OIR - SSR Service Station Retailing (master/overall)

The development package OIR contains objects for "SSR Service Station Retailing (master/overall)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIR

A418Sales org.
OIRADBTDocument base table
OIRADBTCFLDCustomer specifc fields for he document base table (OIRADB
OIRADBTCOMPSTRCompletion strategy for the document base table
OIRADBTCOMPSTRTCompletion strategy description
OIRADBTCSPROCLink subsequent processes to a completion strategy
OIRADBTSUBPROCSubsequent processes for the document base table
OIRADTLTDocument transaction link table
OIRAMATHANDGRPMaterial handling group material assignment (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAMATHANDGRPDMaterial handling group definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAMATHANDGRPDTMaterial handling group definition text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPBLHEADGeneral Location header Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPBLHEADCSGeneral Location header possible screens (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPCGProcess Control Group (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCGPProcess Grouping (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCGTProcess Control Group description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCSTATProcess Control Status Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCSTATTProcess Control Status Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCCHKProcess Dependancy Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCDEFProcess Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCDEFTProcess Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCEXEAssign process to transaction code (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCRNBTLink Business type to Process ID
OIRAPROCTECHProcess Control performance settings (no transport)
OIRAPROCTECHACTProcess optimization activation
OIRAPROC_OBJ_IDProcessing object type
OIRAPROC_OBJ_IDTProcessing object type description
OIRAREPSUMCOLSSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRAREPSUMCOLSSSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRAREPSUMCOLSTSSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRAREPSUMCOLTSSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRAREPSUMCOLVSSR Reporting: Subtotal column value assignments
OIRARNBTMATKLLink Business type - Materialgroup (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRARNBTSTLink Business type - Service type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRASTYPTService type description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRA_AGGIN_VALValue table for methods to transfer data into the aggr tab
OIRA_AGGIN_VALTText table for BADI to transfer data into the pre-agg tabl
OIRA_AGGSCHDEFPre-aggregation schema definition parameters
OIRA_AGGSCHEMADefine pre-aggregation schema and key parameters
OIRA_AGGSCHEMATText table for aggregation schema definition
OIRA_ALVPRN_VALSSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pg
OIRA_ALVPRN_VALTSSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pg
OIRA_AP_VALProcess after process Routines
OIRA_AP_VALTProcess after process Routines
OIRA_ARCH_CUSTSSR - Archiving customizing
OIRA_ARCH_TABLESSSR - Archiving tables
OIRA_CALLUP_ASSNAssignment of print index call-up points
OIRA_CUSTIND_FLDPrint group index customer fields
OIRA_DBT_LOCKVirtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBT
OIRA_DESTSTR_VALCheck table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRA_DOCTYPE_VALValues for doctype
OIRA_DOCTYP_VALTText table for DBT document types
OIRA_IN_VALValue table for methods to fill aggregation table
OIRA_IN_VALTText table for methods to fill aggregation table
OIRA_MAIN_VALValue table for manipulation after pre-aggregation
OIRA_MAIN_VALTText table for BADI to manipulate entries after pre-agg
OIRA_MSG_SUPSSR: Message supression
OIRA_MS_VALSSR: Message supression routines
OIRA_MS_VALTSSR: Message supression routines
OIRA_OUT_VALValue table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRA_OUT_VALTText for BADI to transfer from aggregated table
OIRA_PC_VALProcess Prerequisite Check Routines
OIRA_PC_VALTProcess Prerequisite Check Routines
OIRA_PD_VALProcess Date Check Routines
OIRA_PD_VALTProcess Date Check Routines
OIRA_PE_VALProcess Execution Routines
OIRA_PE_VALTProcess Execution Routines
OIRA_PGC_VALProcess Prerequisite Group Check Routines
OIRA_PGC_VALTProcess Prerequisite Group Check Routines
OIRA_PRINTCALLDefinition of print index update call-up points
OIRA_PRINTCALLTText table for print index update call-up points
OIRA_PRINTGPPrint type group definition
OIRA_PRINTGPTText table for print type group
OIRA_PRINTINDEXPrint group index data
OIRA_PRINTPROCProcedure for updating the print group index table
OIRA_PRINTPROCTText table for Print update procedure
OIRA_PRNDOC_HEADPrint document header data
OIRA_PRNDOC_ITEMPrint document item data
OIRA_PRNFLD_ASSNAssignment of sources for index fields
OIRA_PRNSRC_VALValue table to fill print index table fields
OIRA_PRNSRC_VALTText table for print index table fields filling
OIRA_PRNTYP_ASSNPrint index update procedure assignment
OIRA_PRPROC_VALSSR Print - ALV output table population methods
OIRA_PRPROC_VALTSSR Print - ALV output table population methods
OIRA_PRUPD_VALValue table to print skip update routine
OIRA_PRUPD_VALTText table for print skip update routine
OIRA_PU_VALProcess Status Update Routines
OIRA_PU_VALTProcess Status Update Routines
OIRA_SRCDOC_CATSource document categories
OIRA_SRCDOC_CATTText table for Source document categories
OIRA_SRCESTR_VALCheck table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRBPBLTRNBTDummy table for run-time field RNBT per location type
OIRPBLSales Index: Billing by Business Location
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