OIH - TDP Tariffs, Duties and Permits

The development package OIH contains objects for "TDP Tariffs, Duties and Permits".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-TDP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIH

A423Customer Specific Tax (FOB)
A424Exception for States (FOB)
A425State Tax FOB
A426State Tax on delivered goods
A433Customer Specific Tax (FOB) - Federal
A434Incoterms / Material group 2 - Federal
A442Full Rate Excise Duty Company/Plant/Tax Group
A443Red Rate Exc Duty Comp/Plant/Tax Group/Handling Type
A444Two-step transfer with tracking sign
C410Chart of accts / Account key - acct assign for ED rev
OIH01Excise Duty Rates Table
OIH01AExcise Duty Rates Table
OIH03Excise duty posting control
OIH07TDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling Type
OIH07ATDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling Type
OIH08Default values for external procurement functions
OIH08ADefault values for external procurement functions
OIH09Excise duty defaults for Stock Transfers
OIH10License Requirements Tab
OIH10ALicense Requirements Tab
OIH11Defaults for ext. sales functions
OIH11ADefaults for ext. sales functions
OIH14Tax rate revaluation - obsolete
OIH16Internal/external price conditions
OIH18Price indicator (oih16-INEX) text table
OIH19Assignment between license regime and reference license typ
OIH2Excise duty tax group (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH20License types
OIH20TLicense type text
OIH21Assignment: License type to condition type
OIH22Interstate excise table
OIH25TDP additional checks for purchasing
OIH26License Requirements Tab
OIH26ALicense Requirements Tab
OIH27TDP additional checks for sales
OIH2TDuty code/tax group description
OIH30Two-step transfer control table
OIH30HTracking header
OIH30ITracking item
OIH31Material specific tolerance table
OIH4Excise duty tax status (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH40Excise Duty defaulting table GI/GR for production orders
OIH4TCustom duty/tax key descriptions
OIH5THandling type description
OIH6ED postings per ED rate
OIH79ED Notional Plant
OIHEDAActual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDCObject table 2, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDOObject table 1, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDPPlan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDTSummary table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHLLicense Master Data
OIHLHTLicence allowed handling types
OIHLOUsed licenses for orders
OIHLPSLicense Master Data - Plants
OIHLTGLicence allowed Excise duty tax group for material
OIHLTRExcise license tracking pointer file
OIHSLATDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
OIHSLOTDP (excise duty) special ledger object table
OIHSLTTDP (excise duty) special ledger summary table
OIH_MIGO_HTDPStore the TDP-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIH_TAX_REVExcise Duty Revaluation Documents
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