PB40 - HR master data: India

The development package PB40 contains objects for "HR master data: India".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCIN. It belongs to software component PA-PA-IN.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB40

PA0580Previous Employment Tax Details
PA0583Car and Conveyance
PA0584Income from other sources
PA0585Section 80 - Tax Exemptions
PA0586Section 88 - Tax rebate
PA0587Provident Fund contribution
PA0588Employee Welfare Schemes
PA0589Individual Reimbursements
PA0590Furnishing Scheme - India
T7IN0PPersonnel area/subarea grouping for India
T7INA1Reimbursement Allowances & Perks grouping
T7INA2Text for Pay scale grouping for allowances
T7INA3Allowance grouping definition table
T7INA5Wage type Model for Pay scale grouping for Allowances
T7INA7Reimbursements Allowances and Perks - base slabs
T7INA9Reimbursement Allowances Perks - eligibility and calculati
T7INAASalary years for Pay scale grouping for allowances
T7INAEClaims carry forward
T7INB1Basic Wage Type for Allowance Modifiers
T7INB3Basic Codes
T7INB4Basic code text
T7INB5Basic Codes for Allowance Groups
T7INB7Basic Slabs
T7INB8Appraisal Criteria
T7INB9Increment criteria
T7INC1Car type master
T7INC3Eligibility for company owned car scheme(COCS)
T7INC5Perk value of car
T7INC7Eligibility for car schemes(COCS/OYCS)
T7INC9Conveyance Eligibilty
T7INCACodes for Conveyance Type
T7INCBText for Conveyance Type
T7IND1Dearness allowance consumer price index master
T7IND2Dearness allowance consumer price index text
T7IND3Dearness allowance consumer price index value
T7IND5Dearness alloowance basic slab details
T7IND7Dearness allowance calculation rules
T7IND9Dearness allowance consumer price index slabs
T7INE1Personnel area/subarea grouping for Employees' state Ins.
T7INE2Employees' state insurance grouping text
T7INE3Employees' state insurance contribution rates
T7INF1Trust Master
T7INF2Provident fund trust text
T7INF3Statutory rates for Provident fund
T7INF5Company rates for provident fund
T7INF7Provident fund trust details
T7ING1Gratuity details
T7ING3Gratuity ID
T7ING4Gratuity ID Text
T7ING5Gratuity ID and Related Wagetypes
T7INGEResident Status Details
T7INI0Investment category limits
T7INI1Investment category text
T7INI2Investment technical description
T7INI3Investment text
T7INI4Investment limits
T7INI5Sub section technical description
T7INI6Sub section text
T7INI7Sub section limits
T7INI8Subsection division description
T7INI9Subsection division details
T7INIAHR-IN: Sec 88 membership deduction wage types
T7INICHR-IN: Sec 80 membership deduction wage types
T7INJ1HR-IN: Section 24 details for Housing Loans
T7INJ3HR-IN: Loans Eligibility checks and limits
T7INJ5HR-IN: Loans Dusbursement Schedule
T7INJ6HR-IN : Loan Tranche Disbursement: Text for Events Code
T7INJ7Define slab rates for loans
T7INJ9Assign slab codes for loans
T7INK1CTC Report: CTC Grouping Master Table
T7INK1TCTC Report: Area Key Master Table
T7INK2CTC Report : Component ID master table
T7INK2TCTC Report : Component ID master table
T7INK3CTC Report: Comp Id Mapping Table
T7INK4CTC Report: Define Components Category
T7INK4TCTC Report: Define Components Category
T7INL1Leave validation for LTA
T7INM1Slab codes of Minimum wage for Bonus Act
T7INM1TText table of Minimum wage for Bonus
T7INO1One Day Salary Deduction
T7INP1Personnel area / subarea grouping for Professional tax
T7INP2Professional tax grouping text
T7INP3Method and form fayout for states
T7INP4Professional tax rates
T7INQ1Maintain Exemption u/s 10 Wage Type Based on Tax Regime
T7INR1HRA code for tax exemption
T7INR3Constants related to HRA code
T7INR5Text for statutory constants related to housing
T7INR7Code for Housing Type
T7INR8Text for Housing Type
T7INR9City category for housing type
T7INRGIndia Region Codes
T7INRTIndia Region Code Description
T7INS1Superannuation details
T7INS3Superannuation ID
T7INS4Superannuation ID Text
T7INS5Superannuation ID and Related Wagetypes
T7INSWSwitch Table
T7INT1Slab codes for taxation
T7INT3Taxation slabs
T7INT5Personnel subarea grouping for Tax
T7INT7Taxabilty codes for rule based tax exemptions
T7INT8Text for taxability codes
T7INT9Taxability of wage types
T7INTEForm 24Q - TAN number lock
T7INTNTAN Number Maintainence
T7INU1State for Universal Grouping
T7INU2Text for Universal Grouping
T7INU3Slab codes for states
T7INU5Contribution Value for Each Slab
T7INV1Configuration table to Reconcile Form 24Q
T7INW1Personnel area/subarea grouping for Labour Welfare Fund
T7INW2Text for Labour welfare fund
T7INW3Labour welfare fund rates
T7INY1Round off recovery
T7INZ1Benefit Indicator (Factor for SA/Gratuity)
T7INZ3Period of notice codes
T7INZ4Period of notice codes
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