J3RALF - Localization Russia - Legal Forms

The development package J3RALF contains objects for "Localization Russia - Legal Forms".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-FI-RU.

Child development packages of J3RALF

Tables for development package J3RALF

J_3RF_TTAX_NPRRussian transport new tax priv. values and justifications
J_3RPTAXVALDefine Depreciation Areas for Property Tax Calculation
J_3RTTAXADVPMNTSAdvanced payments for russian transport tax
J_3RTTAXPLATON"Platon" payments per vehicle
J_3R_CAUTHOutput control for Goods Withholding Authorization
J_3R_CLFCTCustomizing table for cluster tables
J_3R_CLFORMLegal forms
J_3R_CLFORMCMPLegal forms in company
J_3R_CLFORMTDescription of legal forms
J_3R_CLFT10TXTCustomizing Table for TORG-10 Text Types
J_3R_CLNRELDATNot relevant gathered data of Legal Forms
J_3R_CLNRELPARNot relevant parameters and select options for Legal Forms
J_3R_FATAXTransport Tax Data
J_3R_FATAX_DECLHDeclaration Header (Transport, Property Tax)
J_3R_INV26_SETTable Grouping of General Ledger Accounts
J_3R_INVDIFFOffsetting inventory differences of goods
J_3R_INVDIFFGRInventory differences groups
J_3R_INVDIFFGRTGroups of inventory differences: (Text table)
J_3R_INVDIFFMATMaterial group assignment to group of inventory difference
J_3R_LFHDRLegal form header
J_3R_PTAX_ABROADTax Paid Abroad Property tax
J_3R_PTYPE_SECTConnection Between the Property Types and The Decl. Sections
J_3R_STRDIV_TDTable of Structural Division Intervals
J_3R_T520S_EXService fee (payment) text key description
J_3R_T520S_EXTService fee (payment) text key description; text table
J_3R_TAX_SETTINGSettings for Transport & Property Tax (eg. Struct. div.)
J_3R_TTAX_ECATVehicle price categories for russian transport tax
J_3R_TTAX_ECATTText table for vehicle price categories (ru transport tax)
J_3R_TTAX_ECOEFCoefs for vehicle price categories for russian transport tax
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