RSZ - BEx query definition server

The development package RSZ contains objects for "BEx query definition server".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BW_CORE_META_DATA. It belongs to software component BW-BEX-ET.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package RSZ

RSZCALCDefinition of a formula element
RSZCELQuery Designer: Directory of Cells
RSZCHANGESChange history of reporting components
RSZCOMPDIRDirectory of reporting components
RSZCOMPEXTPriorities with Element Collisions
RSZCOMPICAssignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
RSZCOMPMAPDirectory of component mappings
RSZCOMPTREEHierarchical Display of Reusable Query Components
RSZCOMPTREETXTHierarchical Display of Reusable Query Components (texts)
RSZELTATTRAttribute selection per dimension element
RSZELTDIRDirectory of the reporting component elements
RSZELTPRIOPriorities with element collisions
RSZELTPROPElement properties (settings)
RSZELTTXTTexts of reporting component elements
RSZELTTXT_MULTIMultiline Texts from Reporting Components and Elements
RSZELTXREFDirectory of query element references
RSZGLOBVGlobal Variables in Reporting
RSZOPRATORFormula Operators
RSZOPRATXTTexts of the formula operators
RSZRANGESelection specification for an element
RSZSELECTSelection properties of an element
RSZTECHNAMEUnique Technical Name for Query Component in SAP Content
RSZTREESTRTXTText for Tree Items
RSZTREESTRUCTURETable with Example Description of a Tree Structure
RSZW30ITEMSLOCALConversion of Chart Settings from BW 3.0 to BW 3.5
RSZW30ITEMSREUSEConversion of Chart Settings from BW 3.0 to BW 3.5
RSZWBOOKMARKHeader Table of the Bookmarks
RSZWITEMHeader Table for BW Web Items
RSZWITEMATTRAttribute Table of the Items (Contains Search Attributes)
RSZWITEMDATABW Web Item Data (7.0)+
RSZWITEMXREFCross-Reference Table of the Items
RSZW_FAVO_URLConversion: URLs for Roles
RSZW_MINI_URLConversion: URLs for MiniApps
RSZW_ROLE_URLConversion: URLs for Roles
RSZW_WBITEMSTable of Deleted BDS Items and Views
RSZW_WBPAGESTable of Deleted BDS Templates
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