PC13 - HR accounting: Australia

The development package PC13 contains objects for "HR accounting: Australia".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCAU. It belongs to software component PY-AU.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC13

P2RQ_ACRTACRT for Single Touch Payroll (Australia)
P2RQ_AETPAETP Cluster for ETP details (Australia)
P2RQ_HTPayroll Results: Results Table
P2RQ_LSLPRPayroll Results: LSLPR Table
P2RQ_LVACCPayroll Results: Leave Accrual (Australia)
P2RQ_LVEPRPayroll Results: LVEPR Table
P2RQ_MESSAGESPayroll structure: Messages
P2RQ_NTPayroll Results: Results Table
P2RQ_P5BALPayroll Results: P5BAL Table
P2RQ_PASUMPayment summary components
P2RQ_QDDCONAustralia Public Sector: Payroll
P2RQ_QHDAHR-AU-PS: Payroll structure for Higher Duty Allowance
P2RQ_QSPRHR-AU-PS: Payroll structure for Superannuation
P2RQ_QSUPSuperannuation structure for Australia
P2RQ_RETPPayroll Structure: RETP Table
P2RQ_SABNSABN for ABN details (Australia)
P2RQ_SHRSPayroll structure for superannuation
P2RQ_SMTHSMTH and SQTR for Superannuation (Australia)
P2RQ_SQTRSMTH and SQTR for Superannuation (Australia)
P2RQ_SUPCOMSuperable salary components
P2RQ_TAXPStructure for tax routine (Australia)
P2RQ_TVARPStructure for Income Tax Withholding variations (Australia)
T5QGOGroup Certificate Overrides
T5QIAPS Specific Characteristic for absence type
T5QIGLeave Quota Grouping
T5QITCalculation rule for transfer frequency
T5QLKLeave Liability Constants
T5QLLAustralian Leave Loading - international leave
T5QPRAust. Leave Provision for international leave
T5QR0Australia tax - Retro processing characteristics and BF / CF
T5QSCTable for Superannuation SuperChoices
T5QSOAdjust YTD Amounts for STP Reporting
T5QT1Australia Tax - Calculation methods
T5QT3Australia Tax - Calculation method adjustment configuration
T5QT5Australia Tax - Calculations based on technical wage types
T5QT6Australia Tax - Gross formation based on processing classes
T5QTRTerm. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading Australia
T5Q_CONSTANTSAustralia-specific Functionalities Constants
T5Q_CONSTANTSTDescriptions of Australia-specific Functionality Constants
T5Q_INC_TYPIncome Type Codes
T5Q_INC_TYPTIncome Type Descriptions
T5Q_STP_EESTP table - Payee Details
T5Q_STP_ERSTP table - Payer Details
T5Q_STP_PAYSTP table - Payment details
T5Q_STP_POLLINGSTP table - Polling intervals
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