OIK - TAS/TPI Common Objects

The development package OIK contains objects for "TAS/TPI Common Objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-TAS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIK

OIK01IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data
OIK01DIS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document Data
OIK02AIS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functions
OIK02BIS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK03IS-OIL/TAS: Deliveries open for goods issue
OIK04IS-OIL/TAS: Idoc data segment
OIK29IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01
OIK29AIS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions
OIK29BIS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK29CIS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK29DIS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01
OIK37IS OIL: Shadow table for SD document processing
OIKCFTAS - Control Field Data
OIKCFWTAS - Control Field Data
OIKCGFPTAS LID-Control structure definition fields
OIKEDPP1OIL-TPI: Configuration data for EDP logical system
OIKIFTYPOIL-TPI: Interface type
OIKIFTYPTOIL-TPI: Interface type description
OIKIFTYPTXOIL-TPI: Interface type - level control (text objects etc.
OIKLIDTAS active LIDs(NOTE:keep eq to DB OIKLIDW->append includes)
OIKLIDRTD - TAS Reference Table
OIKLIDWTAS LID Working version (NOTE: keep DB eq to DB OIKLID)
OIKLOG01Log Table for Shipment planning
OIKLRTAS Reason Definition
OIKLRTTAS Reason Definition Texts
OIKLTCGTD - LID Type Control Structure
OIKLTCGTTD - LID Type Control Structure Texts
OIKLTTLoad ID - Type Texts
OIKPEXLOCOIL: Status of gen. Location in ext. Transport Planning Sy
OIKPEXORDStatus of Orders Within Transportation Planning
OIKSDTAS/TPI: Shipment scheduling
OIKSSLTPI: Log table
OIKTPIDCTPI Relevance Fields and Ranking (by VBTYP)
OIKTPIPDTPI Rel.Fields - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIREL
OIKTPIRDTPI: SD doc. - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIREL
OIKTTTPI:Trip planning times-for customer use (Enhancem.OIKSHPSV)
OIKTTDSOIL-TPI: Transportation planning point additional data
OIKTTDSTXOIL-TPI: Text IDs per TPP and interface type
OIKVDTPI: Vehicle/Driver assignment
OIKXTPIOIL-TPI: TPI control record
TOIKCCAPGRTOIL-TPI: Customer Capacity Group Text
TOIKCCGRELTPI: Customer capacity group for Relevancy Type
TOIKCSFPTAS Control stucture fields
TOIKDEFTOLOIL-TPI: Storage of default tolerances
TOIKDTDTabel for defaulting to dates
TOIKGRTYPATPI: Group type assignment
TOIKGRTYPETOIL-TPI: Allowed Group Types (text)
TOIKLIDFTTD - TAS Functions Texts
TOIKLIDGTD - TAS Function group
TOIKLIDGFTD - Tas Functiongroup assignment to Functions
TOIKLIDGTTD - TAS Functiongroup Text
TOIKLRSSCustomizing table: Items for Select LID's to release
TOIKOWCTime windows
TOIKOWCTTime frame text
TOIKTGRPTAS-Group Definition
TOIKTGRPTTAS Group Text Defintion
TOIKTPIRTAS - TPI Relevance Definition
TOIKTRVLID TAS relevance determination
TOIKTRVFTAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - Pickup
TOIKTRVFSTAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - Shipment
TOIKTRVSLID TAS relevance determination Shipment
TOIKTRVWWildcard maintenance for TAS-relevance
TOIKTWSTPI: Time Window Settings
TOIKUSFTAS User Field Definition
TOIKUSFTTAS User Field Definition Texts
TOIK_RFC_IDOil: Mapping of RFC destinations to Oil Web App. Scenarios
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