PCAL - SAP HR Payroll Application Development

The development package PCAL contains objects for "SAP HR Payroll Application Development".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PY-XX.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PCAL

HRPY_CYCLEINFOComments for Payroll Rules
HRPY_CYCLE_DOCUPersonnel Calculation Rules: User Comments
HRPY_RGDIRDirectory for Payroll Results
HRPY_RGDIR_TEMPInternal TEMPORARY Directory for Payroll Results
HRPY_WPBPHR-PAY: Transparent Table WPBP
PA0121HR Master Record: Infotype 0121 (RefPerNo Priority)
PA0128HR Master Record: Infotype 0128 (Notifications)
PA0129HR Master Record: Infotype 0129 (Text Number Assign.)
PA0165HR Master Record: Infotype 0165 (Limits Deductions)
PA0267HR Master Record: Infotype 0267 (One time Payment off-cycle)
PA0655HR Master Record for Infotype 0655
PCL1HR Cluster 1
PCL2HR Cluster 2
PCL3HR Cluster 3
PCL4HR Cluster 4
PYNOSCREENSelection Screen Fields (Only as Interface)
PYORGSCREENPNP900 Selection Screen: Fields for Organizational Selection
PYTIMESCREENPNP900: Fields For Time Selection
T500L_ADDONIndicator Country Grouping Add-On Solution
T500L_CUSTCustomer View of Table T500L
T50FAHR: Message Type Definition
T50FATHR Notification Type Text
T50FBHR: Mapping Program Fields to Structure
T50FCHR: Permitted Conversions per Area
T50FCTHR: Text for Conversions
T50FDHR: Time Dependency of Message Type Versions
T50FEHR: Mapping Internal and External Structure
T510CAdjust Bases for Calculating Av.Vals.acc.to PScale
T510HPayroll Parameters for Time Unit
T510JConstant Valuations
T510LStep Table
T510YSpecial Rules for Wage Type Generation
T511ACalculation Rules for Averages
T511BCumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511CAdjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511KPayroll Parameters
T511PInternational Payroll Constants
T511TDesignation of Payroll Constant Amounts
T512BBackup table for T512W
T512DLine Layout in Window
T512EForm-Related Control of Wage Types
T512FForm Windows
T512GSupplementary Group Texts
T512HAssignment of Text Elements to Forms
T512KText for Payroll Constants Regarding Time Units
T512LPayroll Constant Designations
T512NRule Table for Form
T512PForm Background
T512QInformation in Fixed Positions
T512RCumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512STexts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512UHR System Documentation
T512WWage Type Valuation
T514DForm Index
T514VForm Name Texts
T515RTables in Payroll Results
T515SRelationships between Tables in Payroll Results
T515TSplits in Payroll Results
T515UHierarchy of Tables in Payroll Results
T515VElement Tables in Payroll Results Tables
T515WGroup Together Table Fields in the Payroll Results
T515YSign Reversal for Table Fields in the Payroll Results
T51AV_2PAssignment of Partial Period Parameters to Average Bases
T51AV_2WAssignment of Primary Wage Types to Average Bases
T51AV_ACalculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_ATText for Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_BCumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51AV_BTText for Cumulation Rule for Average Calculation Bases
T51AV_CAdjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51AV_CTText for Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_EFinal Processing Rules for Averages
T51AV_E_BRFinal Processing Rules for Averages (Brazil)
T51AV_PAssignment of Wage Types to Average Calculation Rules
T51AV_RRelevance Rule for Calculating Averages
T51AV_ROCOff-cycle reasons not relevant for calculation of averages
T51AV_RTText for Relevance Rules for Averages
T51AV_WComparison Rules for Calculating Averages
T51D1Limits for Deductions
T51D2Wage Type Classes
T51D3Reduction Rules
T51D4Limit Rules
T51D5Start Point
T51D6Interval Definitions
T51DSText for Time Intervals
T51DTWage Type Class Texts
T51G1Off-Cycle Batch Table
T51P1Wage Type Assignment
T51P3Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P4Text: Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P6Characteristics of WTypes for Arrears Processing
T520MCash Breakdown List
T520NSalary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting Options
T520SText Key for Data Carrier
T52A0Internal Object Number
T52A0_TTexts for Objects in T52A0
T52B1Object Classes
T52B2Object Attributes
T52B3Valid Object Class Attributes
T52B4Valid Attribute Values
T52B5Assignment of Values to Objects
T52B5_ADDONHR-Add-on: Assignment of Values to Objects
T52B6Function Parameters
T52B6_ADDONHR-Add-on : Function Parameter
T52B7Valid Function Parameter Values
T52B7_ADDONHR-Add-On : Valid Values of Function Parameters
