J1I2 - India, Phase II

The development package J1I2 contains objects for "India, Phase II".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-LO-IN.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package J1I2

A375Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl2Cust/TaxCl.2Mat
A376Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl4Cust/TaxCl.4Mat
J_1IADDEXCAdditional Excise rate table
J_1IASSVALAssessable value table for excise calculation
J_1IBILDETBilling Type Determination - India
J_1IBOSDEFAULTDefault Blling Type for Export
J_1ICALOCAllocation of materials to assets
J_1ICUS_BILL_TYPAssign Customer Category to Bill Type
J_1IEXCACCExcise Account Assignment table
J_1IEXCDEFTax default informations
J_1IEXCDEPExcise information of vendor at detail level for depot
J_1IEXCDTLExcise invoice line item details
J_1IEXCHDRExcise invoice header detail
J_1IEXCREFDelivery document to excise invoice refrence document link
J_1IEXESTAExcise indicator determination for co / cust / form code
J_1IEXGRPSExcise Groups
J_1IEXSRDETExcise / Series group determination
J_1IFRDTOTTransaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non SAP docs.
J_1IFRDTPOtranasction Table for Forms Tracking for Purchase
J_1IFRDTSOTransaction table for Forms Tracking for Sales.
J_1IFRMTYPForm Types
J_1IGAR7Recordings of GAR7
J_1IGRXREFGoods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Reference
J_1IINDCUSCompany Code Settings
J_1IITMDTLItem Details - for Capital goods and subcontracting
J_1IKONVExcise recalculated conditions
J_1IMATEXPExceptional materials excise rates
J_1IMESGMessage Control
J_1IMINBALMinimum account balances
J_1IMVMTMovement types versus register relevance
J_1INEWJCODEVAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code
J_1INEXCGRPexcise group for no range
J_1IPART1Excise part I detials
J_1IPART2Excise Part II details
J_1IQRDEPQuarterly Returns Depot structure
J_1IREGSETExcise Registrations
J_1IREJAPPLRejection code for Applications
J_1IREJAPPL_TRejection code description for Applications
J_1IRG1Excise RG1 details
J_1IRG23DRG23D register for the depot
J_1IRGSUMRG23 Summary of receipts and issues
J_1IRTXDTax Code Assignment
J_1ISERACCService Tax Account Assignment
J_1ISERCATService tax category description table
J_1ISERCATGTAService Category based on GTA Code (LEVEL 5)
J_1ISERCATMMService category determination for GTA and imports Invoices
J_1ISERCATMM1Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1
J_1ISERCATMM2Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2
J_1ISERCATMM3Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3
J_1ISERCATMM4Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4
J_1ISERCATMM5Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5
J_1ISERCATMMFI1Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1
J_1ISERCATMMFI2Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2
J_1ISERCATMMFI3Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3
J_1ISERCATMMFI4Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4
J_1ISERCATSD1Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1)
J_1ISERCATSD2Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2)
J_1ISERCATSD3Service Category based on Material (L3)
J_1ISERCATSD4Service Category determination based on Material Group (L4)
J_1ISERCATSDFI1Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1
J_1ISERCATSDFI2Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2
J_1ISERCATSDFI3Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3
J_1ISERCATSDFI4Customization table to determine the Service Category Level4
J_1ISERUTZTracking accounting docs already utilized for service tax
J_1ISER_BSEGTransaction table having the Invoices with Service Category
J_1ISRGRPSExcise Document Series
J_1ISSIRATssi concessional rates
J_1ISTAPPLTax applicability
J_1ISTRATESales tax set off percentages
J_1ISUBTYPSubtransaction type text
J_1IT030KIndia Tax account determination ( T030K + BWMOD )
J_1IT059AIndicator to mention tax exemption
J_1ITCCNUPDOpen Contracts for Tax Migration
J_1ITCJCMAPTax code and Jurisdiction code mapping
J_1ITCJCUPDATETax Migration: Open Document History
J_1ITCPOUPDOpen Purchase Orders for Tax Migration
J_1ITCSAUPDOpen Scheduling Agreement for Tax Migration
J_1ITDSDUETDS Payment due date customization
J_1ITRANTransaction code
J_1ITRNACCTransaction code vs accounts
J_1IVATDATEMaintain Valid from date of VAT legislation in India
J_1IVATINVOICEBilling type determination for VAT
J_1IVATREGIOStates Under VAT regime
J_1IWRKCUSPlant Settings
J_1I_BCKEXCSUSCustomizing table for background capture of Exc Invoice-SUS
J_1I_INDXIndia System Table INDX for Octroi in PO
J_1I_WTH_SER_GTATable to determine withholding line for GTA
J_1I_WTH_SER_MMTable to determine withholding line for GTA and Imports
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