PGAR - HR Garnishments

The development package PGAR contains objects for "HR Garnishments".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PY-XX.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PGAR

PA0476HR master record infotype 0476 (Deductions Spain)
PA0477Personnel Master Record Infotype 0477: Debt (Garnishments)
PA0478Personnel Master Record Infotype 0478: Adjustment (Garnish)
PA0611HR Master Record: Infotype 0611
PA0612HR Master Record: Infotype 0612
T53G0TDescription of the jurisdiction
T53G1Garnishment Category
T53G1TDescription of the garnishment category
T53G2TDescription of the agency
T53G4Debt Types for Garnishments
T53G4TDescription of the debt
T53G5Model for the basis amount
T53G6Description of the basis model
T53G7Characteristics of the basis model
T53G8Model for the gross amount
T53G9Description of the Model for the gross amount
T53GACharacteristics Model for the gross amount
T53GBModel for the net amount
T53GCDescription of the Model for the net amount
T53GDCharacteristics Model for the net amount
T53GEModel for the non-exempt amount
T53GFDescription of the Model for the non-exempt amount
T53GGCharacteristics Model for the non exempt amount
T53GHNon Exempt: Special rules
T53GINon Exempt: Description of special rule
T53GJNon Exempt: Characteristics Special rule
T53GKNon Exempt: Level Systems
T53GLNon Exempt: Description of Level Systems
T53GMNon Exempt: Characteristics Level Systems
T53GNNon Exempt: Level Systems Dependents
T53GOModel for the relationship to other debts
T53GPDescription of the model for the relationship to other debts
T53GQService Charge
T53GRService Charge Description
T53GSService Charge Characterisitics
T53GTPriority of debts
T53GUCalculation Model
T53GVDescription of the calculation model
T53GWCharacteristics of the Calculation Rule
T53GXBasis Model Rounding
T53GX1Description Basis Model Rounding
T53GX2Characteristics Basis Model Rounding
T53GYGarnishments Elements
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