J1UF - Localization Ukraine: FI

The development package J1UF contains objects for "Localization Ukraine: FI".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package /CCEE/UA. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-FI-UA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package J1UF

J_1UDAM: Depreciation factor
J_1UFASCLAsset Classes: Additional parameters
J_1UFCM_CUSTDistribution Coefficient for Cash Method
J_1UFCM_PAYMPayment amounts for TI/TC created by Distributed Cash Method
J_1UFCM_SRCSource FI Documents for XML (Distributed Cash Method)
J_1UFCM_TITIs/CTIs created for XML by Distributed Cash Method
J_1UFCM_USERUser Status for XML
J_1UFCM_USERTUser Status for XML text table
J_1UFDI_BASD_XMLReferences from CTI to Base FI Document and TI-XML ext. key
J_1UFDI_FILE_TBLFiles for tax document register record
J_1UFDI_LOGUA E-Invoices: History of Statuses
J_1UFDI_OTCALVConditions for TC items output to define TI items references
J_1UFDI_SPTXCODETax Codes Relevant for Types of Reasons
J_1UFDI_TXDOCOUTTax Documents Types output definition
J_1UFDI_TXDOCTYPTax Documents Types relevant for inclusion in Register
J_1UFDI_USERSUsers Master Data
J_1UFDI_VAT_ADMData from Electronic VAT Administration System
J_1UFINCTIUSAGEIncoming TI items used for outgoing TI creation
J_1UFPD_ANNEXPNProfit Tax Declaration - Annex PN
J_1UFTASSGROUPDefinition of Tax Groups for Assets
J_1UFTICONTENTOutgoing TI items created based on incoming TI (XML)
J_1UF_AN6TAX_EXMVAT Return AN6, tax not paid to the budget
J_1UF_BELWMKTTax Invoices relevant for Below market Price processing
J_1UF_BLNC_MAINSettings for Balance Sheets
J_1UF_CLR_REFReferences to Clearing doc for which no tax docs needed
J_1UF_CONTRACTRe-calculation contract
J_1UF_CONTRPERTable for Contract Summary Tax Voucher Schedule Settings
J_1UF_CONTRREFContract Summary Voucher Reference Documents
J_1UF_CURR_CONVCurrency convertion documents
J_1UF_CUSTTAXCustomer tax data on a time basis
J_1UF_CUST_RE01Parked Tax Voucher - Reaction Customizing
J_1UF_ERRCORSpecial Tax Documents for error correction
J_1UF_FEA_CUSTActivation of FEA codes for 2012
J_1UF_FINAL_CLRClearing documents for which no tax documents needed
J_1UF_FORM7Customizing table for temporary tax differences
J_1UF_INCTAXREFReferences for incoming tax documents
J_1UF_INV_REFDocument references to FI Invoice processed items
J_1UF_INV_REF_LDocument references to FI Invoice processed items
J_1UF_MKTPRPOSTax Invoice Positions with Market Prices
J_1UF_MR_CUSTExch.diff.accounting customizing
J_1UF_NAKL_MAINTable of main customizing for generating tax documents
J_1UF_NAKL_RELEVCustomizable table for checking relevant documents modules
J_1UF_NN_REFProcessed Document references to Tax Invoice
J_1UF_NN_REF_LProcessed Document references to Tax Invoice (long item num)
J_1UF_ORD_IN_TAXOrder data used in tax vouchers and corrections
J_1UF_OUT_ITEMSOutgoing TI items based on items of incoming XML TI
J_1UF_PROFITDECLSetting profit declaration
J_1UF_REEIN_NUMIncoming Documents in Unified Register
J_1UF_REEI_XML_AXML table for J_1UF_REEI with User
J_1UF_REE_NUMDocument Numbers in Register
J_1UF_REP_XMLXML table for J for J_1UF_REP
J_1UF_REP_XML_AXML table for J_1UF_REEI with User
J_1UF_RES_XMLXML table for J_1UF_RES
J_1UF_SUM_RELDefining of invoices relevant for tax doc
J_1UF_TAX21_AN2Reimbursement amount for annex 2 of VAT Declaration UA (new)
J_1UF_TAXDEC_SELSelections for tax declaration
J_1UF_TAXDIFFERCustomizing table for temporary tax differences
J_1UF_TAXGENCustomizing for UA VAT Relevant Reports
J_1UF_TAXPOS_FIReference from TI/CTI positions to source FI positions
J_1UF_TAXPOS_TIReference from CTI positions to TI positions
J_1UF_TAXPOS_XMLReference from TI/CTI positions to XML positions
J_1UF_TAX_A1_T12UA, VAT Return, Unregistered Tax Invoice for Annexes 1 and 5
J_1UF_TAX_AN2Reimbursement amount for annex 2 of VAT Declaration Ukraine
J_1UF_TAX_AN4_T1Table 1 Annex 4 (AT Declaration Ukraine)
J_1UF_TAX_AN4_T2Table 1 Annex 4 (AT Declaration Ukraine)
J_1UF_TAX_AN4_TBTable 3B Annex 4 (AT Declaration Ukraine)
J_1UF_TAX_AN7_T3Table3 for Annex 7: recalculation of share use prepaid tax
