P21PS - HR Public Sector Hungary

The development package P21PS contains objects for "HR Public Sector Hungary".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCHU. It belongs to software component PY-HU.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package P21PS

PA0635Personnel master record infotype 0635
PA0636Personnel master data - 0636 infotype
PA0637Personnel master data - 0637 infotype
PA0638Personnel master data - 0638 infotype
PA0639Personnel master data - 0639 infotype
PA0640Personnel master record infotype 0640
PA0641HR master record infotype 0641
PA0642Personnel master record - 0642 infotype
PA0643Personnel master record: 0643 infotype
PA0644Personnel master record: 0644 infotype
PA3234HR master record, infotype 3234
PA3260HR master data, infotype 3260 (leave quota H)
PA3261Commission contracts H
PA3262Payments for persons with commission H
PA3263HR master record, infotype 3263
PA3264HR master record, infotype 3264
PA3265HR master record, infotype 3265
PA3266HR master record, infotype 3266
PA3267HR master record, infotype 3267
PB0635Applicant master record: IT0635
PB0638Applicant master record: IT0638
T5HPBS01Multiplication numbers
T5HPBS01XMultiplication numbers
T5HPBS02Classification grades
T5HPBS02TTexts of classification grades
T5HPBS02XClassification grades
T5HPBS03Manager grades
T5HPBS03TTexts of management grades
T5HPBS04Key numbers
T5HPBS04TTexts of key numbers
T5HPBS05Technical ID (1) - for personnel area
T5HPBS06Technical ID (1) - administrative institution
T5HPBS07Address of organizational units
T5HPBS08Manager grades
T5HPBS08TTexts of manager grades for public servants
T5HPBS09Conferrable titles
T5HPBS09TTexts of conferrable titles to public servants
T5HPBS100Amount of international per diem for business trip
T5HPBS11Salary types
T5HPBS11TSalary types - text fields
T5HPBS12School leaving certificate level code
T5HPBS12TName of school certificate's level
T5HPBS13Code of branch of professional qualification
T5HPBS13TName of branch of professional qualification
T5HPBS14Vocational training level code
T5HPBS14TName of qualification level
T5HPBS15Code of professional qualification type
T5HPBS15TName of type of professional qualification
T5HPBS16Academic title level code
T5HPBS16TName of academic title level
T5HPBS17Foreign language code
T5HPBS17TName of foreign language
T5HPBS18State language exam grade code
T5HPBS18TName of language proficiency state exam grade
T5HPBS19Code of language proficiency state exam type
T5HPBS19TName of language proficiency state exam type
T5HPBS20Code of administrative exam type
T5HPBS20TName of administrative exam type
T5HPBS21Code of administrative exam period
T5HPBS21TName of administrative exam period
T5HPBS22Code of organ entitled to perform administrative exam
T5HPBS22TName of organ entitled to perform administrative exam
T5HPBS23Public service relationships
T5HPBS23TName of public service relationships
T5HPBS25Code of entering into payscale base
T5HPBS25TName of entering into payscale base
T5HPBS26Type and code of further training
T5HPBS26TType and code of vocational education (names)
T5HPBS27Code of institution organizing further education
T5HPBS27TInstitute organizing training and education name
T5HPBS28Training type and name
T5HPBS28TTraining type and name
T5HPBS30Code of vocational education content (2)
T5HPBS30TName of vocational education content (2)
T5HPBS31Source of cost reimbursement
T5HPBS31TSource of cost reimbursement
T5HPBS32Code of manager appointment
T5HPBS32TName of manager appointment
T5HPBS33Termination of manager appointment code
T5HPBS33TType and name of termination of manager appointment
T5HPBS34Manager appointments
T5HPBS34TName of manager mandates
T5HPBS35Changes in manager mandate
T5HPBS35TName of changes in manager mandate
T5HPBS37Long-term absences
T5HPBS37TNames of long-term absences
T5HPBS38Codes related to relationship termination
T5HPBS38TName of codes related to relationship termination
T5HPBS39Termination of relationship - code of receiving organ
T5HPBS39TRelationship termination - name of receiving institute
T5HPBS40Name of prescribed absence code
T5HPBS40TName of prescribed absence code
