PUN_CMT - CMT: Non Profit Organizations (NPO)

The development package PUN_CMT contains objects for "CMT: Non Profit Organizations (NPO)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCUN. It belongs to software component PY-NPO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PUN_CMT

T7UNCMTC_TRFGBCustomizing table for Personnel SubArea and Employee Group
T7UNCMT_CITYCMT Interface: Country
T7UNCMT_CNTYCMT Interface: Country
T7UNCMT_CONFTConfiguration of Valid Types for CMT Import
T7UNCMT_CURRCMT Interface: Country
T7UNCMT_DEPACMT Interface: Dependency Allowed
T7UNCMT_DSUnited Nations CMT Duty Station
T7UNCMT_DS1PCMT Interface : Duty Station
T7UNCMT_DSHLCMT Interface: Duty Station Holiday
T7UNCMT_DSSGCMT Interface: Staff Assessment Grade Range
T7UNCMT_DUTXCMT Interface: Duty Station
T7UNCMT_DUTYCMT Interface: Duty Station
T7UNCMT_EGENCMT Interface: Education Grant Entitlement
T7UNCMT_EXCHCMT Interface: Exchange Rate
T7UNCMT_HDSCCMT Hardship Classification
T7UNCMT_HDSPCMT Hardship Element
T7UNCMT_HRDCCMT Hardship Classification
T7UNCMT_HSFACMT Interface: Hardship Element
T7UNCMT_LNGACMT Interface: Language Allowance
T7UNCMT_LOADSCMT Deliveries Loads Executed
T7UNCMT_MAPMapping of XML Names
T7UNCMT_MBFACMT Interface: Mobility Element
T7UNCMT_MBLTCMT Interface: Mobility Element
T7UNCMT_NNRMCMT Interface: Non-Removal Element
T7UNCMT_NRFACMT Interface: Non Removal Element
T7UNCMT_PADJCMT Interface: Post Adjustment
T7UNCMT_PCATMCMT Payscale Category Mapping
T7UNCMT_PENRCMT Interface: Pensionable Renumeration
T7UNCMT_RETROTriggers for Retrocalculation
T7UNCMT_RET_PERPernr that needs Retrocalculation
T7UNCMT_RGNTCMT Interface: Repatriation Grant
T7UNCMT_RMBRCMT Interface: Reimbursible Percentage
T7UNCMT_RMXRCMT Interface: Rental Subsidy Maximum Rent
T7UNCMT_RNGRCMT Interface: Rental Subsidy Global Reference
T7UNCMT_RNSECMT Interface: Subsidy/Deduction Entitlement
T7UNCMT_RNTECMT Interface: Subsidy/Deduction Entitlement
T7UNCMT_SACIDCMT Category ID for Staff and Salary Assessment
T7UNCMT_SACIDMCMT Map Staff and Salary Assessment Category Code
T7UNCMT_SACIDTCMT Category ID for Staff and Salary Assessment
T7UNCMT_STFACMT Interface: Salary and Staff Assessment
T7UNCMT_TRFAR_GBCustomizing table for Payscale Area and Payscale Type
T7UNCMT_XREFDutystation Crossreference
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