OIR_E - SSR Card processing (IS-Oil Sevice Station Retailing)

The development package OIR_E contains objects for "SSR Card processing (IS-Oil Sevice Station Retailing)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIR_E

C011Company Code/Payment card type/Splitting result
C012Sales Org / Card type / split result
C013Company Code / card type
C014Card Type
OIREBLSTPLSSR PC: Black List Storage Place
OIREBLSTPLTSSR PC: Black List Storage Place Texts (IS-Oil SSR)
OIREBRSSR PC: Block reasons (IS-Oil SSR)
OIREBRTSSR PC: Block Reason Text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECCTYPSSR PC: Company code / credit card types
OIRECCTYPAOBJAssignm.card type/CC to archiving object (obsolete rel.472)
OIRECHSSR PC: Clearing House table (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECHBPAClearing house bus. partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRECHPRSSR PC: Initial procedures (CH determ., stat. group...)
OIRECHSETTFMTCH Settlement Format Table
OIRECHSETTFMTTReport column description
OIRECHTSSR PC: Clearing House Texts (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECH_APPLSSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECH_RECONSSR PC Reconciliation Cusotmizing by Clearing House
OIRECOMPACTSSR PC: Complaint action
OIRECOMPACTTSSR PC: Complaint action text
OIRECOMPRESSSR PC: Complaint results
OIRECOMPRESTSSR PC: Complaint result text
OIREDISCSSR PC: Clearing house discounts by cardtype/co code/CH
OIREDTFCAPTSSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIREDTFCAPTSSSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIREDTFCAPTSTSSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF program
OIREDTFCAPTTSSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF program
OIREDTFSCRNSSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - customizing
OIREDTFSCRNSSSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - system table
OIREDTF_INFOSCRNAssignment of infoscreen for SAPMOIREDTF
OIRELPCGROUPLocation Payment Card Grouping - Group Definitions
OIRELPCGROUPTLocation Payment Card Grouping - Group Definition Texts
OIREMATKLSSR PC: Material groups allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC typ
OIREMATNRSSR PC: Material numbers allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC ty
OIREPBLSSR PC: Types per business location
OIREPCTYPSSR PC: Payment Card Type
OIREPCTYPTSSR PC: Payment Card Type Texts
OIREPOSTTYPETSSR PC: Payment card header for document posting
OIRERESACTSSR PC: Link between complaint result and complaint action
OIRESETTDOCFMTCH Settlement Format Table
OIRESETTDOCFMTTSettlement Document Report column description
OIRESETT_HEADPayment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRESETT_ITEMPayment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRESLSTASSR PC: Sales status of the PC transactions
OIRESLSTATSSR PC: Text of the PC sales status
OIRESPCRSSR PC: Splitting criteria
OIRESPLITSSR PC: Splitting Indicator
OIRESPLITSSSR PC: Splitting routine assignment to splitting indicato
OIRESPLITTSSR PC: Splitting Indicator text
OIRESPRESSSR PC: Splitting Result
OIRESPRESTSSR PC: Splitting result texts
OIREUPLKXXXXSSR PC: Template for generated DTF tables (header)
OIREUPLPXXXXSSR PC: DTF table for item information
OIREVALGPSSR PC: Upload Validation Group
OIREVALGPTSSR PC: Upload Validation Group
OIREVALSSSR PC: Upload Validation assignment to Validation Groups
OIRE_CCODE_CRComplaint Result Handling
OIRE_CHCAL_VALSSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar check
OIRE_CHCAL_VALTSSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar check
OIRE_COMP_VALSSR PC: Complaint routine
OIRE_COMP_VALTSSR PC: Complaint routine text
OIRE_CP_VALComplaint Processing Routines
OIRE_CP_VALTComplaint processing text table
OIRE_DIFFTOL_VALSSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI
OIRE_DIFTOL_VALTSSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI Texts
OIRE_DISC_VALSSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters
OIRE_DISC_VALTSSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters text table
OIRE_DTF_CMPLETXSSR PC: Texts for the incompletion handling
OIRE_DTF_LOCKVirtual locking table for certain DTF objects
OIRE_KSCHL_CLASSR: Condition classification
OIRE_KSCHL_CLATSSR: Condition classification
OIRE_MATCHKEYPC Reconciliation: Matching keys
OIRE_MATCHKY_FLDSSR PC Reconciliation Matching Key Fields
OIRE_PCSTAT_VALValue table for methods to fill dynamic PC statistic value
OIRE_PCSTAT_VALTText table for methods to fill dynamic PC statistics
OIRE_RECON_ADMAdministration data for the reconciliation files
OIRE_RECON_AGGAggregated reconciliation data
OIRE_RECON_CUSSSR PC Reconciliation Customizing by Cl. House & Card Type
OIRE_RECON_DETDetailed reconciliation data
OIRE_RECON_LOCKVirtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBT
OIRE_RECON_RUNReconciliation run results
OIRE_RECON_VALSSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI
OIRE_RECON_VALTSSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI Texts
OIRE_SPLIT_VALSSR PC: Splitting routine
OIRE_SPLIT_VALTSSR PC: Splitting routine text
OIRE_SRCE1_VALSSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 1
OIRE_SRCE1_VALTSSR PC Reconciliation Table Values Texts for Data Source 1
OIRE_SRCE2_VALSSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 2
OIRE_SRCE2_VALTSSR PC Reconciliation Table Value Texts for Data Source 2
OIRE_VAL_VALSSR PC: Validation routine
OIRE_VAL_VALTSSR PC: Validation routine text
Q000Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $
Q001Company/Card Type/Split Result
Q002Company/Card Type
S414SSR DTF statistics
S414ES414 - Structural information
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