T5HPBS41Code of payscale
T5HPBS41TName of payscale
T5HPBS42Name of salary type target code
T5HPBS42TName of salary type target code
T5HPBS51Form 02 backround table (names per lines)
T5HPBS52Form 02 collective table per wage types
T5HPBS53Specification of totals line for form 02
T5HPBS54Parameter table for form 34
T5HPBS55Description of totals line on form 34
T5HPBS56Parameter table for form 35
T5HPBS57Specification of totals line for form 35
T5HPBS58Headers for forms 02, 34 and 35
T5HPBS59Anniversary bonus settings
T5HPBS60Classification of absense codes regarding 13th month salary
T5HPBS61Control table for generation government official add. leave
T5HPBS62Control table of generating public servant additional leave
T5HPBS63Generating leave quotas
T5HPBS64Controlling leave quotas
T5HPBS65Rules for leave quota reduction
T5HPBS66Rules for leave quota conflicts
T5HPBS67Long texts for leave quota category
T5HPBS70HR-H: leave quotas on IT from 2006
T5HPBS71HR-H: rows of form 35
T5HPBS72HR-H: form 35 - general ledger account numbers
T5HPBS73HR-H: fact sheet 35 - totals line
T5HPBS74HR-H: lines of fact sheet 34
T5HPBS75HR-H: form 34 - general ledger account numbers
T5HPBS76HR-H: fact sheet 34 - totals line
T5HPBS77Key number conversion for fact sheet 34
T5HPBS78Conversion table between organization unit and subarea
T5HPBS79Grouping of employee subgroups
T5HPBS80Rank settings
T5HPBS80TRank names
T5HPBS81Years in service settings for public sector
T5HPBS82Administrative exam exemption reasons
T5HPBS83Preferential multipliers for calculating years in service
T5HPBS83TPreferential multipliers for calc. years in service (text)
T5HPBS84Form of entering into a rank
T5HPBS85Reason for closing a rank
T5HPBS86Reading PD data
T5HPBS86FReading PD data - field assignments
T5HPBS86OReading PD data - object sequence
T5HPBS87Property declaration title
T5HPBS88Property declaration event (IT3264)
T5HPBS89Financial growth examination title (IT3264)
T5HPBS8ANational defence service pay multiplicator numbers
T5HPBS90Financial growth examination result name (IT3264)
T5HPBS91Expatriations for infotype Field service (3265)
T5HPBS92Field service workplaces table (for IT3265)
T5HPBS92TExpatriation country - workplace table
T5HPBS93Field service basic dues (for IT3265)
T5HPBS94Security conditions (for IT3265)
T5HPBS95Climate conditions (for IT3265)
T5HPBS96Foreign exchange multipliers (for IT3265)
T5HPBS97Basic foreign exchange dues monthly rate (for IT3265)
T5HPBS98FX multipliers for long-term studies abroad
T5HPBS99FX multipliers for job key numbers
T5HPBS9ADues supplement and cost reimbursement after spouse
T5HPBS9ATDues supplement text table
T5HPBS9BCost reimbursement after children
T5HPBS9BTCost reimbursement after children - text table
T5HPBS9CRank and multiplier of the job class
T5HPBS9CTRank name for job class
T5HPBSA1TJob name
T5HPBSJFMonthly reports - header data
T5HPBSJKMonthly reports - inital sheet numbers
T5HPBSJLMonthly reports - sheet deetails
T5HPBSJL_GENTMonthly reports - sheet deetails
T5HPBSJL_SENTMonthly reports - sheet deetails
T5HPBSJMMonthly reports - item data
T5HPBSJM_GENTMonthly reports - item data
T5HPBSJM_SENTMonthly reports - item data
T5HPBSJSZEFile sequence number belonging to organization unit
T5HPBSOKM0Document groups (RPCLAPH0)
T5HPBSOKM0TDocument group texts (RPCLAPH0)
T5HPBSOKM1Documents for document group
T5HPBSOKM2TDocument names (RPCLAPH0)
T5HPBSOKM3Smartform for document
T5HPBSOKM9Cumulative wage types for forms (RPCLAPH0)
T5HPBSPEPerformance assessment brackets
T5HPBSPETPerformance assessment texts
T5HPBS_HAVIBONTComm. - payments monthly breakdown by persons
T5HPBS_KIFDATComm. - payment default date
T5HPBS_LGART_PARComm. - parameter table for specifying techn. wage type
T5HPBS_NAPI_CLComm. - daily breakdown cluster table
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIPComm. - contract type
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TITComm. - contract type text table
T5HPBS_T538C_DAYComm. - number of days for IT3261 time units
T5HPBS_T588MScreenControl Mapping
T5HPBS_TRANS_RUNComm. - running transfer
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