PB38 - Human Resources master data: Colombia

The development package PB38 contains objects for "Human Resources master data: Colombia".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCCO. It belongs to software component PA-PA-CO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB38

PA0829HR master record for infotypes 0829
PA0830HR master record for infotypes 0830
PA0831HR master record for infotypes 0831
PA0832HR master record for infotypes 0832
PA0833HR master record for infotypes 0833
PA0834HR master record for infotypes 0834
PA0835HR master record for infotypes 0835
PA0836HR master record for infotypes 0836
PA0837HR master record for infotypes 0837
PA0838HR master record for infotypes 0838
PA0839HR master record for infotypes 0839
PA0847HR master record for infotypes 0847
PA0880HR master record for infotypes 0880
PB0836Candidates data for infotype 0836 (sample)
PB0837Candidates data for infotype 0837 (sample)
PB0838Candidates data for infotype 0838 (sample)
PB0839Candidates data for infotype 0839 (sample)
T7CO01Additional data of the company
T7CO02Social insurance general parameters
T7CO03Social Insurance entity type
T7CO04Social insurance entities
T7CO04ASocial insurance entities
T7CO05Social Insurance branches
T7CO05TBranch name
T7CO06Working centers and occupational hazard percentages
T7CO06TWork center name
T7CO07Absence general configuration
T7CO08Solidarity fund and retention
T7CO09Withholding at source parameters
T7CO10Loan and garnishment accumulators
T7CO11Concepts to be initialized in table CRT acc. to pers. action
T7CO12Date class relation (T548Y) of IT0041 for Colombia
T7CO13Credit and debit memos and interests
T7CO14Down payment reasons for severance payments
T7CO14TDown payment reasons for severance payments
T7CO15Courts (CO)
T7CO15TCourt texts (CO)
T7CO16Garnishment categories
T7CO16TGarnishment category texts (CO)
T7CO17Bank code equivalences ACH
T7CO18Calculation types
T7CO18TCalculation types - Texts
T7CO20Provision wage type
T7CO21Provision calculation parameters
T7CO22Calculation functions
T7CO23General configuration
T7CO24Relation of concepts dor basis in leave advance
T7CO25Calculation parameters for social benefits
T7CO26Employee grouping for calculation types
T7CO27Output item for settlement calculation and provisions
T7CO28Information from the Banco Agrario (garnishments CO)
T7CO29Basics for benefits calculation
T7CO30Money order office from the Banco Agrario (garnishment CO)
T7CO30TMoney order office from the Banco Agrario (garnishment CO)
T7CO31DIAN items grouping
T7CO32Conditions change for social insurance and retention
T7CO33Concept by which the payments are advanced
T7CO34Accumulator Income and withholdings certificate
T7CO35Wage types for absences
T7CO36Entity types by evaluation type/DIAN item
T7CO37DIAN: Equivalences Document type Magnetic media
T7CO38Information operators
T7CO38TInformation operators - Textos
T7CO40Withholding at source - UVT
T7CO41Withholding Minimum Fee at Source - Employees
T7CO85Identification type
T7CO90Benefit calculation rules
T7CO91Days range for compensation for unfair dismissal
T7CO92Severance table life
T7CO95Settlement code
T7CO95TSettlement code texts
T7CO97Calculation rules for settlement code
T7CO98Employee grouping for contract settlement
T7CO98TGroup description
T7COQPAbsence quota attributes
T7COT1Payroll external results transfer: COSSO
T7COT2Payroll external results transfer: COSSA
T7COT3Payroll external results transfer: COSEV
T7COT4Payroll external results transfer: COABS
T7COT5Payroll external results transfer: COBTR
T7COT6Payroll external results transfer: COGAR
T7COT7Payroll external results transfer: COTAX
T7COT8Payroll external results transfer: COAVA
T7COT9Payroll external results transfer: COPRO
T7COTAPayroll external results transfer: COICC
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