PTRP - Travel Planning

The development package PTRP contains objects for "Travel Planning".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package PTRAVEL. It belongs to software component FI-TV-PL.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PTRP

FTPT_A_CAR_PREFPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_CAR_PREF (Temp.)
FTPT_A_FARE_COMPPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_FARE_COMP (Temp.)
FTPT_A_FARE_NOTEPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_FARE_NOTE (Temp.)
FTPT_A_FL_FCMPPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMP (Temp.)
FTPT_A_FL_LEGPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_FLIGHT_LEG (Temp.)
FTPT_A_FL_PREFPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_FLIGHT_PREF (Temp.)
FTPT_A_HTL_PREFPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_HOTEL_PREF (Temp.)
FTPT_A_OTHERPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_OTHER (Temp.)
FTPT_A_PNRPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_PNR (Temp.)
FTPT_A_PNR_ADDRPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_PNR_ADDRESS (Temp.)
FTPT_A_PNR_NAMEPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_PNR_NAME (Temp.)
FTPT_A_PNR_OSIPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_PNR_OSI (Temp.)
FTPT_A_PNR_PHONEPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_PNR_PHONE (Temp.)
FTPT_A_SYNCDATAPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_SYNC_DATA (Temp.)
FTPT_A_TRN_PREFPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_TRAIN_PREF (Temp.)
FTPT_A_VAR_INFOPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from FTPT_VAR_INFO (Temp.)
FTPT_CARTravel Request Item - Car Rental Service
FTPT_CAR_PREFRental car service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_FARE_COMPRate components
FTPT_FLIGHTTravel Request Item - Flight Service
FTPT_FLIGHT_FAREAssignment table: flights <-> rate components
FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMPAssignment table: flights <-> rate components
FTPT_FLIGHT_LEGLeg of flight
FTPT_FLIGHT_PREFFlight service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTTicket information
FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTKTicket Information
FTPT_HOTELTravel Request Item - Hotel Service
FTPT_HOTEL_PREFHotel service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_ITEMTravel Service Request Item
FTPT_PLANGeneral Plan Data
FTPT_PNRElements of passenger name records of travel plan variant
FTPT_PNR_ADDRESSPNR delivery / billing addresses
FTPT_PNR_NAMEName element of PNR
FTPT_PNR_OSIOther PNR service information
FTPT_PNR_PHONEPNR telephone references
FTPT_PNR_SSRSpecial PNR service requests
FTPT_QT_ALTERNQuicktrip Trip Alternative
FTPT_QT_BPROFILEQuicktrip Reservation Profile
FTPT_QT_CARQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
FTPT_QT_FLIGHTQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
FTPT_QT_HOTELQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
FTPT_QT_ITEMQuicktrip Travel Service Request Item
FTPT_QT_QTRIPQuicktrip Trip
FTPT_REQUESTTravel Plan Requests
FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNTTravel Request Cost Assignment
FTPT_REQ_ADVANCETravel Request Advance
FTPT_REQ_HEADFramework Data of Travel Request
FTPT_REQ_REASONReason for Travel Request
FTPT_SERVICEGeneral Services
FTPT_TM_MEMOMemo table for Travel Management
FTPT_TRAINTravel Request Item - Train Service
FTPT_TRAIN_PREFTrain service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_VARIANTTable of Travel Plan Variants
FTPT_VAR_INFOInfo texts for travel plan variants
PA0468HR master record for infotype 0468
PA0469HR master record for infotype 0469
PA0470HR master record infotype 0470 (travel profiles)
PA0471HR master record infotype 0471 (flight preferences)
PA0472HR master record infotype 0472 (hotel preferences)
PA0473HR master record infotype 0473 (rental car preferences)
PA0474HR master record infotype 0474 (train preferences)
PA0475HR master record infotype 0475 (customer programs)
TA20AAPI Server Access Parameters
TA20BControl Variant for Travel Planning
TA20B1Control Variants - Travel Planning (Language-Dependent)
TA20BAAccess Parameters of User Groups per Reservation System
TA20BHDisplayable Hotel Rates of User Groups
TA20BPRProvider-Specific Reservation Systems
TA20CEnterprise-Specific Travel Service Categories
TA20C1Enterprise-Spec. Travel Service Categories (Language-Dep.)
TA20CORPIDCompany Specific Contract for Negotiated Airfares
TA20CORPID1Company Specific Contract for Negotiated Airfares
TA20DBAccess Parameters for Deutsche Bahn via API
TA20FINALMESSAGEStrategic Settings for Travel Planning
TA20GDS_CODESAssignment of SAP Codes to GDS Codes
TA20HHMaximum Rates for Hotel Stay
TA20HH1Maximum Rates for Hotel Stay
TA20IH_MAILInternal Mail
TA20K1Reasons (Language-Dependent)
TA20LBTrees (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
TA20LB1Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning, Lang.-Depend.)
