPDynamic Determination of Tax-Related Master Data
J_1BTXIC1Tax calc.: ICMS general rules
J_1BTXIC2Tax calc.: ICMS rules
J_1BTXIP1Tax calc.: IPI rules
J_1BTXIP2Tax calc.: IPI rules (material dependent)
J_1BTXIP3Grouped IPI
J_1BTXIS1Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales
J_1BTXIS3Grouped ISS
J_1BTXISSTax Calculation: ISS
J_1BTXJURTax Jurisdiction Codes For Brazilian Tax Calculation
J_1BTXJURTText Table For Brazilian Tax Jurisdiction Codes
J_1BTXLAWSEQSequence for Tax Law Determination
J_1BTXPISTax Calculation: PIS
J_1BTXSDCSD tax codes
J_1BTXSDCTSD tax codes - description
J_1BTXST1Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules
J_1BTXST2Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules (general)
J_1BTXST3Dynamic Calculation of Substitui��o Tribut�ria
J_1BTXSTGTax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group
J_1BTXSTGTTax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group - Description
J_1BTXWITHWithholding Tax Calculation: Rates and Collection Codes
J_1BVEND_SCFSELField Selection for Vendor Master Data
J_1BVIEWMAPMap Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables
J_1B_CBT_CHECKSCondition-Based Tax Calculation Brazil: Checks
J_1B_NFTYPEBRCHNota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Branch for SD
J_1B_NFTYPEREGNota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Region for SD
J_1B_PO_TAX_MAPMapping from pricing condition to tax condition
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