OIU_RVVA - PRA Valuation (Revenue)

The development package OIU_RVVA contains objects for "PRA Valuation (Revenue)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-OIL-PRA. It belongs to software component IS-OIL-PRA-REV-VAL.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package OIU_RVVA

OIUOW_LGL_FLD_ATLegal Description Field Attributes
OIUVL_CM_STATPRA statement configuration
OIUVL_CUR_SELValuation currect selection
OIUVL_DMCDVenture/DOI marketing cost detail
OIUVL_GASDTL_CURGas statement Detail
OIUVL_GASDTL_HSTGas statement Detail
OIUVL_GASRPTDGas statement report detail
OIUVL_GASRPTHGas statement report header
OIUVL_GASTAX_CURGas Statement Tax Marketing
OIUVL_GASTAX_HSTGas Statement Tax Marketing
OIUVL_GSPGas Statement Profile
OIUVL_JOBSTATUSWell Tax Class Comparison Report's Job Status
OIUVL_MTADMarketing Cost Tax Exemption - Detail
OIUVL_MTAHMarketing Cost Tax Exemption - Header
OIUVL_OILRPTDOil statement report detail
OIUVL_OILRPTHOil statement report header
OIUVL_OILSTMTHOil Statement Header
OIUVL_OILTAX_CUROil Run Statement Tax Marketing
OIUVL_OILTAX_HSTOil Run Statement Tax Marketing
OIUVL_OILTKT_HSTOil Ticket Current
OIUVL_OSPOil Statement Profile
OIUVL_PLTDWeighted average plant reimbursement header
OIUVL_PLTRWeighted average plant reimbursement header
OIUVL_PPN_REJSELPPN - Reject Selection
OIUVL_RPADRoyalty Processing Allowance Detail
OIUVL_RPAHRoyalty Processing Allowance Header
OIUVL_RPTValuation reporting header
OIUVL_RPTDValuation report detail
OIUVL_SCAUDITSettlement statement batch
OIUVL_SEVSeverance tax
OIUVL_SEVCISeverance tax check input
OIUVL_SEVMPSeverance tax measurement point
OIUVL_SEVWCSeverance tax well completion
OIUVL_SSTHSettlement statement header
OIUVL_STIKOSeverance tax take in kind
OIUVL_STSSeverance tax statistics
OIUVL_STTRState Tax Rates
OIUVL_TCJVTax Class - Venture DOI's
OIUVL_TCMPTax Class Measurement Points
OIUVL_TCWCTax Class - Well Completion
OIUVL_TC_VLTPCVolumeType Configuration for LPI Calculation
OIUVL_TPADTax Processing Allowance Detail
OIUVL_TPAHTax Processing Allowance
OIUVL_TTRDTax Tier Rate - Data
OIUVL_TTRPDTax Tier Rate by Project - Data
OIUVL_TTVLTYTier tax volume type
OIUVL_WCPCALC_MWell Completion - Primary and Alternate Tax Classes - Master
OIUVL_WCPCALC_RWell Completion - Primary and Alternate Tax Classes Report
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