PB41 - HR master data: Korea

The development package PB41 contains objects for "HR master data: Korea".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCKR. It belongs to software component PA-PA-KR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB41

PA0538HR Master Record: Infotype 0538
PA0539HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
PA0540Family KOR
PA0541HR Master Record: Infotype 0541
PA0542Y.E.A. KR
PA0543HR Master Record: Infotype 0543
PA0544HR Master Record: Infotype 0544
PA0545HR Master Record: Infotype 0545
PA0555HR Master Record: Infotype 0555
PA0557HR Master Record: Infotype 0557
PA0698HR Master Record: Infotype 0698
PA0809HR Master Record: Infotype 0809
PA0812HR Master Record: Infotype 0812
PA0858HR Master Record: Infotype 0858
PA0881HR Master Record: Infotype 0881
PA3538HR Master Record: Infotype 3538
PA3542HR Master Record: Infotype 3542 (Previous Employers KR)
PB0539HR Master Record: Infotype 0539
PB0858Applicant data infotype 0858 (model)
T7KR0PHR Personnel area/subarea (KOR)
T7KR21HR Combination of entitlement reason & SI code
T7KR23HR SI code given from SI authorities (KOR)
T7KR24HR Text for SI code given from Labor & Welfare Corp. (KOR)
T7KR25HR SI Entitlement Reason (KOR)
T7KR26HR Text for SI Entitlement Reason (KOR)
T7KR27Version number of SI monthly standard compensation table
T7KR28Validity period for Version of SI grade table
T7KR29SI grade table
T7KR30Version number of SI grade table - TEXT
T7KR33HR Indicator of Social Insurance Rate KR
T7KR33THR Text for Indicator of Social Insurace Rate KR
T7KR34HR Allowances Code given from NTS
T7KR34THR Text for Allowance Code given from NTS
T7KR35HR Non-taxable/Exempted Fields on YEA Receipt
T7KR35THR Text for Non-taxable/Exempted Fields on YEA Receipt
T7KR38Retirement Reason
T7KR38TText for Retirement Reason
T7KR39Dependant's Type
T7KR39TText for Dependant's Type
T7KR41Privacy Data Protection Fields and Level
T7KR5AKorea Infotype Subtype Repeat/Non-Repeat Setting
T7KR5BDefine Infotype Non-Repeat Structure Fields by Subtype
T7KR5CDefine Infotype's Secondary Subtype
T7KR5CTDefine IT0881 Secondary Subtype Text Table
T7KR5DFinancial Institution Code
T7KR5DTFinancial Institution Code Description
T7KRBPBusiness Place KR
T7KRC0Additional data : National Contributor KR
T7KRC1Addtional data : National contributor text KR
T7KRC2Additional data : National contributor(Recruit method) KR
T7KRC3Text for recruit method of National Contribor KR
T7KRC4Addtional data : Type of challenge KR
T7KRC5Text for type of challenge KR
T7KRC6Additional data : Job type for unemployment insurance
T7KRC7Additional data: Text for job type for UI KR
T7KRC8Additional data: recruit method for unemployment insurance
T7KRC9Additional data: Text for recruitment method for UI
T7KRD0Disciplinary Type KR
T7KRD1Disciplinary Type Text KR
T7KRDAPrivacy Data Archiving Administration (PIPA)
T7KRDPKR Data Protection Administration
T7KRE0Definition school career (conversion table)
T7KRE1Text for school career KR
T7KRE2Define the school type KR
T7KREYEYear End Adjustment Information Updating Log
T7KRICKorea Social Insurance Contribution
T7KRIRHR Rate for Social Insurance KR
T7KRL1HR Loan Repayment Off cycle reason KR
T7KRM0Military Rank KR
T7KRM1Military Rank Text KR
T7KRM2Military Service Type KR
T7KRM3Military Service Type Text KR
T7KRM4Job Class in Military KR
T7KRM5Job Class Text in Military KR
T7KRM6Military Primary Skill KR
T7KRM7Military Primary Skill Text KR
T7KRMRHR Medical Insurance Premium Rate (KR)
T7KRNFHR Associate Non-taxable/Exempted Allowance to Form Fields
T7KRNWHR Associate Wage Types to Non-taxable/Exempted Allowances
T7KRR2Retirement Pension Plan
T7KRR2TRetirement Pension Plan Text
T7KRR3External Institution
T7KRR3TExternal Institution Text
T7KRR4Assign Pension Plans to External Institutions
T7KRR5Decision Factor for Contribution Rate
T7KRR5TRate Decision Factor Text
T7KRR6Rate Value for Decision Factor
T7KRR7Contribution Calculation Method
T7KRR9Participant Status
T7KRR9TParticipant Status Text
T7KRSCAssign payrolls to payroll group
T7KRSIHR Social Insurance Agency
T7KRSRKorea Premium Rate for NP, EI and WCI
T7KRSRTKorea Premium Rate for NP, EI and WCI Text Table
T7KRSSSimple Tax Table
T7KRSTSimple tax table
T7KRTMTax calculation method
T7KRYEKorea Paperless YEA - Data Defination
T7KRYUKorea YEA Update - Data Defination
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