P10PA - HR master data: Development Personnel Actions

The development package P10PA contains objects for "HR master data: Development Personnel Actions".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCUS. It belongs to software component PY-US-PS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package P10PA

HRP1660DB Table for Infotype 1660
HRP1661DB Table for Infotype 1661
HRPBSUSRIFBONRIF Bonus Years for Federal Performance Appraisals
PA0656HR Master Record: Infotype 0656
T5UPBS01ACTIONPersonnel Action Definition
T5UPBS01ACTIONTText table for tree fields
T5UPBS01APPLApplication definition
T5UPBS01APPLTApplication Definition Text
T5UPBS01FAVORITENature of Actions Favorites Tree
T5UPBS01FAVTXTNoA Tree Favorites Text
T5UPBS01FIELDSPersonnel actions infotype fields
T5UPBS01TREEPersonnel Actions Tree
T5UPBS01VALIDATLink to validation tables
T5UPBSAPPTYPEApplication Type Definitions
T5UPBSCMPLVUS Federal Competitive Levels
T5UPBSCMPLVTUS Federal Competitive Level Texts
T5UPBSCOMPARUS Federal Competitive Areas
T5UPBSCOMPARTUS Federal Competitive Area Texts
T5UPBSDSCITYUS Duty Station Cities
T5UPBSDSCITYTUS Federal Duty Station City Texts
T5UPBSDSCOUNTYUS Federal Duty Station Counties
T5UPBSDSCOUNTYTUS Federal Duty Station County Texts
T5UPBSDSSTATEUS Federal Duty Station States
T5UPBSDSSTATETUS Federal Duty Station State Texts
T5UPBSNOAAUTHNature of Actions Legal Authority Codes
T5UPBSNOAAUTHTNature of Actions Legal Authority Codes Text
T5UPBSNOACODENature of Actions Codes
T5UPBSNOACODETNature of Actions Codes
T5UPBSNOARMKNature of Actions Remarks Codes
T5UPBSNOARMKRNoA Code Remarks Table
T5UPBSNOARMKSNature of Actions Remarks Codes
T5UPBSOCCATUS Federal Occupational Categories
T5UPBSOCCATTUS Federal Occupational Category Texts
T5UPBSOCCSEUS Federal Occupations (Series)
T5UPBSOCCSETUS Federal Occupation (Series) Texts
T5UPBSPA09Functional Classification (PS)
T5UPBSPA09TFunctional Classification Text (PS)
T5UPBSPA10Supervisory Status (PS)
T5UPBSPA10TSupervisory Status Text
T5UPBSPA13Bargaining Unit (PS)
T5UPBSPA13TBargaining Unit Text
T5UPBSPA31Personnel Office Identifier
T5UPBSPA31TPersonnel Office Identifier Text
T5UPBSPA32Pay Plan: Conversion Table of Pay Scale Area to Federal Code
T5UPBSPA33Locality Pay Area (PS)
T5UPBSPA33TLocality Pay Area Description
T5UPBSRIFBONRIF Bonus Years for Federal Performance Appraisals
T5UPBSSECCLUS Federal Position Security Clearance
T5UPBSSECCLTUS Federal Position Security Clearance Texts
T5UVTT_PSVeteran Status Texts
T5UVT_PSVeteran Status
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