P18PS - HRCZ Public Sector

The development package P18PS contains objects for "HRCZ Public Sector".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCCZ. It belongs to software component PY-CZ.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package P18PS

HRP1670DB table for infotype 1670
HRP1671DB table for infotype 1671
PA0729HR master record infotype 0729
PA0730HR master record infotype 0730
PA0731HR master record infotype 0731
PB0729HR master record infotype 0729
PB0730HR master record infotype 0730
PB0731Applicant data infotype 0731 (template)
T5TPS0730Additional data of infotype 0730
T5TPS0731Additional data for infotype 0731
T5TPS1LSource materials for transfer orders for ER - PublicSector
T5TPS77S0HRCZ Public sector - system parameters table
T5TPS77S0THRCZ Public sector - texts for system parameter table
T5TPSAA0126Natural person code for AA0126 identifier
T5TPSC1SPLITCost distribution
T5TPSCD001Codelist of authorities
T5TPSCD002Codelist of organizational levels
T5TPSCD003Codelist of section groups
T5TPSCHODNRank table
T5TPSCKK1Classification of master fields of education (KKOV) part 1
T5TPSCKK2Classification of master fields of education (KKOV) part 2
T5TPSCKK3Completed education categories acc. to KKOV
T5TPSCKK4Study and apprentice fields of regional education (KKOV)
T5TPSCMTABHRCZ Public sector multitable
T5TPSCODPYear deduction by education category
T5TPSCROZHR-PS-CZ WERKS+KDO for decision numbers
T5TPSCROZ1HR-PS-CZ WERKS+CC for decision numbers
T5TPSCROZ2HR-PS-CZ domain tab for decision numbers
T5TPSCVYJException definition and deduction by education category
T5TPSCVYJTException definition - texts
T5TPSCZEMCodelist of countries CSU - CZEM
T5TPSCZLORGHRCZ - Public sector assignment to employer and institution
T5TPSCZLZARHRCZ - Public sector definition of employer and organiz.
T5TPSCZLZARKONSTHRCZ - Public sector ZLZAR and constants
T5TPSDPPROAssignment of state inf.sys.data elements to outputs
T5TPSDPRESHR-PS-CZ UVIS - output table
T5TPSDPSISData elements conversion table of the stand.state inf.syst.
T5TPSERG_ACTIONAction setting for employee register
T5TPSMKINDIdentification of work contract & in the industry
T5TPSTXT01Infotype 0729 forms - measure supplements
T5TPSTXT02Form texts in measurement annexes.
T5TPSTXT03Dynamic texts in form T5TPSTXT01 - for infotype 0729
T5TPSTXT05Names of direct additional texts in forms of infotype 0729
T7CZDIVSERPublic service fields
T7CZDIVSERTPublic service fields (text)
T7CZERG_PRD01Employee register - employee - current picture
T7CZERG_PRD02Employee register - action - current picture
T7CZERG_PRD03Employee register - official examinations - current picture
T7CZERG_PRD04Employee register - service fields - current picture
T7CZERG_PRD05Employee register - XML data
T7CZERG_PRD06Employee register - submission list
T7CZSERPO_EEService designation for employee
T7CZSERPO_EETEmpolyee service designation (text)
T7CZSERPO_WPService denomination of a position (SM)
T7CZSERPO_WPBService denomination of a superior position (SM)
T7CZSERPO_WPBTService designation for superior position (text)
T7CZSERPO_WPTService designation for position (text)
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