PM01 - HR Funds and Position Management

The development package PM01 contains objects for "HR Funds and Position Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PA-PM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PM01

HRFPM_SMARTFORMSHR-FPM: Use of Smart Forms in Reports
HRP1500DB Table for Infotype 1500
HRP1501DB Table for Infotype 1501
HRP1502DB Table for Infotype 1502
HRP1503DB Table for Infotype 1503
HRP1504DB Table for Infotype 1504
HRP1505DB Table for Infotype 1505
HRP1506DB Table for Infotype 1506
HRP1507DB Table for Infotype 1507
HRP1517DB-Table for Infotype 1517
HRP1518DB Table for Infotype 1518
HRP1519DB Table for Infotype 1519
HRP1520DB Table for Infotype 1520
HRPADP1Additional Data PADP1
HRPADP2Additional Data PADP2
HRPADPMAdditional Data PADPM
HRPMSIMSimulated Payroll Results for HR Funds and Position Mgt
HRPMSIM_INTSelections for Payroll Simulation
HRT1505Table Section of Infotype 1505 (Budgeting Rules)
T7PM2Section of Budget: Currency
T7PM3Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM3_HHierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM4Budget Units
T7PM5Budget Unit Names
T7PM6Expenditure Types
T7PM6_MODefinition of Employee Grouping for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MOTNames of Employee Groupings for Finding Commitment Item
T7PM6_MSGTolerance limits for each expenditure type in payroll
T7PM6_RFIDetermination of Commitment Item
T7PM7Names of Expenditure Types
T7PM8Names of Budget Structure Element Types
T7PM9Financial Year
T7PMAAllowance Catalog
T7PMBAllowance Catalog Name
T7PMDAllowance Name
T7PMEDialog Control
T7PMFSpecial Pay Scale Groups
T7PMGAverage Amounts for Collective Agreements (PSG)
T7PMG_2HR-FPM: Distribution Keys for Default Values
T7PMHCareer Groups
T7PMITime base
T7PMJTexts for Time Reference
T7PMKNames of Budget Structure Elements
T7PMLDetermine Financing Unit per Object Type
T7PMMCombinations of Rules and Budget Structure Element Types
T7PMNValuation of Absence Types
T7PMOCareer Group Names
T7PMPBudget Carry-Forward Method
T7PMSBudget Status Changeover
T7PMS_PM005Table for Feature PM005
T7PMT1System Reactions in HR Funds and Position Management
T7PMT2Name of Results for System Reactions
T7PMUDefault Values for Teaching Hours
T7PMVReasons for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMVTText of Reason for Reducing Teaching Hours
T7PMWTranslation Ratios for Pay Scale Val.
T7PMXFTE Ranges (Maximum)
T7PMXTNames of Maximum FTE Ranges
T7PMY1Combinations of BS Element Types and Budget Positions
T7PMY2Integration of FM and HR-FPM
T7PMY3Commit Handling: Integration of FM and HR-FPM
T7PMY3ACommit Handling Activities
T7PMY3ATNames of Commit Handling Activities
T7PMY4HR-FPM: Involved in Integration
T7PM_DIKEYHR-FPM: Definition of Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_DIKEY_THR-FPM: Texts for Distribution Key for Default Value
T7PM_MOINTHR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping
T7PM_MOINT_THR-FPM: 'Involved in Integration with FI-FM' Grouping Text
T7PM_MOREQHR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required
T7PM_MOREQ_THR-FPM: Texts for Origin of Funds Required Groupings
T7PM_PM003HR-FPM: Origin of Funds Required for Groupings
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