PPH_DDIC - PP on HANA: Dictionary objects

The development package PPH_DDIC contains objects for "PP on HANA: Dictionary objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PPH_MAIN. It belongs to software component PP-MRP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PPH_DDIC

MRP_ACC_SHORTAGEAll shortages that are accepted
MRP_BUFFER_RUNBuffer Run Lock table
MRP_REQ_LINEDate and Quantity Values for Change Requests
MRP_REQ_NOTERequests and Notes for MRP Cockpit
PPHDBVMSETPPH: additional material settings
PPH_CACHE_ITEMSupply demand items and uncovered demand items
PPH_CACHE_MATCache Table Material
PPH_CACHE_MC_TOTSupply Demand Items View Totals for Materials to Order App
PPH_CACHE_PLSEGCache Table Planning Segment
PPH_CACHE_PLT_DTCurrent dates of Plant
PPH_CACHE_PLT_THTime horizons of MRP buffer
PPH_CACHE_SDIVTOSupply Demand Items View Totals
PPH_CACHE_SHRTSTCache Table Shortage Statistics
PPH_CACHE_SUPPLCache Table Supplier
PPH_DBVMPlanning File Entry, MRP Area
PPH_DBVM_TSTAMPTable of last mrp-relevant changes for MRP Apps
PPH_HANA_ACTIVEObjects in Which DB Optimization Is to Be Used
PPH_KBVMPlanning File Entry, MRP Area, MTO
PPH_MRP_ISSUESIssues for materials created by MRP
PPH_PFE_CHANGETable for PFE changes
PPH_PRVMPlanning File Entry, MRP Area, Make-To-Project
SDM_AORSDM Area of Responsibility
SDM_AOR_PROFILEMRP Cockpit Area of Responsibility, assignement of profile
SDM_DEM_PROF01Demand profile for SDM routines
SDM_DEM_PROFILEDemand profile for SDM routines
SDM_DEM_PROF_TDemand profile for SDM routines
SDM_DOS_PROFILEDays of Supply Profile
SDM_DOS_PROF_TDays of Supply Profile
SDM_MSH_PROF01Material Shortage definition for SDM routines
SDM_MSH_PROF01_TMaterial Shortage definition for SDM routines
SDM_MSH_PROFILEMaterial Shortage profile for SDM routines
SDM_MSH_PROF_TMaterial Shortage profile for SDM routines
SDM_REC_PROF01Receipt profile for SDM routines
SDM_REC_PROFILEReceipt profile for SDM routines
SDM_REC_PROF_TReceipt profile for SDM routines
TTPFKFunctions for Vendor Contact Persons
TTPFK_CUSTOMERFunctions for Customer Contact Persons
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