TA20LBEZTree Structure (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
TA20LETree Node (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
TA20LE1Tree Node (Language-Dependent)
TA20LOGGDSLogical Global Reservation System
TA20LOGGDS_TEXTLogical Global Reservation System
TA20LTCurrent Settings for Travel Planning Control Variants
TA20LT1Current Settings for Control Variant (Language-Dependent)
TA20NCNegotiated rental car rates (corporate nego rates)
TA20NC1Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent)
TA20NCRNegotiated Car Rental Rates
TA20NCR1Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)
TA20NEGOFNegotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)
TA20NEGOF1Negotiated Flight Fares (Language-Dependent)
TA20NFNegotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)
TA20NF1Negotiated flight fares (language-dependent)
TA20NHNegotiated hotel rates (corporate nego rates)
TA20NH1Negotiated hotel rates (language-dependent)
TA20NHCNegotiated Hotel Rates
TA20NHC1Negotiated Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)
TA20NHSNegotiated Hotel Rates (Nego Rates) with Catalog Hotel
TA20NRADDAdditional Info for Negotiated Rates and Discounts
TA20NRCDiscount Agreement for Rental Car Usage
TA20NREXExceptions to Negotiated Rates
TA20NRFDiscount Agreement for Flights
TA20NRHDiscount Agreement for Hotel Accommodations
TA20NRHSDiscount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel)
TA20OSales offices
TA20O1Sales offices (language-dependent)
TA20OFFICEReservation System-Specific Sales Offices
TA20OFFICE_AS0Assignment of Fulfillment Sales Offices
TA20OFFICE_FINDAccess Parameters per Group ID - Sales Office Determination
TA20OFFICE_FIND1Specify Access Parameters per Group ID
TA20OFFICE_TEXTSales Offices (Language-Dependent)
TA20OZResubmission (queue) of sales offices
TA20PTravel profiles
TA20P1Travel Profiles (Language-Dependent)
TA20PFTravel Profiles - Methods of Payment
TA20PHCAssignment Table of Hotel Catalog Items for Travel Profiles
TA20PITrip Rule
TA20PI1Trip Rule (Language-Dependent)
TA20PICCar Rental Trip Rule
TA20PIFFlight Trip Rule
TA20PIHHotel Trip Rule
TA20PPIAssignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles
TA20PPPPriority of Trip Rules
TA20PPP1Priorities of Trip Rules (Language-Dependent)
TA20PPTAssignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles
TA20PPZMessage handling: chosen priority with top priority
TA20PPZ1Message handling (language-dependent)
TA20PSClass Rule
TA20PS1Class Rule (Language-Dependent)
TA20PSCClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Car Rental)
TA20PSFClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Flight)
TA20PSHClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Hotel)
TA20PSTClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Train)
TA20PVPSetting for Lowest Fare Availability Search
TA20QDefine Queues of Sales Offices
TA20Q_ASGProcessing Types of Fulfillment Sales Offices
TA20Q_CATDefine Queue Categories of Sales Office
TA20RTrip activity type - Travel Planning
TA20R1Trip activity type - Travel Planning (language-dependent)
TA20REBFDiscount Agreement for Flights
TA20RMRKCompany-Specific PNR Elements
TA20ROUTERoutes for Airfares and Discounts
TA20ROUTINGRoutes for Airfares and Discounts
TA20RTGRoute Segments for Routings for Airfares and Discounts
TA20RTG_GGeographical Description of a Route Segment
TA20RTG_PRoute Segment Provider
TA20RTG_RBooking Classes for Route Segment
TA20SUBSCRPTDefine Access Parameters for Reservation System
TA20SUBSCRPT_ASGLogon to External Reservation System per Sales Office
TA20SWITCHGlobal Control Parameters
TA20WIZARDStrategic Settings for Travel Planning
TA20WWWWWW Link Catalog for Information Sources
TA20WWW1WWW LInk Catalog for Information Sources (Language-Depend.)
TA20_SWITCHGlobal Control Parameters
TA21CARental Car Classes
TA21CA1Rental Car Classes (Language-Dependent)
TA21CARRental Car Rate
TA21CAR1Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)
TA21CAZAssignment car rental classes - booking specifications
TA21HHotel Rates
TA21H1Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)
TA21HORoom category
TA21HO1Room category (language-dependent)
TA21HOZAssignment Room Category - Class Rule
TA21LIATA Locations
TA21L1IATA Locations (Language-Dependent)
TA21OAOffice Activity
TA21PTravel Service Providers
TA21PFProvider-Specific Customer Programs
TA21PFAAssignment of Customer Programs to Additional Providers
TA21PHCustomer-Specific Hotel Catalog
TA21PHCHotel Codes of a Catalog Hotel in Reservation System
TA21R1Regions (Language-Dependent)
TA21RHRegion Hierarchy
TA21RZCAssignment: Country-Subdividing Region to Location
TA21RZLAssignment: Region of Several Countries to Country
TA22AAssignment table expense code - service category
TA22BAssignment trip schema - travel plan type
TA22CIATA RBD assignment
TA22CERBD assignment of airline exceptions
TA22CEXCRBD Assignment of Airline Exceptions
TA22EQUEquipment Types
TA22PRFRPricing Functionality Restrictions
TA22RSASTART: Train Attributes
TA22RSA1START: Train Attributes (Lang.-Dependent)
TA22RSFSTART: Error Messages
TA22RSF1START: Error Messages (Language-Dependent)
TA22RSSSTART: Train Stations
TA22RSSYSTART: Train Station Synonyms
TA22STAmadeus: status flight/car rental/hotel
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