The development package RSO_TLOGO contains objects for "BI TLOGO Framework".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package RSO_MAIN. It belongs to software component BW-WHM-MTD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package RSO_TLOGO

RSBWLADummy Table for TLOGO Object BWLA (Language Import)
RSDDSTATBCACTBW Statistics: Activate Business Content
RSOA1SUPGBUFFERBW Upgrade Buffer for BYD Systems
RSOBEXREQUESTBEx Requests for Special Development Classes
RSOBJS_DISP_PARSObject Services: Display Parameter
RSOBJS_INIT_PRMSObject Services: Init Parameters
RSOBJS_INIT_TEXTObject Services: Texts for the Objects
RSOBJS_OBJ_TYPESObject Services: Object Types
RSOBJS_OBJ_TYPETObject Services: Texts of Object Types
RSOBJS_OBJ_VIEWSObject Services: Views of the Individual Object Types
RSOBJS_OBJ_VIEWTObject Services: Text Table for Object Types
RSOBJS_UNIONObject Servces: Unions (Combin. of individual OBJ_TYPES)
RSOCONTCHNGABLEChangeable Objects in Customer/ Partner Content System
RSOOBJXREFTLOGO Framework, Where-Used Lists
RSOOBJXREF_HANATLOGO Framework, Where-Used for HANA Objects in BW
RSOTLOGOCOPYCopying TLOGO Objects (Old and New Names)
RSOTLOGOEXECAutomatic Execution of TLOGO Objects
RSOTLOGOHISTORYTable of Metadata Object Versions
RSOTLOGOIMPACTTLOGO Object Relationships for Impact Analysis
RSOTLOGONSPDELDelivery and Customer Namespaces for BW Content
RSOTLOGOXMLALIASAliases for better readability of TLOGO XML
RSOTLOGOXREFCFGRelationships of BI TLOGO Objs for Generic Where-Used List
RSO_CNT_STATE_ATLOGO Framework Status of Active Content Objects
RSO_CNT_STATE_DTLOGO Framework Status of Delivered Objects
RSO_TECH_CONTENTTechnical Content: Changeability...
RSTLOGOHISTCUSTAutomatic Historical TLOGO Versions
RSTPCHECKEXCException Table: Before Export Check
RSTPCHECKEXEMPTExcemption table for IMPORT ALL interrupt handling
RSTRACTIVEBW CTO Status - Content Can Not Be Changed
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