T52B8Function Parameter Texts
T52B8_ADDONHR-Add-on : Texts for the Function Parameters
T52B9Use of Infotypes for Objects
T52B9_ADDONHR-Add-on : Use of Infotypes with Objects
T52BAAssignment of Values to Customer Objects
T52BBTexts on Function Parameter Values
T52BB_ADDONHR-Add-On : Texts of Values for Function Parameter
T52BG_ADDONHR-Add-On: Use of Grouping Reasons with Objects
T52BMOperation Models
T52BNAssigning Models to Operations
T52BN_ADDONHR-Add-on : Assignment of Models for Operations
T52BOOperation Parameters
T52BO_ADDONHR-Add-on : Operation Parameter
T52BPTexts For Operation Parameters
T52BPO_IT_LINKSHR BPO: Link Between HR Infotypes with n:1 Relation
T52BP_ADDONHR-Add-on : Texts for the Operation Parameters
T52BRTexts For Attribute Values
T52BSTexts for Attributes of HR Objects
T52BTTexts For HR Objects
T52BXValid Special Payroll Runs for Countries
T52C0Payroll Schemas (Standard)
T52C1Payroll Schemas (Customer)
T52C2Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C3Texts for Payroll Schemas (Customer)
T52C5Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CCDirectory of Customer Schemas
T52CDSchema Directory
T52CEDirectory of Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CLSTDisplay Order for Payroll Tables in PC_PAYRESULT
T52CTText Elements
T52D1Valid Processing Classes
T52D2Valid Values for Processing Classes
T52D3Valid Evaluation Classes
T52D4Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes
T52D5Wage Type Groups
T52D6Wage Type Group Texts
T52D7Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups
T52D8Valid Processing Classes - Texts
T52D9Valid Values for Processing Classes - Texts
T52DAValid Evaluation Classes - Texts
T52DBValid Evaluation Classes - Texts
T52DNName Range for Processing and Evaluation Classes
T52DZAssignment: Customizing - Model Wage Type
T52IAPayroll Infotypes
T52IBAssignment of Evaluation Wage Types
T52ICEvaluation Wage Types
T52IDTexts for Evaluation Wage Types
T52IEAssignment for Evaluation Wage Types
T52MCWHR Payroll: Matchcode W
T52MENUAssign Menu Transaction to Symbolic Module Name
T52RELIDHR: Description of cluster in table PCLx
T52RELIDTHR: Texts for clusters in table PCLx
T52RICRetroactive Changes to Off-Cycle Infotypes
T52_WAGE_SEPARATWage Separation According to Date
T530BPayment Condition (Special Payments)
T530CControl Table for Special Payments
T530DSpecial Payments (Emp.Per.-Dependent Factors)
T530LWage Types for Special Payments
T541ATypes of Guaranteed Net Amount
T541NGuaranteed Net Amounts
T541TTexts for Types of Guaranteed Net Amounts
T546AEmployee Subgroup Grouping for Payroll
T546TEE Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation Rules
T549LDate Modifiers
T549MMonthly Assignment: Payroll Period (no longer used)
T549OText for date modifier
T549PValid Time Units for Payroll
T549ZCalendar for payment model
T54C0Start of the tax year for payroll periods
T54C1Calendar for Cumulation
T54C2Calendar Type
T54C3Cumulation of Wage Types
T54C4Valid Calendar Types
T54C5Date Identifier
T54C6Cumulation Periods
T54C9Functions Grouping
T54CAFunction Grouping (Texts)
T54CCDate Identifier (Texts)
T54CTCalendar Types (Texts)
T558AOld Payroll Account Transfer
T558BPayroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods
T558CPayroll Account Transfer: Old Wage Types
T558DTransfer Wage Types with Split Indicator
T569TControl Record Texts
T569ULogs for Control Records
T569VControl Records
T56C1Parameter for Cumulation Types
T56C1TParameter for Cumulation Types - Texts
T56C2Permitted Cumulation Types
T56C3Date for the Cumulation Intervals
T56C4Period Date Relevant for Cumulations
T56C5Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table Entries
T56C7HR-PAY: Country Exits for Cumulations
T56C8HR-PAY: Country-Specific Cumulation Tables
T5962Area Text
T5963Report ID Assignment
T5965Description of Subareas
T596AWage Type Application
T596BTexts for Subapplications
T596CValidity Interval for Statutory Subapplications
T596DValidity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications
T596GWage Type Buckets
T596HTexts on Cumulation Wage Types
T596ICalculation Rules for Cumulation Wage Types
T596JCalculation guideline for cum. wage types (customer table)
T596KHR-PAY: Country-Specific Table Names
T596XDynamic Assignment of Cumulation Wage Types to Fields
T599C_PYPNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T599D_PYReport Category Names
T599F_PYReport Categories - Select Options
T599JIMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameters - Texts
THRFORMS_R4FLWTSHRFORMS - Reference for Flag Wage Types
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