P01O_ZV - SP Notification Program for Public Sector Germany

The development package P01O_ZV contains objects for "SP Notification Program for Public Sector Germany".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCDE. It belongs to software component PY-DE-PS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package P01O_ZV

HRPAYDEPBS_D_DNZDest. Rep. Data: Suppl.Pens. "Business Complete" Information
PA0051HR Master Record Infotype 0051 (VBL/SPI Data)
PDPBSZV363Estimated Tax-Free Contributions (Acc. to Sec.3 No.63)
PDPBSZVABMDereg. from Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 40), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVABSPeriods (Record Type 60), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVADMAdministration Table for ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure
PDPBSZVADM_RSPI Confirmation: Administration Table
PDPBSZVADRAddress (Record Type 81), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVANMReg. for Compulsory Insurance (Record Type 30), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVANM_RSPI Confirmation: Registration (Record Type 30)
PDPBSZVDCARRIERSZVE-PBS Notification Procedure for Data Medium Admin.
PDPBSZVDIFDifference (Record Type 70), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVLOGLog Table for ZVE-PBS Notification Procedure
PDPBSZVLOG_RSPI Confirmation: Log Table
PDPBSZVMDCARRSGrouped Data Medium Administration, SP Reporting
PDPBSZVNAMName (Record Type 80), ZVE-PBS
PDPBSZVNAM_RSPI Confirmation: Name (Record Type 80)
PDPBSZVSUMTotals Record (Record Type 90), SPI
PDPBSZV_PA0051ZVMP Employer to Be Overridden in IT0051 (Before ZVMP)
T5D5HSupplementary Pension Public Sector: Taxing Features
T5D5IAssgmt: Contract Model -> Ins. Feature for Voluntary Ins.
T5DPBSZVABTemporal Validity of Deregistration Reasons
T5DPBSZVABTValid Deregistration Reasons: Texts
T5DPBSZVAGEmployer-Specific Settings
T5DPBSZVAGEEmployer-Specific Settings: Entity
T5DPBSZVAGTEmployer-Specific Settings: Text
T5DPBSZVAVRing-Fencing of Supplementary Pension Institute
T5DPBSZVAVTRing-Fencing of Supplementary Pension Institute
T5DPBSZVBGSP Assessment and Other Thresholds
T5DPBSZVBGTSP Assessment and Other Thresholds: Text
T5DPBSZVERValid Events Relevant for Notification: Entity
T5DPBSZVERTValid Events Relevant for Notification: Entity
T5DPBSZVMEAssignment of Notification Events/Notification Type
T5DPBSZVMTSAEvents Relevant for Notif. -> Reasons for Notif., Rec. Types
T5DPBSZVPYPayroll Control
T5DPBSZVPYTPayroll Control: Text
T5DPBSZVPZPercentages and Contract Models
T5DPBSZVPZTPercentages and Contract Models: Text
T5DPBSZVRZData Center Information
T5DPBSZVRZTData Center Information: Text
T5DPBSZVSTNotification Record Structures for Data Medium
T5DPBSZVSTTNotification Record Structures for Data Medium: Text
T5DPBSZVTYValid Notification Types: Entity
T5DPBSZVTYTValid Notification Types: Texts
T5DPBSZVZGEDefinition of SPI Group: Entity
T5DPBSZVZGTValid Reasons for Notification for SPI Group: Text
T5DPBSZVZVESupplementary Pension Institute
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