PMIQ_E - Campus Management, original language EN

The development package PMIQ_E contains objects for "Campus Management, original language EN".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PMIQ_MAIN_CORE. It belongs to software component IS-HER-CM-AD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PMIQ_E

HRP1701DB Table for Infotype 1701
HRP1706DB table for infotype 1706
HRP1711DB Table for Infotype 1711
HRP1712DB Table for Infotype 1712
HRP1732DB table for infotype 1732
HRP1742DB table for infotype 1742
HRPAD515Additional Data for PAD515
HRPAD521Additional data for PAD521
PIQDBPEPE0Rule Container to be Checked for Module Booking
PIQDBPEPE1Log Handle/Module Booking ID Assignment
PIQDBPI_PINDEXPerformance Indexes
T7PIQADV_CNTXTYPAdvising Context Type
T7PIQADV_CNTXTYTText Table for Advising Context Type
T7PIQADV_FUNCAdvisor Function
T7PIQADV_FUNCTText table for Advisor Functions
T7PIQAPPLAREA01Application Area in Campus Management
T7PIQAPPLAREA01TApplication Area Text in Campus Management
T7PIQAPPLAREA02Assign Function Module to a Certain Application Area
T7PIQCALCRULEPossible Calculation Rule for Composite Test Results
T7PIQCALCRULETText Table for Possible Calculation Rules
T7PIQCONVERSIONCM: Data Conversions after Upgrades
T7PIQCORRSMType of module correspondence and data related
T7PIQCORRSMTType of module correspondence and data related-Text
T7PIQCPCALCM_IDCalculation Method for Credit Derivation (ID)
T7PIQINFOGRPInfotype Group
T7PIQINFOGRPASGInfotype Group Assignment
T7PIQINVRSNPossible reason codes for invalidating External Test Result
T7PIQINVRSNTPossible reasons for invalidating an External Test Result
T7PIQKEYFREPMTHCalculation Method for Repetitions (Key Figure Assignment)
T7PIQPI_CPPARAConfigure parameters for stored performance indices
T7PIQPI_PIPARADefine Parameters as Performance Index Context
T7PIQPP_ERR_CONFPost Processing : Error Categorization
T7PIQREPMTHCalculation Method for Repetitions
T7PIQREPMTHTCalculation Method for Repetitions (Description)
T7PIQRPRELTYPRelationship type(Student-Related person)
T7PIQRPRELTYPTText table: Relationship type(student-related person)
T7PIQRULECATGRPCM:subrequirement category group
T7PIQRULECATGRPTCM: rule category group description
T7PIQTIMELMTADDRTime limit sequence used for address determination
T7PIQTIMELMTCORRTime limit sequence used for address determination
T7PIQTRSTATTable to hold External Test Result statuses
T7PIQTRSTATTText table to hold External Test Result statuses
T7PIQVISATYPEVisa/Registration Type
T7PIQVISATYPETVisa/Registration Type - Text table
T7PIQ_US_IMMAPMapping table for the test types and implementation filters
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