PC19 - HR settlement: Portugal

The development package PC19 contains objects for "HR settlement: Portugal".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCPT. It belongs to software component PY-PT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC19

P2RP_DAHR-PT: Payroll Results: Disability
P2RP_LADIVStructure with Information for Div30 Process Table
P2RP_MFHR-PT: Payroll Results: Membership fees
P2RP_OVTime Wage Types (Table ZL)
P2RP_SCRTHR-PT: Cumulated result table (Legal entity dependent)
P2RP_SSHR-PT: Payroll Results: Social Security
P2RP_TXHR-PT: Payroll Results: Tax
P2RP_VAHR-PT: Payroll Results: Vacation allowance grouping (VA)
T5P1JHR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPER
T5P1SBCATIncome subcategories
T5P1THR-PT: Text table for the relation of WTs.in tax calc.
T5P1UHR-PT: Relation of reference amount WTs for tax calculation
T5P1WHR-PT: Relation of wage types in tax calculation
T5P2EHR-PT: Social Security Contributor
T5P2MHR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th Month
T5P2PHR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Payroll Processing
T5P2UHR-PT: Social Security Contributor
T5P6CHR-PT: Councils
T5P6DHR-PT: Districts
T5P6PHR-PT: Parishes
T5PABHR-PT: Absence/Attendance types - Reporting classification
T5PBFAWage type determination to consider for the allowance
T5PBU0Occurrences value table
T5PEDHR-PT: Education Levels
T5PITHR-PT: Infotype subtype - Classification
T5PNCHR-PT: Nationality Codes
T5PS1HR-PT: professional categories assignment (IRC code)
T5PS2HR-PT: Professional categories
T5PS2THR-PT: Professional category designations
T5PS4HR-PT: Professional Category designation
T5PS4THR-PT: text table for professional category designation
T5PSCHR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
T5PSSWage types for social protection regime calculation
T5PSTHR-PT: text table for additional information wage types
T5PV1HR-PT: Assignment of quota type selection rule group
T5PV2HR-PT: Classification of absence quota types
T5PVAHR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance
T5PVTHR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance (text)
T5PWSHR-PT: Work Schedules - Classification
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