SCWN - Note Management

The development package SCWN contains objects for "Note Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-UPG-NA.

Child development packages of SCWN

Development Package
SCWN_NANote Assistant Package

Tables for development package SCWN

CWBCICATTRAttributes set by customer for correction instructions
CWBCICONFIRMLOCCorrection Instruction: Confirmation Non-Transportable Act.
CWBCIDATACompressed data on correction instructions
CWBCIDATAOBJCompressed data on correction instructions
CWBCIDPNDCDependencies of correction instructions
CWBCIFIXEDDelivery event processed correction instructions
CWBCIHEADHeader data for correction instructions
CWBCIINVLDRelease interval for which corr. instructions are invalid
CWBCIOBJObject list of correction instructions with TADIR key
CWBCIVALIDValidity table for correction instructions
CWBCMLASTSoftware component last update
CWBCMPNTSoftware components
CWBCMTEXTSoftware components short text
CWBDEEQUIVEquivalent delivery events (a is included in b)
CWBDEHEADDelivery event (release/Support Package)
CWBDEPRDCPredecessor of a delivery event
CWBDETRACKDelivery track
CWBMODILOGLog of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
CWBNTAPPLOGAssignment to application log
CWBNTCIAssignment of Note to correction instructions
CWBNTCONTData container for release data on the SAP Note
CWBNTCUSTCustomer attribute for Note
CWBNTDATACompressed data for OSS Notes
CWBNTFIXEDSAP Note completed by delivery event
CWBNTGATTRTable for Any Note Attributes
CWBNTHEADHeader table for OSS Notes in customer systems
CWBNTLOGAssignment to log file
CWBNTMSGSAP Notes Message Log
CWBNTSTATTTexts: Processing Status of SAP Notes
CWBNTSTATVFixed Values for Processing Status
CWBNTSTXTShort Text for Note
CWBNTVALIDValidity table for Notes
CWBPRSTATTTexts Implementation Status
CWBPRSTATVImplementation Status of SAP Notes
CWBRFCUSROverwrite RFC Connection for Certain Users
CWB_DWNLD_FTYPESAP Note file type to be downloaded(Signed or Unsigned)
CWB_DWNLD_PROCSAP NOTE Download procedure configuration
CWB_DWNLD_TYPENote file type to be downloaded(Signed or Unsigned)
SRESETLOG2Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
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