PMIQ_ES_K12 - SLcM Spain - K12

The development package PMIQ_ES_K12 contains objects for "SLcM Spain - K12".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PMIQ_ES. It belongs to software component IS-HER-CM-ES.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PMIQ_ES_K12

HRP1791DB Table for Infotype 1791
HRP1792DB Table for Infotype 1792
HRP1793DB Table for Infotype 1793
HRP1794DB Table for Infotype 1794
HRT1794Table Part Infotype 1794
T7PIQ_ES_AD_SERAdditional Services table
T7PIQ_ES_AD_SERTAdditional Services text table
T7PIQ_ES_AUTAuthorized table
T7PIQ_ES_AUTTAuthorized text table
T7PIQ_ES_CTYPType of Center table
T7PIQ_ES_CTYPTType of Center text table
T7PIQ_ES_EDU_PREducational Program table
T7PIQ_ES_EDU_PRTEducational Program text table
T7PIQ_ES_FLD_TYTField Type text table
T7PIQ_ES_GENCDGeneric Code table
T7PIQ_ES_GENCDTGeneric Code table
T7PIQ_ES_GRPGrouping table
T7PIQ_ES_GRPTGrouping text table
T7PIQ_ES_ITCPYInfotype Copy
T7PIQ_ES_LA_SECLanguage Section table
T7PIQ_ES_LA_SECTLanguage Section text table
T7PIQ_ES_MG_TYPMagazine Type table
T7PIQ_ES_MG_TYPTMagazine Type text table
T7PIQ_ES_MOD_SPModules for students with special scholar needs table
T7PIQ_ES_MOD_SPTModules for students with special scholar needs text table
T7PIQ_ES_ORG_ATOrganizational Attribute Table
T7PIQ_ES_ORG_ATTOrganizational Attribute Text Table
T7PIQ_ES_PTSGMAssign Seat Groups to Program Types
T7PIQ_ES_RA_REGRange/Regulation rule table
T7PIQ_ES_RA_REGTRange/Regulation rule text table
T7PIQ_ES_SCHTYPSchool Type Table
T7PIQ_ES_SCHTYPTSchool Type Text Table
T7PIQ_ES_SCNATRSchool Nature Table
T7PIQ_ES_SCNATRTSchool Nature Text Table
T7PIQ_ES_SCSTATSchool Status Table
T7PIQ_ES_SCSTATTSchool Status Text Table
T7PIQ_ES_SEATCSeat Category
T7PIQ_ES_SEATCTSeat Category
T7PIQ_ES_SEATGSeat Grouping
T7PIQ_ES_SEATGTSeat Grouping
T7PIQ_ES_SGMAssign Seat Category to Seat Grouping
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