OIO - RLM Remote Logistic Management

The development package OIO contains objects for "RLM Remote Logistic Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-RLM. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-OLM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIO

OIO_C1_CNTNRRLM Oil and gas container master data
OIO_C1_CNTNR_TXContainer descriptions
OIO_C1_CTCATContainer categories
OIO_C1_CTCAT_TXContainer category texts
OIO_C1_FLDSTField status for RLM container master (not used)
OIO_C1_FLDST_2Container field status group assignment
OIO_C1_STATUSRLM container status
OIO_C1_STATUS_TXRLM container status descriptions
OIO_CM_DOC_FLOWRLM document flow index
OIO_CM_MAINRLM system parameters
OIO_CM_OBJGPObject type groups
OIO_CM_OBJGP_CTObject group contents
OIO_CM_OBJGP_TXObject type group names
OIO_CM_OBJSTDocument flow object type status codes
OIO_CM_OBJST_TXDocument flow object type status code names
OIO_CM_OBJTYObject types for RLM
OIO_CM_OBJTY_TXObject type texts
OIO_CM_OPLNTPlants relevant to RLM
OIO_CM_OSLOCStore locations relevant to RLM
OIO_CM_SPROC_DVPSupply process derivation from plant
OIO_CM_SPROC_DVSSupply process derivation from store location
OIO_CM_SPROC_TXRLM Supply process texts
OIO_CM_SPTYP_TXRLM Supply type descriptions
OIO_CNTNR_HSTContainer history
OIO_CNTNR_MTLContainer materials (OBSOLETE ->use table oio_cntnr_mtl_2)
OIO_CNTNR_MTL_2Container material assignments
OIO_CNTNR_TYPContainer types
OIO_CNTNR_TYP_TXContainer type texts
OIO_CU_OBJTYRLM Object type customer values
OIO_CU_OBJTY_TXRLM Object type customer texts
OIO_FS_APP_TXApplication names
OIO_FS_FGPField status groups
OIO_FS_FGP_TXField status group names
OIO_FS_FLDField status screen fields
OIO_FS_FSTField status assignments
OIO_FS_SGPField status selection groups
OIO_FS_SGP_TXField status selection group names
OIO_MT_DFLOWMaterial tracking document flow definition
OIO_MT_DFPROFDocument flow profile
OIO_MT_DFPROF_TXDocument flow profile description
OIO_MT_FDMAPField mapping for tracking program
OIO_MT_MTPROFMaterial tracking profiles
OIO_MT_MTPROF_TXMaterial tracking profiles
OIO_MT_STATUSMaterial tracking status
OIO_MT_STATUS_TXMaterial tracking status descriptions
OIO_MT_TRGRPTracking groups
OIO_MT_TRGRP_STTracking group status
OIO_MT_TRGRP_TXTracking group descriptions
OIO_MX_FLOWRLM tracking extract flow data
OIO_MX_INDEXRLM material tracking extract index
OIO_MX_MTSTA_HIRLM tracking extract object status - high
OIO_MX_MTSTA_LORLM tracking extract object status - low
OIO_MX_OBJECTRLM tracking extract object data
OIO_NA_OUTTYRLM output - output types
OIO_NA_OUTTY_TXRLM output - output type descriptions
OIO_RN_SVCATService categories relevant to RLM rentals
OIO_RT_ACTITRecommended action for returns document item
OIO_RT_ACTIT_TXRecommended action descriptions
OIO_RT_DLPRCDelivery processes
OIO_RT_DOCTYReturns document types
OIO_RT_DOCTY_TXReturns document types
OIO_RT_EVENTReturns events
OIO_RT_EVENT_TXReturns event names
OIO_RT_FSGRPReturns field status group assignment
OIO_RT_RSPITResponsibility groups
OIO_RT_RSPIT_TXResponsibility group descriptions
OIO_RT_RTDOCRLM returns document - header
OIO_RT_RTDOC_CTReturns document - container items
OIO_RT_RTDOC_MTReturns document - material items
OIO_RT_SBSBRRLM returns BDC rules
OIO_RT_SBSBR_TXRLM Returns BDC rule names
OIO_RT_SBSDCRLM returns processes
OIO_RT_SBSDC_TXRLM returns process names
OIO_RT_SBSDYRLM returns: Dynpros for subsequent postings
OIO_RT_SBSFMRLM returns: Field mapping for subsequent postings
OIO_RT_SBSPRAutomatic processes
OIO_RT_STATUSReturns status
OIO_RT_STATUS_TXReturns status descriptions
OIO_RT_STPEVRecommended action step
OIO_RT_STPITRecommended action step
OIO_RT_STPIT_ALRecommended action step - allowed processes
OIO_RT_STPIT_TXRecommended action step descriptions
OIO_SH_SHTYPShipment types for offshore logistics
OIO_SH_VGCUSCustoms number use codes
OIO_SH_VGCUS_TXCustoms number use codes names
OIO_SH_VGSTAVoyage statuses
OIO_SH_VGSTA_TXVoyage status texts
OIO_SH_VGTYPVoyage types
OIO_SH_VGTYP_TXVoyage type texts
OIO_SH_VOYAGE_CNCustoms serial numbers
OIO_SP_DFLDADefault loading areas
OIO_SR_ROUTEShipment receipt - allowed routes
OIO_SR_SRSTARLM Shipment status for shiment receipt
OIO_VG_FLDSTVoyage master field status assignment
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