MCEX - Extraction Interface LIS-BW

The development package MCEX contains objects for "Extraction Interface LIS-BW".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PI-BIW. It belongs to software component LO-LIS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package MCEX

MC02M_0ACCSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC02M_0ACC
MC02M_0CGRSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0CGR Storage
MC02M_0HDRSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OHDR
MC02M_0ITMSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OITM
MC02M_0SCLSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OSCL
MC02M_0SCNSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SCN Storage
MC02M_0SGRSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SGR Storage
MC02M_0SRVSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OSRV
MC03BF0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03BF0
MC03BX0SETUPBW Stock Initialization Storage for MC03BF0
MC03UM0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03UM0
MC04PE0ARBSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB
MC04PE0COMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0COM
MC04PE0MATSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0MAT
MC04PK0KANSETUPKanban Setup table for MC04PK0MAT
MC04P_0ARBSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0ARB
MC04P_0COMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0COM
MC04P_0MATSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0MAT
MC05Q1_INSPSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q1_0INSP (Check Results)
MC05Q2_INSPSETUPBW Reorganization for MC05Q2_0INSP (Inspection Results)
MC06M_0ITMSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC06M_0ITM
MC08TR0FKPSETUPStorage BW Reorganization for MC08TR0FKP
MC08TR0FKZSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0FKZ
MC08TR0TKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TK
MC08TR0TLPSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TLP
MC08TR0TSSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TS
MC11VA0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0HDR
MC11VA0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0ITM
MC11VA0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC11VA0KON
MC11VA0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0SCL
MC11VA0STHSETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STH
MC11VA0STISETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0ST
MC11V_0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0ITM
MC11V_0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL
MC11V_0SSLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL
MC12VC0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0HDR
MC12VC0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0ITM
MC12VC0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0SCL
MC12_PUFFERInterim Buffering for MC12 Deltas?
MC13VD0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0HDR
MC13VD0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0ITM
MC13VD0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC13VD0KON
MC40RP0REVSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB
MC43RK0CASSETUPBW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Cashier
MC44RB0RECSETUPBW Reorganization Store DUMMY for POS Sales Receipt Data
MC45PD0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45PD0LST (Posting List)
MC45VD0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)
MC45VS0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)
MC45W_0HDRSETUPFolder: BW setup for MC45W_0HDR
MC45W_0ITMSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45W_0ITM
MC45W_0LSTSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC45W_0LST
MC47M_0BVSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC47M_0BV
MCEXHASHLO Extraction - Memory Tabele for Hash Values
MCEXLOGFile for saving logs
MCEX_COLLR_INDEXIndex for Executed Logistics Extraction Collective Runs
MCEX_DELTA_BACKBackup Table for Logistics Extraction Queues (MCEX*)
MCEX_DELTA_DOCDelta Update Logistics Extraction
MCEX_DELTA_UPDDelta Update Logistics Extraction
TMCEXACTLO Data Extraction: Activate Data Sources/Update
TMCEXCFSLO Data Extraction: Field Status of Communication Structures
TMCEXCFZLO Data Extraction: Field Status Comm. Structures (Customer)
TMCEXEVELO Data Extraction: Events/Extract Structures
TMCEXLOGLO Data Extraction: Logfile Control of Applications
TMCEXMPMultiprocess Modes Logistic Extraction
TMCEXMPTMultiprocess Modes Logistic Extraction Texts
TMCEXPRAControl Table for LO Extraction-XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM
TMCEXUPDLO Data Extraction: Update Control of Applications
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