P99S_TNM - Training needs management

The development package P99S_TNM contains objects for "Training needs management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCFR. It belongs to software component PY-FR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package P99S_TNM

HRP1680DB Table for Infotype 1680
HRP1681DB Table for Infotype 1681
HRP1682DB Table for Infotype 1682
HRP1683DB Table for Infotype 1683
HRP1684DB Table for Infotype 1684
HRP1685BD table for infotype 1685
HRP1686DB Table for Infotype 1686
HRP1687DB Table for Infotype 1687
HRP1690DB Table for Infotype 1690
HRP1691DB Table for Infotype 1691
HRPAD940Additional data PAD940
HRPAD941Additional data PAD941
HRT1680Table Part Infotype 1680
HRT1681Table Part Infotype 1681
HRT1683Table Part Infotype 1683
HRT1684Table Part Infotype 1684
HRT1686Table Part Infotype 1686
HRT1691Table Part Infotype 1691
T77TNM_ABTNM: absence records table
T77TNM_C0Valid parameter names
T77TNM_C0TParameter description
T77TNM_CACost Attributes
T77TNM_CCCost Category
T77TNM_CCLTNM: class reference - table type C
T77TNM_CCTCost Category Text
T77TNM_CGCost Category Group
T77TNM_CGTCost Category Group Text
T77TNM_CLTNM: class reference - table type S
T77TNM_DCTNM Decoupling Class
T77TNM_DETNM: deduction customizing table
T77TNM_FATNM: factory class
T77TNM_FCTraining Fund Category
T77TNM_FCTTraining Fund Category: text table
T77TNM_HITraining history customizing table
T77TNM_HICTraining History
T77TNM_IVCompensation Indirect Valuation
T77TNM_LRTraining Legal Reference
T77TNM_LRTTraining Legal Reference (text table)
T77TNM_OBTable Training Objective
T77TNM_OBTTable Training Objective Text
T77TNM_OGTable Training Objective Group
T77TNM_OGTTable Training Objective Group Text
T77TNM_PCTraining Plan Category
T77TNM_PCTTraining Plan category: Text Table
T77TNM_QUTNM: quota customizing table
T77TNM_RETable Training Needs Status Reason
T77TNM_RETTable Training Needs Status Reason Text
T77TNM_RSAbsence Reason
T77TNM_RSTAbsence Reason
T77TNM_S0TNM settings table
T77TNM_STTable Training Needs Status
T77TNM_STTTable Training Needs Status Text
T77TNM_TACTNM: table to handle tabstrip naming (custo)
T77TNM_TASTNM: table to handle tabstrip naming
T77TNM_TETraining Employee Group
T77TNM_TETTraining Employee Group Text
T77TNM_TYTraining type
T77TNM_TYFCMTraining type / Training Fund Category: mapping table
T77TNM_TYTTraining type text
T77TNM_VATNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (syst. table)
T77TNM_VACTNM: store ref. of class used for val. process (custo table)
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