PB08 - HR master data: UK

The development package PB08 contains objects for "HR master data: UK".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCGB. It belongs to software component PA-PA-GB.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB08

PA0065HR Master Record: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)
PA0069HR Master Record: Infotype 0069 (Nat. Insurance - GB)
PA0070HR Master Record: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders - GB)
PA0071HR Master Record: Infotype 0071 (Pension Funds - GB)
PA0084HR Master Record: Infotype 0084 (Sickness Pay Control - GB)
PA0085HR Master Record: Infotype 0085 (Work Incapacity Periods GB)
PA0086HR Master Record: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions GB)
PA0087HR Master Record: Infotype 0087 (WFTC/DPTC GB)
PA0088HR Master Record: Infotype 0088 (SMP, SPP and SAP GB)
PA0222HR Master Record for Infotype 0222 (Company Cars GB)
PA0225HR Master Record for Infotype 0225 (Company Cars GB 2)
PA0280HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PA0281HR Master Record Infotype 0281/View for 0045
PA0433HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
PA0434HR Master Record Infotype 0434/View for 0011 (GB Version)
PA0570HR Master Record: Infotype 0570
PA0571HR Master Record: Infotype 0571
PA0757HR Master Record: Infotype 0757
PA0793HR Master Record: Infotype 0793
PA0874HR Master Record: Infotype 0874
PA0998HR Master Record: Infotype View 0998 (Disability - GB)
PA3243HR Master Record: Infotype 3243
PA3292HR Master Record: Infotype 3292
PA3297HR Master Record: Infotype 3297
PA3346HR Master Record: Infotype 3346
PB0280HR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
PB0433HR Master Record Infotype 0433/View for 0009
PB0998HR Master Record: Infotype View 0998 (Disability - GB)
PB3346Applicant data infotype 3346 (model)
T5BUKTPersonnel numbers for AHP process model
T5G01Tax Rates
T5G02Special Tax Code
T5G03Tax Increase and Limit
T5G05NIC Limits (obsolete: contains NI rates up to 1998)
T5G06NIC Percentages (obsolete: contains NI % up to 1998)
T5G08NI Control Data Texts
T5G09NI Categories (GB) OBSOLETE !!!
T5G0AEmployee Group/Subgroup
T5G10Pension Fund: OBSOLETE
T5G15Court Order Deductions
T5G16Court Order Indicator
T5G17Court Order CMEC (Obsolete)
T5G1TPension Fund Texts
T5G20SSP System Data (GB)
T5G21SMP System Data
T5G22SSP Qualifying Day Pattern
T5G23Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns
T5G24SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars
T5G25Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G26OSP-Related Data for SSP Offsetting
T5G27SSP Rates Payable (GB)
T5G28SMP Rates Payable
T5G2ESSP/SMP Exclusion Reason Texts
T5G2FSSP/SMP Exclusion Reasons
T5G2F_DATEDSxP Exclusion Reasons
T5G2TText for Occupational Sick Pay Schemes
T5G30Pension Schemes
T5G31Pension Contribution Calculation Rules
T5G32Pension Holidays
T5G33Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands
T5G34Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Flat Rates
T5G35Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Percentages
T5G36Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Mix
T5G37Pension Scheme Types
T5G3TPension Scheme Names
T5G40National Insurance Earnings Ranges (obsolete: old NI)
T5G41National Insurance Percentage Rates (obsolete: old NI)
T5G43HR-GB: National Insurance Number Prefixes
T5G44HR-GB: National Insurance Number Prefixes (after 06.04.2017)
T5G4TText for Court Order Indicator
T5G50Tax Districts
T5G51Payroll Area PAYE Reference
T5G52Tax District and Reference Details
T5G53Permit Numbers
T5G54End Of Year Processing Stamp
T5G55HR-GB: Default Tax Code
T5G56HR-GB: Offshore employer details
T5G5TTax District Name
T5G61Business Mileage Bands
T5G62Payment of Petrol Costs (Based on Engine Size)
T5G63Payments for Private Fuel (Basis: Car List Price)
T5G64Unavailability Reasons
T5G67Company car taxable percentage based on CO2 emissions
T5G68Company car taxable percentage based on engine size
T5G69Company car taxable percentage for ULEV/WHLV based on CO2
T5G6TUnavailability Reasons Text
T5G80HR-GB: Payee Keys
T5GC3GB Company car C02 emmissions
T5GDTDisability Type
T5GDTTDisability Type Text
T5GEF01HR-GB: filing - Store parsed recording coming in from GG
T5GEFCREDENTIALSHR:GB eFiling : User Credentials
T5GEFDATAHR-GB: filing - Store Infotype data coming in from GG
T5GEFHWMefiling infcoming forms (Hiigh Water Mark ) register
T5GEFMSGIDHR:GB eFiling : Temporary storage of Message IDs
T5GEFSTPEHR GB: Employment Starter (P45,P46) and Pension Details
T5GQDPQDP Definition
T5GQDPTQDP Text table
T5GQDP_GPGQDP to QDP Grouping Assignment
T5GQDP_QDPWeek to QDP Assignment
T5GQDP_WKQDP Day to Week Assignment
T5GQDP_WKTQDP Day to Week text
T5GT1Tax Rates
T5GT2Special Tax Code
T5GTUPETUPE Organisations
T5G_AEFORMSHR-GB-PAE: Use of Smart Forms in Reports
T5G_APP01Apprentice Levy Allowances - PAYE References
T5G_DPIRM_DATEGB Archiving Group Method
T5G_ERPENAbsence Valuation
T5G_GPG01Gender Pay Gap : Define Legal entity
T5G_P46ARVHR-GB: Archive for P46(Car)-Forms
T5G_PRFIDProof of Identity Type GB
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