OIU_CM - PRA common objects

The development package OIU_CM contains objects for "PRA common objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-PRA. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-PRA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIU_CM

OIUCM_ACTG_OFSTAccounting Offset
OIUCM_ADDR_GROUPValid Address Groups
OIUCM_ADDR_TYPEAddress Type Control Table
OIUCM_ADDR_TYPETAddress Type Description
OIUCM_BADRBusiness Associate Additional Addresses (Addr Grp = OIU1)
OIUCM_BA_LINKBusiness Associate -> SAP Master Link
OIUCM_BA_TYPEBusiness Associate Types
OIUCM_BA_TYPE_TXBusiness Associate Type Description
OIUCM_CMPNTCommon table for cross-referencing product codes and compo
OIUCM_COMB_PD_CDCombined Product Code
OIUCM_COMB_PD_TXCombined Product Code Text
OIUCM_CSCCycle Segment Configuration
OIUCM_CUST_KTOKDValid Customer Account Groups for Business Associates
OIUCM_LV_CATEGlist viewer - category table
OIUCM_LV_CATEGTjob viewer - table for category description
OIUCM_LV_DDTEXTList viewer - table for the dd description
OIUCM_LV_DETAILlist viewer - jil detail table
OIUCM_LV_GROUPTList Viewer Group Definition
OIUCM_LV_JILSlist viewer - jil table
OIUCM_LV_JILTJIL information - Header for File Viewer and Job Scheduler
OIUCM_LV_MAINGRPlist viewer - group table
OIUCM_LV_SUBGRPlist viewer - subgroup table
OIUCM_LV_SUBGRPTList viewer- description of the subgroup
OIUCM_OLSE_VTDSTSource and Corresponding Destination Volume Types
OIUCM_PID_CONFIGOverride PID Configuration
OIUCM_PID_TXNTransactions With Override PID Enabled
OIUCM_PU_OVRDPurchaser Override
OIUCM_SERVER_GRPServer Group Assignment
OIUCM_SN_NR_CONFNumber Range Interval Assignments To PRA Tables
OIUCM_SN_NR_TText Descriptions for OIU_CM_SN_NR tables
OIUCM_TAB_MAINTCPRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control Tab
OIUCM_TAB_MAINTMPRA Generic Table Maintenance - Module Control
OIUCM_TAB_MAINTSPRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control Tab
OIUCM_VEND_KTOKKValid Vendor Account Groups for Business Associates
OIU_CM_OM_OBJOutput Management: Application Object types
OIU_CM_OM_OBJTOutput Management: Application Object Description
OIU_OM_PRINT_PAROutput Management: Application Object - Print Parameters
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