PC31 - Payroll objects HR SK

The development package PC31 contains objects for "Payroll objects HR SK".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCSK. It belongs to software component PY-SK.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC31

P2SK_ABAUSDocuments for absence
P2SK_SKMSGStructure of warning messages for operation SKMSG
P2SK_STStructure of table ST - Tax SK
P2SK_SVStructure of table SV - insurance SK
T7SK03Person group/person areas - enhancement
T7SK04Grouping of absences for reports
T7SK0CAbsence distribution
T7SK10Tariff groups - connection to ext.statistics
T7SK13Jobs x KZAM
T7SK1KHealth Insurance Funds
T7SK1LData for basis of employer's transfer orders
T7SK22AArea of education
T7SK22BCode list of districts
T7SK22CSchool code
T7SK22DTexts for area of education
T7SK2GConfiguration of tax calculation SK
T7SK2HConfiguration of tax calculation SK
T7SK3AInsurance calculation configuration
T7SK3BAdjustments of insurance assessment bases
T7SK3CRoutines f.calculation of health and soc.insurance contrib.
T7SK4ADefinitions of pay sheet lines
T7SK4BTexts of summary groups of pay sheet
T7SK4DConfiguration of parameters of reports
T7SK4EPersonal reports parameters - texts
T7SK4FReports - user-exits
T7SK4GParameter configuration of personal lists for listing in AL
T7SK50Code List KZAM
T7SK51Code List post
T7SK52Table of postal order rates
T7SK558_ABTransfer abs.(supplement T558D) - SK
T7SK60Table of error messages for SKMSG
T7SKA1Bases for external payments
T7SKA3Result values ATC for calculation program
T7SKA4Auxiliary table HRSK
T7SKAMTSTax Overview - outflows and returns
T7SKARZDAnnual tax clearing
T7SKDNPBases for DNP average 1/2010
T7SKEC0009Log on table for EURO conversion - IT 0009
T7SKEC0011Log on table for EURO conversion - IT 0011
T7SKELDZPeriod for pension provision reg.cert. (ELDZ)
T7SKHOIKInternal code of HI mass notification
T7SKHOIKTText of HI mass notification internal code
T7SKHOZPCodes for HI mass notification
T7SKKLBEWAbsence distribution
T7SKL1Algorithms for leaves in v IT2006
T7SKL2Quotas permitted in IT2006 for algorithms
T7SKL4Determine class for daily work schedule for absences
T7SKL5Quota reduction for leave in IT2006
T7SKL6Quota reduction for leave in IT2006
T7SKMTABHRSK multitable
T7SKPVNTable for absence entering into sections rep.HSKCPVN0
T7SKRLCluster with registration sheets for soc.insurer
T7SKRZDCluster table for Annual Tax Clearing
T7SKRZORHI contributions payer code list
T7SKRZZPCluster with annual health insurance settlement
T7SKSPOPRVSI corrections for the transitional period
T7SKSTTax table and table of rounding
T7SKVDPAuxiliary table for HSKLVDP0
T7SKVZPHealth insurance statement
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