P99RU - Human Resources: Cross-Country Objects Russia

The development package P99RU contains objects for "Human Resources: Cross-Country Objects Russia".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PY-RU.

Child development packages of P99RU

Tables for development package P99RU

PA0290HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CIS
PA0291HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CIS
PA0292HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social Insurance
PA0293HR Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)
PA0295HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)
PA0296HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)
PA0298HR Master Record: Infotype 0298
PA0299HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 - Tax privileges
T7799RU_GARNDFDeduction Frequency Calendars
T7799RU_GARNUTUnits for Garnishments order
T7799RU_GARNUTMUnits for Garnisment Orders
T7799RU_GARNUT_TText table to T7799RU_GARNUT
T77PADRU_TAXPRI2Obsolete! Use table T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 instead
T77PADRU_TAXPRIVObsolete! Use table T77PADRU_TAXPRI1 instead
T7RU0290CODEDocument (IT0290) Code
T7RU0290DRCATDriving License categories (CIS)
T7RU0290DRCATTText for Driving License Categories (CIS)
T7RU0290PRIORITYPriority of Document (IT0290) for Reporting
T7RU0290SERSEPARDocument (IT0290) Series Separator
T7RU1BPayee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard)
T7RUAWARDSState Awards
T7RUAWARDSGState Awards Groups
T7RUAWARDSGTState Awards Groups Texts
T7RUAWARDSTState Awards Texts
T7RUCATSPayer categories
T7RUDATAFORMATData Output Format for Reports
T7RUDATAFORMATCData Output Format for Reports
T7RUDOCTYPESDocument types
T7RUDOCTYPESTDocument types
T7RUG0HR: Garnishment Order Types
T7RUG1Garnishment Document Category
T7RUG3Rules for Calculation of Garnishment Order Types
T7RUG9Money order fee for payment method
T7RUGAGarnishment: Region Key
T7RUGVRules for Calculation of garnishment order type
T7RUGXHR: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia) - TEXT table
T7RUGYHR: Garnishment Order Types
T7RUGZGarnishment: Region Key: Texts
T7RUM0Military card information catalogue
T7RUOC1Content of Employee Selection Process
T7RUOC2Process of Employee Selection
T7RUOC2TTexts of Process of Employee Selection
T7RUP0Tax schema
T7RUP1Tax's schema
T7RUP2Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula
T7RUP3Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula
T7RUR1Subtypes of HR RU forms
T7RUR1TSubtypes of HR RU forms (name)
T7RUR1_298Assigning sybtype of infotype 0298 to document type
T7RURPTGRReport Grouping
T7RURPTGRTReport Grouping Texts
T7RUT0Name of taxes/netto payments
T7RUT1Taxes and netto payments
T7RUT2Name of Tax Privileges
T7RUT3Tax privileges
T7RUT4Values of Minimum Pay
T7RUT5Social Insurance
T7RUT6Text for Social group SI
T7RUT7Social Insurance Group Modifier
T7RUT8Conversion of Social Insurance Group
T7RU_554TAbsence and Attendance Texts
T7RU_556BAbsence Quota Type Texts
T7RU_DEFTXTStandard Texts in Infotypes
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