SALE - Application Link Enabling

The development package SALE contains objects for "Application Link Enabling".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-MID-ALE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SALE

BDAUDQUEUEALE Audit queue for unprocessed IDocs
BDAUDSTATEStatistical key figures for the ALE Audit
BDEOIO_INEOIO: Queue Management in IDoc Inbound Processing
BDEOIO_OUTEOIO: Queue Management in IDoc Outbound Processing
BDLSCCALE Basis Customizing Data: Items to Be Checked
BDLSCCSStatus of ALE Basis Customizing Data Check
BDLSCCTText for Items to Be Checked
BDLSCHECKAnalysis of Logical Systems in System
BDLSCOUNTALLItem for Conversion of Logical System Names
BDLSEXTHandling of Special Objects for Conversion (SAP Objects)
BDLSEXZHandling of Specific Objects for Conversion (Customer Objs)
BDLSHDRHeader Data for Conversion of Logical System Names
BDLSLOGAdditional Information for Conversion
BDLSPOSItem for Conversion of Logical System Names
BDRGINALE: Inbound Channel Registry
BDRGOUTALE: Outbound Channel Registry
BDSERSerialization Time: Last Date at Sender for Each Object
EDADMEVENTAlternative to Event Codes
EDBDMSKYEDI/ALE: Map CCMS Key to IDoc Attributes
EDPO_QUEUE_EOIOIDoc: Rules for Setting Up Queue Names for IDoc EOIO
TBD00Views of customer model
TBD00TShort Description of View of Distribution Model
TBD03Communication relation between systems
TBD05Distribution model for message types
TBD06Distribution model for methods
TBD10ALE: IDoc fields in ALE object
TBD11ALE Object Type
TBD12Mapping message type -> serialization and link type
TBD13Organizational units to be converted in IDoc fields
TBD14Message type -> object type
TBD16Filter objects for methods
TBD17Dependencies between message types
TBD18Object type: Attributes for receiver determination
TBD19Hierarchical dependencies between BAPI tables
TBD20ALE: data for IDoc projection filter
TBD21ALE: IDoc reduction
TBD22ALE: mapping IDoc fields to change document fields
TBD23ALE: definition of mandatory segments/fields
TBD24ALE: IDOC reduction flagged with positive logic
TBD30ALE: Conversion rules for IDoc segments
TBD32Dependencies between methods
TBD33Dependencies between methods and message types
TBD40Assign Message Types to Serialization Group
TBD41Inbound processing of serialization group
TBD51Attributes of IDoc inbound function modules
TBD52Function modules for inbound ALE-EDI
TBD53ALE: Object Channel Serialization: Message Type of Bus. Obj.
TBD54ALE:Object Channel Serializ: Supported Business Object Types
TBD55ALE: Object type serialization : Inbound control
TBD55_EOIOEOIO Processing: Activation in Inbound Processing
TBD56ALE: Object type serialization : Outbound control
TBD61Definition of System for Conversion
TBD611Definition of Conversion Matrix for System
TBD61BLogging for Conversion Data
TBDBEBAPI-ALE Interface for Inbound Processing
TBDBHMapping Single BAPI Parameters to Header Segment Types
TBDBRDistribution Model: BAPI Reduction
TBDBRFDistribution Model: Fields in Reduced Parameter
TBDBRMFBAPI Reduction: Mandatory Fields in Parameters
TBDBSMapping BAPI structure to segment types
TBDFAMapping of Application Module to ALE Interface
TBDLILists for a logical system
TBDLTLists for a logical system for ALE distribution
TBDMEALE supplement data for EDI message type
TBDMOALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group Definition
TBDMO_DETALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group Definition Details
TBDMSAssignment of message type to IDoc type
TBDRCSTATEObjects in recovery environment (ALE)
TBDSESerialization groups
TBDSETText of serialization group
TBDSSMapping of Segments to DDIC Structures
TBDTPALE Template: Model Views
TBDTPBALE Template: BAPI Interfaces
TBDTPBDFALE Template: Parameter Filtering for BAPIs
TBDTPBDRALE Template: Reduction for BAPIs
TBDTPBDRFALE Template: Fields in Reduced Parameter
TBDTPBRALE Template: Receiver Determination for BAPIs
TBDTPMALE Template: Message Type Interfaces
TBDTPMDALE Template: Data Filters for Message Types
TBDTPPALE Template: Partner Systems
TBDTPPTALE Template: Short Description of Partner Systems
TBDTPTALE Template: Short Description
TBDTPVALE Template: Variables
TBDTPVTALE Template: Variable Names
TBLSYSDESTRFC Destination of Logical System
TBSPECDESTSpecial RFC destinations for synchronous calls
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