PFM_12FI - Objects for FI module

The development package PFM_12FI contains objects for "Objects for FI module".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package GLO_FIFM_PT_02. It belongs to software component PSM-FM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PFM_12FI

PFM_12TCSSAmounts for Social Security certificate validation
PFM_12TD01FI: PA - authorization header data
PFM_12TD02FI: PA - payment authorization item data
PFM_12TD03Retentions: payment/invoices
PFM_12TD05Budget posting to accounting: document check
PFM_12TD06Budget posting to accounting: error log to accout.: items w.errors-Obs. table - don't use!
PFM_12TD08Program execution log
PFM_12TD10Budgetary document posting to accounting: document check
PFM_12TD11Budgetary document posting to accounting: error log
PFM_12TD12Budgetary document posting to accounting: item check
PFM_12TDRETWithholding Tax: Payments/Invoices
PFM_12TFA01Year closing: information regarding management closing
PFM_12TFA02Year closing: commitment data to pass to the new management
PFM_12TFA03Year closing: to pass to the new management
PFM_12TFA04Year closing: pass to new management
PFM_12TFA05Year closing: FI document setup
PFM_12TFA06Year clos.: relationship G/L account open w/new sp.G/L ind.
PFM_12TFA07Year closing: commitment setup of future years
PFM_12TFA08Year closing: post.key derivation for new management docs.
PFM_12TFA09Year closing: doc.types earm.funds to generate for new mngm.
PFM_12TFA11Year closing: doc.types FYC to generate for new mngm.
PFM_12TFAPFI: PA - parameter data for form
PFM_12TOTRRelation WTax code-Commitment item TO revenue for payments
PFM_12TP01FI: PA - parameter document type
PFM_12TP02FI: PA - parameter Number range
PFM_12TP19FI: budget posting to accounting: budget types
PFM_12TP22CA: parameter Print (forms and programs)
PFM_12TP28FI: to accounting: composite processes
PFM_12TP39FI: withholding tax codes parameter
PFM_12TP52FI: PA - param.CRE (derivation)
PFM_12TP53Additional periods
PFM_12TP55FI: PA(HR) - param.G/L account (derivation)
PFM_12TP57FI: PA - parameter Advance payments
PFM_12TPAP_OPFI: PA - payment authorization proposal options
PFM_12TPCOCRelation WTax code-Compound process indicator
PFM_12TPRETRelation WTax code-Fields for retention doc
PFM_12TPRET_VERRelation WTax code-Use old version (program PFM_12FIBI03)
PFM_12TSLD_ML_FIFI: balances table por legal maps
PFM_12T_AGR_ETAPStep grouper for map development
PFM_TCSS_GFVendor accounts groups exempt Social Security validation
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