OIR_I - SSR Settlement/Invoicing (IS-Oil Service Station Retailing)

The development package OIR_I contains objects for "SSR Settlement/Invoicing (IS-Oil Service Station Retailing)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-DS. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-DS-SSR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIR_I

OIRIADAGLink and define additional agg. procs.
OIRIADAGPARDefinition of additional aggregation parameters
OIRIADAGTText for additional aggregation procedures
OIRIAGGCHARDefine aggregation procedure and key parameters
OIRIAGGPARSSR Invoicing and settlement aggregation procedure parms.
OIRIAGGTSSR Invoicing - Aggregation procedures : Texts
OIRIDCPARSSR Invoicing - Document parameters
OIRIDCTSSR Invoicing - invoicing document type : Texts
OIRIDESTSTRUCCCheck table for communication structures for gn_inv_cr
OIRIMETHDCSSR Invoicing - Link inv document type to an inv method
OIRIMETHTSSR Invoicing - Invoicing method : Texts
OIRIMTYPSSR Invoicing - Invoicing method parameters
OIRIOBJDEFObject and subobject definition for aggregation procedure
OIRIPGRPSSR SD/FI Invoice posting group
OIRIPGRPDSSR SD/FI Invoice posting group definition
OIRIPGRPDTSSR SD/FI Invoice posting group description
OIRIREVAGGAggregation schema for reversals
OIRIREVCOMPAssign completion strategy for periodic invoice reversals
OIRISRCESTRUCCCheck table for destination structure
OIRITYPCSSR Invoicing - invoicing type definition
OIRITYPTText table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_ADDAT_VALValue table for addittional data routine
OIRI_ADDAT_VALTText table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_ADDRT_VALValue table for addittional invoicing data routine
OIRI_ADDRT_VALTText table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_DAILY_VALValues for BADI to select information for daily report
OIRI_DAILY_VALTText table for values for BADI to select daily report info
OIRI_DIST_VALValue table for fee cost distribution routines
OIRI_DIST_VALTText table for values for distribution routines.
OIRI_DOCDET_VALDocument determination BADI
OIRI_DOCDET_VALTText table for document determination BADI
OIRI_FILCOM_VALTText table for I&S SSR Fill communication structure BADI
OIRI_FILLCOM_VALI&S SSR Fill communication structure BADI
OIRI_OUT_VALValue table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRI_OUT_VALTText for BADI to transfer from aggregated table
OIRI_QVOUT_VALValue table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QVOUT_VALTText table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QV_VALValue table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QV_VALTText table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_VNDDET_VALValue table for vendor determination BADI
OIRI_VNDDET_VALTText table for vendor determination BADI
S412SSR Margin Report
S412ES412 - Structural information
S413SSR - Monthly/Daily Loc.Inv.
S413ES413 - Structural information
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