PC18 - HR payroll: Czech Republic

The development package PC18 contains objects for "HR payroll: Czech Republic".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCCZ. It belongs to software component PY-CZ.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC18

P18_06Table for transfer - PPD coefficient calculation in 2001
P2RT_ABAUSStructure of ABAUS - Paid illness
P2RT_BHStructure table for challenge
P2RT_CZMSGStructure for error messages in CZMSG
P2RT_STStructure of table ST - Tax CZ
P2RT_SVStructure SV - insurance CZ
T5T03Personal groups/subgroups - extension
T5T04Absence types for reports
T5T05Action types for reports
T5T0CBreakdown of absences
T5T10Pay scale groups - link to ext.statistics
T5T13Jobs x KZAM
T5T1JHealth insurance funds - names
T5T1KHealth insurance funds - names
T5T1MHealth insurance funds - enhancing information
T5T1M_NHealth insurers - data for XML
T5T1XLast foreign Health insurance - name
T5T1YAuthority for health insurance
T5T2GConfiguration of tax calculation CZ
T5T2HConfiguration of tax calculation CZ
T5T2ITax calculation configuration - non-residents
T5T2ZNumber and numbers like words
T5T36_CPAssign contact person to an address
T5T3AHealth and social insurance
T5T3BRoutines for HI and SI cumulation
T5T3CCalculation of contributions for health and social ins.
T5T4045RZD results for calculation receipt - MD /404 and /405
T5T47Contract types CZ
T5T47NLabour law relationship types
T5T4ADefinition of wage sheet lines
T5T4BTexts of sum.groups in the wage sheet
T5T4DConfiguration of parameters for HR reports
T5T4EParameters for HR reports - texts
T5T4FConfiguration of HR reports - user-exits
T5T4GParameter configuration personal reportts for output by ALV
T5T50Job code list - ext.statistics
T5T51Post office code list
T5T52Postal order charges
T5T530Reasons for Actions
T5T54Codebook of cities in �R
T5T55Configuration table for IT0620, ...
T5T558_ABHRCZ-Table for absence transfer when upgrading to SAP
T5T558_ABAUSHRCZ-Table for data transfer for ABAUS when upgrading to SAP
T5T56Configuration for HRCZ infotypes
T5T57Code list of CSSZ counties
T5T58Codebook of states for ELDP
T5T59Configuration for field sending into Insured Register
T5T60Error message table for CZMSG operation
T5T62HR master record Infotype 0620
T5T77S0HRCZ system parameter table
T5T77S1Texts for the tab. system
T5T77STSystem Tables
T5TA1Source data for external transfers
T5TA2Medium for health insurance
T5TA3Results of annual tax calculation to be included
T5TA4Social insurance differences for FI posting
T5TA5E_sick-certificates cancellations for IT3424
T5TCLTable fields for delete (protect of personal datas)
T5TCOCompensation for work accidents and work illnesses
T5TDRCIWorking activity types
T5TDRCITTexts for working activity types
T5TDRCI_CONVWorking activity types - conversion
T5TELDP2004TRANSELDP items for transfer from external system to SAP
T5TGRWRKGuaranteed minimum wage acc. to job groups
T5THZUPNHRCZ - ER report about DPN termination
T5TL1Algorithmes for leaves in IT2006
T5TL2Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmes
T5TL3Days for vacation in IT2006
T5TL4Define class of daily work schedule for absences
T5TL5Contingent reduction for leave in IT2006
T5TL6Work schedules to generate leave entitlements
T5TL7Work schedules to generate leave entitlements
T5TNEMPRIHRCZ - sick pay application attachment
T5TPENSAVData for pension savings
T5TPENSAV_YSPension savings - annual reporting
T5TPFConfiguration table for medium of pension funds
T5TPVSPARParamets for communication with PVS
T5TPVSTEMPLATEMasters for communication with PVS
T5TREGHR Cluster 2
T5TREGSIHRCZ - insured register
T5TREGTRANSHRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAP
T5TS0Central storage of XML documents
T5TSIID_CTRLControl table for VS - social insurance
T5TSPOTable for convert bank accounts (Ceska Sporitelna)
T5TSREGPHRCZ - registry if insured persons
T5TSTTax table and rounding table
T5TV1Settings for the leave quota calculation
T5TVSHRCS - ONZ - Mapping table for change of VS
T5TZPConfiguration table for life insurance medium
T7CZTAX_YREPTransactional data for withholding/advance tax settlement
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