PC20 - HR accounting: Norway

The development package PC20 contains objects for "HR accounting: Norway".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCNO. It belongs to software component PY-NO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC20

P2RV_RETPRETP Structure Norway
P2RV_RMBRMB Structure for Norway Reimbursement
P2RV_STST for Norway (Cluster for tax)
P2RV_VAPVAP Structure Norway
REIMB_RECON_COMComments for Reimbursement Reconciliation report
T5V0PAttributes of the Norwegian organisational structure
T5V2GConnection org. numbers and rep. org. number
T5V2HAssessment limit (bunnfradrag) per legal org. no.
T5V2IReporting organisational number for tax and ERC reporting
T5V2JNACE codes (Business area codes; N�ringskoder)
T5V2KEntity table for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer)
T5V2LEntity table for Bedriftsnummer
T5V2NConnection rep. org. no and status for ERC reporting
T5V2OOrganisation group for AA register reporting
T5V2OTOrgledd table (Norway)
T5V2RNAV Addresses
T5V2SNAV Link address
T5V2TText table for NACE codes
T5V3EHoliday allowance: Payment
T5V3FText for T5V3E
T5V3GLeave quota types
T5VA3Norwegian absence evaluation segment definition
T5VA4Norwegian absence valuation segment definition - text
T5VA5Norwegian absence classification
T5VA6Norwegian absence evaluation rules
T5VBFAssessment limit (bunnfradrag) per Reporting Org. No
T5VBPAltinn Integration Status Table
T5VCTAssignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key
T5VM1Pension type
T5VM1TPension type text
T5VM2Pension variant
T5VM2TPension variant text
T5VM3Parameters for pension variant
T5VOTOvertime Limits
T5VS2Tax code granularity - Check table
T5VS3Tax code granularity - Text table
T5VS4Tax codes with direct attributes
T5VS5Tax codes - text table
T5VS8Assignment of wage types to tax codes
T5VSACumulation category of wage types for annual tax reporting
T5VSTAssignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key
T5VT0Annual tax statements - Reporting status
T5VT1AA-Register file table.
T5VTPAltinn authentication response
T5VXIConnecting rep. org. number with Enterprise ID
T7NOFTX_FACTORTable for determining the factor for financial tax
T7NORMB_CLAIM_TNorway Reimbursement NAV Claims table
T7NORMB_DOC_TIncome form container (XML,PDF)
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