PAOC_PAD_IN_PS - HR IN: India Public Sector

The development package PAOC_PAD_IN_PS contains objects for "HR IN: India Public Sector".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PAOC_PAD. It belongs to software component PY-IN-PS.

Child development packages of PAOC_PAD_IN_PS

Tables for development package PAOC_PAD_IN_PS

HRP1071DB Table for Infotype 1071
HRP1072DB Table for Infotype 1072
PA0902HR Master Record: Infotype 0902
PA0906HR Master Record: Infotype 0906
PA0974HR Master Record: Infotype 0974
PA3743HR Master Record: Infotype 3743
PB0974Applicant data infotype 0974 (model)
T77WWW_CLMLSELIGLTC Schemes mapping with Allowance Grouping
T77WWW_GASFCStandard Field Labels and Properties
T77WWW_GASFCTStandard Fields Label and ToolTip
T7INAPRGRP_REIMBIPS-Claims:Map Reimbursement Type to approver Group
T7INAPRVR_GRPIPS-Claims:Maintain Approver Groups & substitutes
T7INAPRVR_PREVLIPS-Claims: Approver privileges
T7INCLM_ADV_TRNSClaims & Advance Transaction Table
T7INDA_DISACTDisciplinary Act
T7INDA_DISACTTDisciplinary Act
T7INDA_OFFCODOffences Code
T7INDA_OFFGRPOffence Grouping
T7INDA_OFFGRPTOffence Grouping
T7INDA_OUTCOMEGOutcome Grouping
T7INDA_OUTCOMEGTOutcome Grouping
T7INDA_REPCOMType of Representation comitee
T7INDA_REPCOMOType of Representation comitee
T7INDA_REPCOMTType of Representation comitee
T7INDA_SOURCEMaintain Source of the Offence
T7INDA_SOURCETMaintain Source of offence text
T7INDA_STATUSStatus for DA Process
T7INDA_STATUSTStatus text for DA
T7INDA_TYLETType of Correspondance letters Issued in DA
T7INDA_TYLETTType of Correspondance letters Issued in DA
T7INDERSV_RSNTable for De-reservation reasons
T7INDERSV_RSNTText table for De-reservation reasons
T7INEM_DSABLTYEmployee disability per challenge group
T7INETH_CATGRYReservation category per Ethnic Origin
T7INETH_CTGRYReservation category per Ethnic Origin
T7INEX_SRVCMANEx-Serviceman attributes for the military statuses
T7INFLD_OUTLKIPS Cliams:Defines the layout of Standard & customer fields
T7INFORM_SUBTYMap adobe form per subtype of infotype 0906
T7INGROUPTable for maintaining Groups of Posts
T7INGROUPTText table for the Groups table
T7INLEAVE_EN_TRLeave Encashment Transaction table
T7INLEMET_WT_MAPMap quota compensation method with WT for 267 infotype
T7INLOAN_SBT_MDIPS Claims:Map Payment mode to Loan payment mode
T7INMAP_PAMap Roster Action Types to Customer Specific Action Types
T7INMAP_PA_CLMap Corr.Letter Action Types to Customer Sp. Action Types
T7INMDLROS_DETTable for Model Roster Details(Time independent)
T7INMDLROS_DETTText table for Time independent Model Roster table
T7INMDL_RSTRTime Dependent Model Roster table
T7INMDL_RSTRTText table for Time dependent Model Roster table
T7INOFFCYCL_DTIPS: Maintain Offcycle payment date for Reimbursement type
T7INRCTPRM_TYPTable for Recruitment/Promotion Types
T7INRCTPRM_TYPTText table for recruitment or promotion types table
T7INREIMBTYP_GRPIPS Claims: Group Reimbursement type as single work item
T7INREIMB_ADDPYIPS-Claims: Map Reimbursement Type to Additional Pay subtype
T7INREIMB_LNSTYPIPS Claims: Map Reimbursement type to Loan subtype
T7INREIMB_TMFRMIPS Claims: Time Frame to club Reimbursement type
T7INREIMB_TYPIPS Claims: ESS,Dependents,Deletion of Reimbursement type
T7INREIMB_TYPTIPS-Claims: Text Table for characterstics of Reimb Type
T7INREIM_ADOFPYIPS-Claims:Map Reimb Type to Add Offcycle Pay(0267) subtype
T7INREIM_TRNSDTTemporary table store & retrieve Reimbursement Specific data
T7INRIMB_EXMSTYIPS Claims: Map Reimbursement type to Exemption subtype
T7INRIMB_PMODEIPS-Claims:Payment mode for Reimbursement Type
T7INRSTR_CTGRYPercentage assignment of reservation categories in Roster
T7INRSTR_GRPMapping between Roster and Groups of Posts
T7INRSTR_PTCategory assignemnt to each Roster Point in a model Roster
T7INRSTR_REGTable for maintaining regions per roster
T7INRSTR_REMTable for Remarks for Roster Points
T7INRSTR_REMTText table for Roster Point remarks
T7INRSTR_SPLReplacement Matrix for Mini / L-Shaped Roster
T7INRSV_CTGRYTable for Reservation Categories
T7INRSV_CTGRYTText Table for reservation categories
T7INRSV_TYPETable for Reservation Types
T7INRSV_TYPETText Table for Reservation Types
T7INTRNS_METADATIPS: Temp tab to monitor transactional data changes
T7INWTY_BASICPAYBasic Pay wage types
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