PB06 - HR master data: France

The development package PB06 contains objects for "HR master data: France".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCFR. It belongs to software component PA-PA-FR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB06

HRP1600Database Table for Infotype 1600
HRP1601Database Table for Infotype 1601
PA0064Infotype 0064 : Social Insurance - France
PA0098Infotype 0098 (Profit Sharing - France)
PA0217Infotype 0217 (INSEE Code)
PA0218Infotype 0218 (Pension fund no.)
PA0233Infotype 0233 'Bilan Social'
PA0272Infotype 0272 (Garnishment)
PA0424Industrial accident / maternity / sickness statement (FR)
PA0425Data Entry of Per Diem Sick Pay Summary
PA0873Infotype 0873
PA3298Infotype 3298
PA3316Infotype 3316
PA3319Infotype 3319
PA3340Infotype 3340
PA3377Infotype 3377
PA3395Infotype 3395
PB3316Infotype 3316
PB3395Infotype 3395
T5F03Employee groups/subgroups - special features (France)
T5F16REASNContract change reason
T5F16REASNTSpecial contract category
T5F1ASI organizations (France)
T5F1ACControl of payment offsetting to calculate contributions
T5F1ACIPayment offsetting modifiers
T5F1ACTDescription of payment offsetting modifiers
T5F1BSI contributions
T5F1CSI contributions:rates and wage types
T5F1C1Contributions rates
T5F1C2Contributions types
T5F1C2TDescription of the contributions types
T5F1C3Contribution rate modifier
T5F1C3TDescription of the contribution rate modifiers
T5F1C4Contributions conditions
T5F1C5Contributions conditions
T5F1C5TDescriptions of the contributions conditions
T5F1C6Contributions rule modifiers
T5F1C6TDescriptions of the contributions rule modifiers
T5F1C7Contributions rules
T5F1C8Contributions rules
T5F1C8TDescriptions of the contribution rules
T5F1DContributions plan
T5F1ESI Organizations - addresses
T5F1FAssignment to social insurance fund model (France)
T5F1GContributions assessment thresholds
T5F1G1Assessment bases
T5F1HChange contribution calculation base
T5F1IFund model
T5F1I_DELIMITValidity Period of Social Insurance Contribution Models
T5F1JAssessment threshold: texts
T5F1KCalc. bases for exempt. of costs for spec. contracts (FR)
T5F1KDDefinition of special contrib. exemption modifiers
T5F1KTDesc. of special contrib. exemption modifiers
T5F1LDeletion of bases for the contributions of organizations
T5F1LIDefinition of base deletions groupers
T5F1LTTexts of base deletions groupers
T5F1MAssignment to social insurance fund model (France)
T5F1PPersonnel Area/Subarea (FR)
T5F1QHR-F: Industrial accident indicators
T5F1Q1Industrial accident rate attributes
T5F1Q1TDescriptions of the industrial accident rate attributes
T5F1RHR-F: Supplementary pension fund data
T5F1SHR-F: Social insurance data transfer information
T5F1TName of SI contribution plans
T5F1UCRC-TDS : Links between wage types and fields
T5F20IJSS calculation method management
T5F21IJSS calculation methods
T5F22IJSS calculation method management
T5F2AProcessing of continued pay methods
T5F2BPayroll period calculation methods
T5F2CGrace period and continued pay
T5F2DProcess grace period for continued pay
T5F2EGeneral modifier for continued pay processing
T5F2FWage types used for IJSS calculation
T5F2GProcess change of continued pay modifier
T5F2HExtension of payroll period calculation methods
T5F2ICriteria for modifying reference period
T5F2JDesc. of criteria select. indic. (ref. period calc.)
T5F2KReference period modification operators for absences
T5F2KTTexts of ref. period modification operators for absences
T5F2MSickness compensation period
T5F2PContinued pay in case of sickness
T5F2QQuota classification for France.
T5F2TIJSS calculation methods
T5F30Classification of actions and reasons
T5F31Categories of actions/reasons
T5F3APayment reasons for profit sharing
T5F3BCalculation Bases for Profit Sharing
T5F3CContributions and Profit Sharing Agencies
T5F3GGarnishment levels
T5F3SGarnishment (FR)
T5F3TText for profit sharing modifier
T5F42Work Contract
T5F43Sub-type of infotype 34 : specialized job
T5F44Specialized job contract or category for report
T5F45Special contract category
T5F4DFurther training text
T5F4FElectoral domains
T5F4GElectoral colleges
T5F4HNames of electoral colleges
T5F4INames of electoral colleges
T5F4JSocio-professional codes
T5F4KDescriptions of socio-professional categories
T5F4MPCS supplement (socio-professional codes)
T5F4MLLink PCS and PCS supplement
T5F4MTWage type text PCS supplement
T5F4NAgency indicator check table
T5F4OSocial Protection Agency (OPS)
T5F4OCContributions by Social Protection Agency (OPS)
T5F4OTWage type text for Social Protection Agencies (OPS)
T5F4PAgency indicator text
T5F4QEmployee group check table
T5F4QAEmployee group check table
T5F4QATEmployee group designations
T5F4REmployee group designations
T5F4SEmployee groups associated with SI contribution models
T5F4TEmployee group wage types.
T5F4UDDeclared unit
T5F4UM"Declared unit" modifier by Soc.Prot.Agy(OPS)/Place of Work
T5F4VDo not use: replaced by T5F4W
T5F4WContributions linked to personnel type
T5F5ADescription of social and professional categories
T5F5BDescription of Bilan Social tables
T5F5CDetails of 'Bilan Social' tables
T5F5DDescription of 'Bilan Social' indicators
T5F5EDescription of selection criteria for BS indicators
T5F5FSettings for 'Bilan Social' selection criteria
T5F5G'Bilan Social' social and professional categories
T5F5HSocial Balance Tables
T5F5I'Bilan Social' indicators
T5F5JSelection criteria for 'Bilan Social'
T5F5KCodes for 'Bilan Social' categories
T5F5L'Bilan Social' types
T5F5MDescription of 'Bilan Social' types
T5F5N'Bilan Social' business areas
T5F5ODescription of 'Bilan Social' business areas
T5F5PCodes for numeric data
T5F5QCompany/Workplace Data
T5F5TDescription of numeric data codes
T5F91ASubtypes charact. (FR)
T5FCDFIELDTable of legal indicators for infotype fields
T5FINFTYCDTable of indicators for infotypes
T5FINFTYCDTText table for infotype indicators
T5FITCORRCorrections infotype, presetting table
T5FITCORRCCorrections infotype, presetting table
T5FITCORRGRP1Corrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table
T5FITCORRGRP1CCorrections infotype, PS3340 structure grouping table
T5FPD28Public Revenue Office position
T5FRISKRisk factor codes table
T5FRISKTText table for risk factor codes
T5FRISKVTable of valid risk factor codes
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