J_1UF_TAX_AN7_T4Data for Annex 7 Table 4 of VAT Declaration UA (from 2018)
J_1UF_TAX_MAINTax Declaration and Clarification Declaration
J_1UF_TAX_MAIN_1Tax Declaration: List of additions
J_1UF_TAX_MAIN_2Tax Declaration: Results of inspections
J_1UF_TAX_POSExtended data of tax document positions
J_1UF_TAX_SUBPOSExtended Material Data of Tax Document position
J_1UF_TPTransfer pricing: main customizing table
J_1UF_TP_AGGREGAggregated Items
J_1UF_TP_ANNEXT2Annex TP: Table 2
J_1UF_TP_BSEGCORItems of Corrective documents
J_1UF_TP_BSEGORIItems of Original documents
J_1UF_TP_DOCTYPEDocument types relevant for company code
J_1UF_TP_FORGForeign organization data for transfer pricing
J_1UF_TP_GRINFInformation Sources in Transfer Pricing Group
J_1UF_TP_GROUPTTransfer pricing groups definition table
J_1UF_TP_GRPRFTProfitability Codes in Transfer Pricing Group
J_1UF_TP_GRPRICEPricing Methods in Transfer Pricing Group
J_1UF_TP_INFCONDSource of Information for Operation Control
J_1UF_TP_INFCONTSource of Information for Conditions of Controlled Operation
J_1UF_TP_LIMITSLimits for define controllable transactions
J_1UF_TP_MAINMain Information of Notification
J_1UF_TP_MATOCPTMapping materials to OCP (classification of products)
J_1UF_TP_MAT_OCPMapping materials to OCP (classification of products)
J_1UF_TP_MERGEDMerged Items
J_1UF_TP_PARAMParameters for Transfer Pricing Ukraine.
J_1UF_TP_PARTNControlled contractors
J_1UF_TP_PARTYControlled contractors
J_1UF_TP_PRICESIntervals of Market Prices of Controlled Transactions
J_1UF_TP_PSTransfer pricing: Code based for operation price ordinary
J_1UF_TP_PSTTransfer pricing: Code based for operation price ordinary
J_1UF_TP_REL501Related parties. Interdependency code 501
J_1UF_TP_REL502Related parties. Interdependency code 502
J_1UF_TP_REL503Related parties. Interdependency code 503
J_1UF_TP_REL504Related parties. Interdependency code 504
J_1UF_TP_REL505Related parties. Interdependency code 505
J_1UF_TP_REL506Related parties. Interdependency code 506
J_1UF_TP_REL507Related parties. Interdependency code 507
J_1UF_TP_REL508Related parties. Interdependency code 508
J_1UF_TP_REL509Related parties. Interdependency code 509
J_1UF_TP_REL513Related parties. Interdependency code 513
J_1UF_TP_RELATRelated parties
J_1UF_TP_RELATNSRelated parties
J_1UF_TP_REN508Related parties. Interdependency code 508
J_1UF_TP_REN509Related parties. Interdependency code 509
J_1UF_TP_REN510Related parties. Interdependency code 510
J_1UF_TP_REN511Related parties. Interdependency code 511
J_1UF_TP_REN516Related parties. Interdependency code 516
J_1UF_TP_REN523Related parties. Interdependency code 523
J_1UF_TP_RENTABRentability Codes for Transfer Pricing
J_1UF_TP_RENTABTTransfer pricing: Rentability Codes text table
J_1UF_TP_RESGRPInformation of Notification. Grouping
J_1UF_TP_RESOPRInformation of Notification. Operations
J_1UF_TP_SCRTransfer pricing selection criteria definition
J_1UF_TP_SCRACCSelection Criteria: Accounts
J_1UF_TP_SCRAFNRSelect options for Order Number
J_1UF_TP_SCRKSTLSelect options for Cost Center
J_1UF_TP_SCRMTNRSelect options for material
J_1UF_TP_SCRPRCTSelect options for Profit Center
J_1UF_TP_SCRPSNRSelect options for WBS element
J_1UF_TP_SCRSSelect options for accounts
J_1UF_TP_SRCINFOSource of info to determine normal price
J_1UF_TP_SRCINFTSource of info to determine normal price
J_1UF_TP_TRANPCTransfer pricing table for transaction party codes
J_1UF_TP_TRANPCTTransfer pricing: transaction party codes text table
J_1UF_TP_TRANSTTransfer pricing type of transactions
J_1UF_TP_TRANSTTTransfer pricing: type of transaction text table
J_1UF_VATDEC_AN2Data for Annex 2 of VAT Declaration UA (from 2016)
J_1UF_VAT_AN8Document list for Annex 8
J_1UF_VAT_DISTRVAT distribution coefficient for Ukraine
J_1UF_VAT_DISTRHVAT distribution Ukraine.Posting date/VAT date customizing
J_1UF_VAT_EXEMPVAT Return, Exemptions
J_1UF_VAT_EXEMPTVAT Return, Exemptions
J_1UF_VAT_OPTYPEVAT Declaration Lines 3 and 4 Grouped by Operation Types
J_1UF_VAT_OPTYPTVAT Declaration Lines 3 and 4 Grouped by Operation Types
J_1UF_VENTAXVendor tax data on a time basis
J_1UJ_UOM_CONVUkrainian Specific UOM conversion
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