PI-CRM - CRM Plug-In

The development package PI-CRM contains objects for "CRM Plug-In".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PI_APPL. It belongs to software component CA.

Child development packages of PI-CRM

Development Package
/SAPNEA/MR3/HANDHELD_SALESMobile Sales for Handhelds
/SPE/CRM_GENERALGeneral Package for CRM Communication in SPE scenarios
ACID_PIBAPI Plug-In for Accounting Interface
AGR_EXCHANGE_GENERALExchange Agreements General
AGR_EXCHANGE_INBOUNDExchange Agreements Inbound
AGR_EXCHANGE_OUTBOUNDExchange Agreements Outbound
BPEXExchange of business partner data with other systems
BUPA_P46CSAP BP: Release-Specific Functional Enhancements for 4.6C
CATS_PLUGINCATS Services for Linking External Systems
CBC1CRM Business Partner Data Exchange
CCCDCRM Customer Master Data Exchange (Release Dependent)
CCCICRM Customer Master Data Exchange
CCMPPlug-In development class for CIC components
CMPBCampaign Determination: Basis
CMPCCampaign Determination: Customizing
CMPDCampaign Determination: Operational Determination
CMPD_SFWS_SC1Code Enhancement Package 1 - Campaign Determination
CMPMCampaign Determination: Master Data
CND_EXCHANGE_GENERALExchange Conditions General
CND_EXCHANGE_INBOUNDExchange Conditions Inbound
COM_BUAGBusiness Agreement: Communication Data
COM_BUPABusiness Partner Communication Data
CRMCustomer Relationship Management (Interfaces SFA Server)
CRM40FFCRM Functions as of SAP Release 4.0B
CRMCO_ERRCRM/CO Integration: Controlling Cockpit
CRMCO_ISDevelopments Information System Controlling Connection CRM
CRMCO_ORIndividual controlling in CRM: internal orders
CRMCO_PERCLSingle-Object Controlling in CRM: Period-End Closing
CRMGMW Adapter: Generated Objects for Data Exchange
CRM_CCM_RECOVERYCRM Objects for the Chargeback Recovery Process
CRM_CLA_FICRM Claims Management: ERP FI Interface
CRM_CS_APIAPI Functions for Mobile Service
CRM_DSD_EQUI_R3PI_OSCRM DSD Plug-In Development Equipment
CRM_EHP_SWITCHESEnhancement Packages: Switches for CRM Functions
CRM_IMGR/3 CRM IMG: General Objects
CRM_IPM_FIIntellectual Property Management - Confirmations from FI
CRM_LEASING_PILeasing: PlugIn Enhancement in Sales for CRM
CRM_MKTPL_PURCHASE_INTEGRATIONPurchase process integration for marketing objects
CRM_MKTTG_EXCHANGEtarget group exchange CRM <-> ERP (for conditions)
CRM_TAX_PLUGINExternal Tax Determination - Global Functions
CRM_TI_INTEG_MAINTrading Industries: CRM Integration
CVCDCRM Vendor Master Data Exchange (Release-Dependent)
CVCICRM Vendor Master Data Exchange
ERP_WEC_ACHPackage for ACH-Structure WEC
ERP_WEC_MAINStructure Package: WebChannel main
IAOM_CRMSERVICECost and Revenue Controlling for CRM Service
IAOM_CRMSERVICE_BWBW Integration for CRM Controlling
IAOM_CRMSERVICE_EXECProcess Integration for CRM Service
IBSSI_CRMISTTransfer of Telco Data
IBSSI_CRMTOTechnical Objects for the IBS Service Industries
IBSSI_CRM_BCONTACTReplication of Customer Contact - Activities
IDPIIntern. Development: Country-specific data exchange with CRM
ISTCRMPIIS-T Telco Objects: External Interfaces
ISX_MDMaster Data Replication for Cross Billing
ISX_PPACC_INTERFACECRM Prepaid data of Business Agreement - external interface
KEC1COPACRM - CO-PA Integration to SD
LATPAvailability Check in R/3 from CRM
MBA_MSR20Mobile Sales for Handheld (R/3) 2.0
MBS_MSRMobile Sales for Handheld (R/3)
MECRPlug-In Enhancements in Purchasing for CRM
PI_CRM_AFSAFS 5.0 Connectivity
PI_CRM_OILPlug-In Objects for Data Exchange CRM/IS-Oil
PI_CRM_SSCIntegration BP Replication for CRM IC (SSC)
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_EH_F Event History.(F for function)
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_EH_SEvent History.(S for structure/ddic)structures
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_FIndividual object and configuration structures (F
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_ONEORDER_Fone order link.(F for function)
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_ONEORDER_Sone order link.(S for structure/ddi)
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_RELATION_FIndividual object and relations -> BUPA , PR
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_RELATION_SIndividual object and relations -> BUPA , PRes
PLUGIN_PROD_IO_SIndividual object and configuration structures
VACASales - Plug-In Enhancement for CRM
VBEREnhancement of Sales Area Data for Customer Records
WEB_INVOICEBilling documents - web application interface
This development package contains no tables.
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