OIC - MAP Marketing, Accounting and Pricing

The development package OIC contains objects for "MAP Marketing, Accounting and Pricing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-MAP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIC

A422DRC: Sales Area/Material/Wide Area Pricing
A429DRC: Sales Area/Material/State License Fee Zone
A430DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country
A431DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Region
A432DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country/DRC Region
OICDCDifferential Reference Code
OICDTDifferential Reference Code - Texts
OICGNGross/Net Rule Defaulting
OICMIMetropolitan Indicator
OICMTMetropolitan Indicator - Texts
OICNUGross/Net volume UoM relationships
OICPLCustomer price list
OICQ1Formula Repository - Formula Header
OICQ2Formula Repository - Formula Term
OICQ3Formula Repository - Formula Term Item
OICQ4Formula Condition Data - Formula Header
OICQ5Formula Condition Data - Formula Terms
OICQ6Formula Condition Data - Formula Term Items
OICQ7Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance CI-Incl.in OICF1)
OICQ8Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance CI-Include in OICF2)
OICQ9Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance CI-Incl.in OICF3)
OICQCNTLControl Table for F&A Repository
OICQOILF&A Oil Table for Repository Default
OICRDSecond level pricing report output definition table
OICRDTReport column description
OICSLState License Fee Zone
OICSTState License Fee Zone - Texts
OICWAWide Area Pricing Zone
OICWTWide Area Pricing Zone - Texts
OIC_KONVConditions (Procedure Data)
OIC_OIANFFee Condition Records
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