PB29 - HR Master Data: Argentina

The development package PB29 contains objects for "HR Master Data: Argentina".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCAR. It belongs to software component PA-PA-AR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB29

PA0389Income Tax: General indicators
PA0390Income Tax: Deductions
PA0391Income Tax: Information on other employers
PA0392Social Security: General data
PA0393Family data: Calendar year schooling assistance
PA0394Family data: Additional information
PA0551Termination of contract: General data
PA0875Family links
PA3229Personnel master record for infotype 3229
T7AR01Activity code (CIIU)
T7AR02Additional data by Company
T7AR02BBank description for Social insurance payments
T7AR02DHistorical Additional data by company
T7AR03Activity code (CIIU): T7AR01 Texts
T7AR04Workplace Health Insurers (ART) code
T7AR05Additional information by Company
T7AR06Ministry of Labor activity code
T7AR07Ministry of Labor activity code: T7AR06 texts
T7AR08Code of position held for MySimplification
T7AR09Code of position held: T7AR08 texts
T7AR0PPersonnel area/subarea additional information
T7AR10Allocation special schooling assistance by establishmnt type
T7AR11Additional information by subtype
T7AR1PContribution reduction area
T7AR20Date for final settlement of income for financial year
T7AR21Contract category code for SIJP
T7AR22Contract category code for SIJP: Texts T7AR21
T7AR23Assignment of contract category to contract type AR
T7AR24Locality code for SIJP
T7AR25Locality code for SIJP: T7AR24 texts
T7AR26Employee grouping for Social Insurance contributions
T7AR27Employee groupings for SI contributions: Texts T7AR26
T7AR28Assignment of SIJP periods to settled payrolls
T7AR2PPercentage of contribution reduction to Internal Rev. (DGI)
T7AR30Types of work contract in Argentina
T7AR31Social Insurance employee subgroups: Allocations
T7AR32Percentage of contribution reduction by contract type
T7AR33Contribution reduction percentage by employee subgroups
T7AR34Welfare Fund code
T7AR35Social Project code: T7AR34 texts
T7AR36Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code
T7AR37Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code: T7AR36 texts
T7AR38Employee activity code
T7AR39Employee activity code: T7AR38 texts
T7AR3PContribution reduction zone: T7AR1P texts
T7AR40Contract types in Argentina
T7AR41Contract types in Argentina: T7AR40 texts
T7AR42Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping
T7AR43Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping: T7AR42 texts
T7AR44Scale for Welfare Fund distribution percentages
T7AR45Additional information for absences
T7AR46Welfare Fund plans
T7AR47Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class
T7AR48Grouping for pay scale processing
T7AR49Text of grouping for pay scale processing
T7AR4PPersonnel area/subarea: Social Ins. and family allow. data
T7AR50Income tax categories
T7AR51Income tax categories: T7AR50 texts
T7AR52Wage type allocation to income tax category
T7AR53Limits and values by income tax category
T7AR54Income scale for income tax calculation
T7AR55Income tax deduction destination entities
T7AR56Income Tax - Deductions reduction
T7AR59Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class
T7AR5PFamily allowance areas: Codes
T7AR60Relationship between fam. mem type and family allowance type
T7AR61Rules for generating family allowance wage types
T7AR61CRules for generating family allowance wage types
T7AR62Grouping for Social Insurance contribution factoring
T7AR63Text for grouping of Social Insurance contribution factoring
T7AR64Conversion of currency values
T7AR65Pay scale agreement category identification
T7AR66Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code
T7AR67Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code: T7AR66 texts
T7AR68Guaranteed net amounts - Groups of deduction rules
T7AR69Vacation provision: Calculation wage types
T7AR6PFamily allowance areas: Codes and texts
T7AR70Social Insurance contribution percentages
T7AR71Internal Revenue (DGI) area category for contributn reductns
T7AR72Internal Revenue (DGI) Area Category - Texts
T7AR73Assignment of Contribution reduction area to category
T7AR74Contribution percentage by Category and Soc. Ins. Type
T7AR75Annual Extra Payment (SAC): Off-cycle payroll run data
T7AR76Guaranteed net amounts - Wage types transfer of differences
T7AR80Employer data according to ANSeS Census Report
T7AR81Named person/family member data accord. to ANSeS Census rep.
T7AR82Assignment of ANSeS document type
T7AR83Assignment of ANSeS province code
T7AR84Assignment of ANSeS nationality code
T7AR85Assignment of ANSeS marital status code
T7AR86Number of employees and Company accord. ANSeS Census selectn
T7AR87Reasons for action additional information
T7AR88Service character
T7AR89Service character: T7AR88 texts
T7AR90Rules for calculating compensation
T7AR91Assign collective agreement to pay scale type
T7AR92Collective agreement
T7AR93Collective agreement: T7AR92 text
T7AR94Basic wage limit agreement for seniority compensation
T7AR95Severance pay code
T7AR96Severance pay code: Texts T7AR95
T7AR97Assign. sev. pay code to grouping of sev. pay legal norms
T7AR98Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation
T7AR99Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation: Text
T7ARM1My Simplification: Work relationships
T7ARM10MS: Courts - Secretariat
T7ARM11MS: Courts
T7ARM2(Dependents) additional data
T7ARM3My simplification: CBU
T7ARM4My Simplification: Family links
T7ARM5My Simplification: Business activity addresses/addresses
T7ARM6My Simplification: Nationality-country code relationship
T7ARM7MS: Level of training - school type relationship
T7ARM8MS: Postal Code - Town
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