PB58 - HR Croatia

The development package PB58 contains objects for "HR Croatia".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCHR. It belongs to software component PA-PA-HR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB58

PA0562HR Master Record: Infotype 0562
PA0563HR Master Record: Infotype 0563
PA0564HR Master Record: Infotype 0564
PA0575HR Master Record: Infotype 0575
PB0575Applicant data infotype 0575 (model)
T7HR01PPersonnel Area/Subarea Groupings for Croatia
T7HR03Employee Group/Subgroup HR
T7HR04Classification of absences for legal purposes
T7HR0WPD Qualification -> Education level
T7HR10Insurance institutions
T7HR13Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
T7HR13CJobs With Other/Previous Employers
T7HR13CTJob at former employer(s) - texts
T7HR1AInsurance calculation
T7HR1BSI insurance - rates
T7HR1B_ETSI insurance - rates
T7HR1CSI insurance - rates for companies
T7HR1C_ETSI insurance - rates for companies
T7HR1ICompany fulfil conditions for employment of invalids
T7HR1PComp. code/Pers. area/Pers. subarea/Time range
T7HR20Tax Institution
T7HR21CCheck Table Company code x Payees
T7HRA0Payment date - remarks - GOD form
T7HRA1Bank transfer - interface table
T7HRA2IP Form - Master data
T7HRA2NIP Form - Master data - New (w. OIB)
T7HRA2OIP Form - Master data - with IDENT in key
T7HRA3IP Form - Earnings
T7HRA3NIP Form - Earnings - New (w. OIB)
T7HRA3OIP Form - Earnings - with IDENT in key
T7HRBAPay slip layouts for banks Croatia
T7HRBPControl codes for banks Croatia
T7HRBPXConversion IT 9 to T521B proposal
T7HRBTBank transfer configuration (WT->Accounts)
T7HRDEDependent types (Croatia)
T7HRDFDependent type texts (Croatia)
T7HRDOStatutory deductions Croatia
T7HRDPDocuments for proof (Croatia)
T7HRDQDocuments for proof texts (Croatia)
T7HRDRTexts for statutory deductions Croatia
T7HRDSControl codes for stat. deductions and company codes Croatia
T7HRHEHealth insurance types (Croatia)
T7HRHFHealth insurance type texts (Croatia)
T7HRKPControl codes for payees Croatia
T7HRL2Quotas and algorithms
T7HRL2AQuotas and algorithms
T7HRL3Ranges for algorithms
T7HRL3ARanges for algorithms
T7HRLPLoan percentages
T7HRMSMessages Croatia
T7HRMUMunicipality codes (Croatia)
T7HRMVMunicipality codes texts (Croatia)
T7HRMWControl numbers - municipalities and company codes (Croatia)
T7HRMXSurtax percentage for municipality codes (Croatia)
T7HRPGControl codes for payees Croatia
T7HRRECustomizing table for HR reports Croatia
T7HRRTBus routes Croatia
T7HRRUBus routes Croatia
T7HRTXTax difference calculation
T7HRVOVocation Check Table - Croatia
T7HRVOPCode of Personal income type for Bank transfer
T7HRVTVocation Descriptions - Croatia
T7HRZATypes of employees Croatia
T7HRZBTexts for employee types Croatia
T7HRZCParameters for types of employees (Croatia)
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