PB25 - HR Singapore: Master data

The development package PB25 contains objects for "HR Singapore: Master data".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCSG. It belongs to software component PA-PA-SG.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB25

PA0179HR Master Record: Infotype 0179 (Tax SG)
PA0181HR Master Record: Infotype 0181 [Add. Funds] (SG)
PA0184HR Master Record: Infotype 0184 [Resume text] (SG)
PA0186HR Master Record: Infotype 0186 [Social Insurance] (SG)
PA0412HR Master Record: Infotype 0412 [View to I0021] (SG)
PA0546HR-SG: Master Record: Infotype 0546 [Termination Data)
PA0739HR Master Record: Infotype 0739 [Stock Option] (SG)
PA0741HR Master Record: Infotype 0741 [Additional Info] (SG)
PA3364HR Master Record: Infotype 3364
PA3378HR Master Record: Infotype 3378
PB3378Applicant data infotype 3378 (model)
T5R03Residency type
T5R04Residency type text
T5R0PPlant section/Singapore
T5R13Occupational group
T5R1AInstitution of Soc. Provident Funds SG
T5R1BFund Indicator for Social Insurance/SG
T5R1CCPF Contribution rate of Soc. Insurance / SG
T5R1DTypes of foreign workers
T5R1EThe rates of levy for foreign worker
T5R1FAdditional Funds/SG
T5R1GContr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR
T5R1HRate for Other Social Fund (Employer) - SDF
T5R1IType of PR/NRIC Rate- Graduated/Full Rate
T5R1PRate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll
T5R1SText for fund indicator /SG
T5R1TText for Institution of Soc. Insurance SG
T5R2APro-rate types for AWS
T5R2BNRS Allowance averages calculation setting (SGP)
T5R2DNRS Reason (SGP)
T5R2FQuota Type Gerenation Rule Singapore
T5R2GQuota Generation Rule Lists Singapore
T5R2HOld Payroll Account Transfer (SG Addtnl. Info)
T5R2ILegacy Data Type
T5R2I_TLagacy Data Type Text
T5R4AAction Category Action Type
T5R4BAction Category
T5R4BTAction Category Text Table
T5R50National Reserve Services Formula
T5R50TNational Reserve Services Formula Key Table
T5R51National Reserve Services Formula Table
T5R6ADefine Employee Group for Overtime
T5R6ATEmployee Group for Overtime Text Table
T5R6BDefine Wagetype Group for Overtime
T5R6BTWagetype Group for Overtime Text Table
T5R6CMapping Wagetype to Group for Overtime
T5R6DConfigure the Overtime Eligibility
T5RCDDestruction Condition Definition
T5RCD_TDestruction Condition Text
T5REGEmployee Information Log for Destruction of Data
T5RETPDPA Exceptional Reason Text Table
T5REXPDPA Exception Reason Definination
T5RPDPersonnel Data Deletion Log
T5RPLPersonnel Data Deletion Log
T5RPOPolicy Definition
T5RPO_TPolicy Definition Text
T5RPRAssign Destruction Rules to Policy
T5RRCAssign Conditions to Destruction Rule
T5RRUDestruction Rule Definition
T5RRU_TDestruction Rule Text
T5RSOP_PLANStock Option Plan
T5RSOP_PLAN_TTest table for Plan
T5RSOP_P_SCHEMEStock Option Scheme Assignment to Plan
T5RSOP_SCHEMEStock Option Scheme
T5RSOP_SCHEME_TText table for Scheme
T5RSOP_SCH_ESOWStock Option Scheme for ESOW
T5RSOP_SC_ESOW_TText table for Schemes under ESOW
T5RTEXT_KEYMapping table for subtype of infotype 741 to the keyfields
T77XXB_IRM01Archiving Group Method
T77XXB_IRM02Map class with the condition field
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